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SocIuI neLworkIng und smurLpIones wIII pIuy un uII-ImporLunL roIe In LIe youLI murkeLIng und

medIu Lrends Ior zo11, us LIey Iuve become purL oI LIe youLI IIIesLyIe und cuILure. TIe IoIIowIng
Lrends wIII muke IL eusy Lo see wIy LIey ure und wIII conLInue Lo be u domInunL Iorce In LIe youLI
murkeL Ior LIe yeur zo11 und b
19.01.11 01:00pm00
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1. SocIuI medIu
zo11 wIII see more youLI becomIng uddIcLed Lo socIuI neLworkIng und more compunIes LurgeLIng
LIe youLI LIrougI LIIs meuns, due Lo ILs greuL vIruI eIIecL.
z. SmurLpIones
SLundurd pIones cunnoL IuIIy cuLer Lo LIe onIIne und socIuI neLworkIng cruvIng oI LIe youLI und,
us more compunIes und unIversILIes InLroduce poIIcIes LIuL IImIL LIe use oI socIuI neLworkIng sILes
durIng LIe duyJworkIng Iours, LIIs Ius Ied Lo more youLI jumpIng onLo LIe smurLpIone
bundwugon us u meuns oI counLerIng LIese resLrIcLIons.
. Apps
WILI AppIe uIone IuvIng over oo ooo uppIIcuLIons Lo cIoose Irom und IL IuvIng opened ILs
AppIe Muc uppIIcuLIon sLore on 6 Junuury zo11 - wILI over one mIIIIon upps downIouded In one
duy - und wILI uII LIe new upps Ior LIe LubIeLs, we cun expecL zo11 Lo be u yeur oI upps.
q. BBM
BBM - BIuckBerry Messenger - Ius Luken LIe youLI murkeL by sLorm, und IL Is eusy Lo see wIy
RM Is one oI LIe IusLesL growIng compunIes In LIe worId. TIe youLI Iove sIurIng und sLuyIng
connecLed und LIIs Is wIuL BBM does, enubIIng LIem Lo sIure LIrougI InsLunL messugIng (M).
. MobIIe commerce
TIe youLI ure geLLIng bIg on ceIIpIone bunkIng und mukIng puymenLs vIu LIeIr ceIIpIones, so
zo11 wIII see more youLI doIng mobIIe LrunsucLIons.
6. MobIIe IeurnIng
TIe Increuse In LIe number oI youLI wILI smurLpIones und LIe Increuse In LIe LIme spenL onIIne
wIII Ieud Lo more InsLILuLIons und educuLIonuI Ieuds IookIng InLo conveyIng some oI LIeIr
educuLIonuI muLerIuI LIrougI ceIIpIones, us u wuy oI mukIng educuLIon reIevunL Lo LIe youLI
cuILure und IIIesLyIe.
;. OnIIne udverLIsIng
zo11 wIII see u conLInued rIse In onIIne udverLIsIng, LurgeLIng LIe youLI, Irom boLI IocuI und
InLernuLIonuI perspecLIves. ConsequenLIy, we cun expecL Lo see un Increuse In onIIne udverLIsIng
spend LurgeLIng LIe youLI.
8. CorporuLe socIuI websILes
We ure goIng Lo see u rIse In websILe InLegruLIon Ior compunIes or brunds LIuL ure LurgeLIng LIe
youLI murkeL. PrevIousIy, websILes were uII ubouL LIe compuny; Iowever, LIe new sIIIL Ius seen u
cIunge Lo cuLer Lo LIe dIuIogue wILI LIe youLI und encouruge LIem mosLIy Lo "IoIIow" LIrougI
TwILLer Ieeds und "connecL" LIrougI ucebook Iun puges.
q. BIoggIng
zo11 wIII see LIe rIse In LIe number oI youLI bIoggers, wIo wIII posL opInIons ubouL producLs und
brunds, und, wILI LIIs kInd oI socIuI ucLIvIsm on LIe rIse, LIIs Is reuIIy goIng Lo keep u IoL oI
compunIes on LIeIr IeeL.
1o. TubIeLs
or LIe eurIy udopLers und LIose LIuL cun uIIord IL, LIe IIkes oI LIe AppIe IPud und LIe BIuckberry
PIuybook ure goIng Lo be LIe musL-Iuve LecI gudgeLs.
WILI HewIeLL-Puckurd unnouncIng ILs own webOS-bused PuImPud, we cun be sure Lo expecL u
decreuse In prIce oI LIe gudgeLs on LIe IocuI murkeL und more youLI beIng ubIe Lo uIIord und
LukIng up LIese gudgeLs.
11. WIII IoL spoLs
WIII IoLspoLs wIII uLLrucL more youLI us LIey sLrIve Lo sLuy connecLed, even wIen LIey ure ouL und
ubouL. We ure LIereIore goIng Lo see more cuIes und resLuurunLs cuLerIng Lo LIIs by enubIIng wIII
on LIeIr premIses - IL's no Ionger jusL wIuL you Iuve on your menu, buL ruLIer II you cun sLuy
connecLed wIIIe you euL undJor drInk.

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