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Branding Activities for Deccan Herald

Goa|s through brand|ng act|v|t|es

-lncrease ln sales (clrculaLlon readershlp)
- reference bulldlng and dlfferenLlaLlon from compeLlLors
- 8ulldlng a loyal cusLomer base
- Lnabllng of prlce premlum because of lLs unlqueness
- lncrease ln enLerprlse value
-Speclflc brandlng for dlfferenL cusLomer segmenLs
-Speclflc brandlng for dlfferenL plaLforms
Determining our Brand's Objectives
Critical to eIIective brand management is the clear deIinition oI the brand's
audience and the objectives that the brand needs to achieve.
s a newspaper we wanL Lo create a brand that |s strong cred|b|e
contemporary and pos|t|ve and th|s |s the most |mportant part re|evant Lo
our readers llves
1he readers we have now and Lhe ones we wanL Lo culLlvaLe
nowing what people think and feel when they see our newspaper's brand is
more important than ever..
Jhat character|zes the newspaper are |ts name good reputat|on constant re|evance to the
readers through |ts content qua||ty |n |ts |ook and |ts strategy strong|y supported by
commun|cat|on 1hose are the e|ements wh|ch create the brand of newspaper
o we need to rev|ew the brand |n the context of sh|ft |n soc|a| econom|c and po||t|ca|
JlLh lncreaslng medla fragmenLaLlon and compeLlLlon we need Lo deflne and undersLand our
brand beLLer and communlcaLe lL clearly and convlnclngly
8rands shlfL as consumer preferences change buL lL usually happens slowly lLhough Lhe brand
message can and should be modlfled over Llme a good brand ls sLable and endurlng because
consumers baslc bellefs and personal values evolve gradually SLrong brands should be aLLached
Lo deepseaLed values noL Lhe passlng Lrends
newspapers have Lo be Lhe brand before Lhey can effecLlvely markeL lL ln oLher words a
producL llke a newspaper closely engages people boLh lnLellecLually and emoLlonally ConLenL
whaLs ln Lhe paper and SLyle how lL ls presenLed are Lhe prlmary deLermlnanLs of brand
1here may also be opporLunlLles ln oLher areas such as servlce for example around whlch Lo
develop a relevanL and meanlngful brand
hat I'm suggesting is that newspaper assign more oI their resources to ensuring its brand image
is in good standing and that the paper is doing all that it can to inject itselI into arenas that would
reIlect positively on the paper.

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