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The gigant anteater

The Giant Anteater is the largest anteaters. Her hair is very hard and bristly like
a broom. Their fur is of different colors ranging from white to black (shades of gray) and
her hair is too long.
t has strong claws like all his relatives, are so long that he has to walk on their
knuckles. The claws used to break as few nests of mud where termites live are his
food. The claws also serve asdefense against predators.
Giant anteaters live from Venezuela to northern Argentina, but its territory is
getting smaller.

Giant anteaters have no breeding season so the young are bornat any time of
year. Females only have one calf every 190 dayshave mated.

The Giant Anteater is endangered by deforestation mainlybecause it is not hunted.

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