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Match the boxes.

1. doctor and nurse

2. student and teacher
3. dolls and ballons
4. bread
5. a lot of books
6. money
7. hamburger and coke
8. flowers and seeds
9. films and actors
10. pills and aspirin

a. pharmacy
b. bookshop
next to – a cross from - on the corner of - c. school
e. restaurant
f. videos
g. hospital
h. bakery
i. toy shop
• The hospital is ________________ the pharmacy.
j. flowery shop
• The church is __________________ fire station.
k. bank
• The The doctor’s office is _________________ the gas
• The videos shop is _________________ the bakery and
gas station.
• The toy shop is ____________________ Third Avenue and Mackerel Boulevard.
• The city park is _____________________ library.
• The restaurant is ________________ city 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A: How do I get to the city jail?

B: OK.Walk pass the drug store and take the second right.It is a croos from the bakery.

A: Where is the school?

B: OK.__________________________________________________________________

A: Is there a restaurant near here,please?

B: Yes,there is. __________________________________________________________
A: Where is the school?
B: ____________________________________________________________________


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