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(l) All vessels musL be provlded wlLh efflclenL maln and auxlllary sLeerlng gear of power operaLed Lype
An auxlllary gear ls noL requlred lf Lhe maln gear ls provlded wlLh dupllcaLe power unlLs and dupllcaLe
connecLlons up Lo Lhe rudder sLock

(2)1he vessel musL have means provlded Lo allow sLeerlng from a poslLlon afL

(3)1wo Llllers or Lhelr equlvalenL are requlred unless Lhe worklng Llller ls of speclal deslgn and sLrengLh

(4)ower operaLed gears musL be flLLed wlLh a devlce Lo relleve shock

(3)Any lead connecLlons sLeam hydraullc or elecLrlc should be lndependenL Lo Lhe gear only SLeam and
exhausL plplng musL be efflclenLly dralned elecLrlc leads and fuses are Lo allow 100 overload

(6) Movlng parLs of sLeerlng gears should be guarded Lo avold ln[ury Lo personnel

(7)Pydraullc sysLems should employ non freezlng fluld

(8)A clear vlew from Lhe sLeerlng poslLlon ls requlred and Lhe wheel Lell Lale lndlcaLors and rudder
movemenL musL correspond ln Lhe correcL amounL and ln Lhe correcL dlrecLlon for Lhe shlps head

(9)CperaLlng Lrlals should be carrled ouL on sLeerlng gears Lo ascerLaln degree of acLlon Llme of
operaLlon angle of heel aL speed eLc

lL should be noLed LhaL Lhe sLeerlng gear should have a reasonably qulck acLlon as an lndlcaLlon full
porL Lo full sLarboard rudder movemenL should Lake place ln abouL 30 s wlLh vessel aL speed

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