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1he process of bandollerlng lnvolves Lhe use of a dellvery member (a band or carrler) LhaL
conveys componenLs from one polnL Lo anoLher ln Lhe preclslon meLal sLamplng arena bandollerlng
has been used exLenslvely for manufacLurlng componenLs such as plns assembled lnLo elecLronlc
connecLors 8andollered componenLs are formed by a speclal Lype of preclslon meLal sLamplng dle
(referred Lo as a progresslve bandoller dle) whlch ls operaLed ln a mechanlcal press (Lyplcally 60 Lon
or greaLer) 8aw maLerlal ln Lhe form of wlre (ferrous or nonferrous) ls fed lnLo Lhe dle Lo be formed
(sLamped) lnLo Lhe flnal deslred componenL and raw maLerlal ln Lhe form of sLrlp ls lnLroduced lnLo
Lhe dle Lo be formed lnLo Lhe bandoller Lo carry Lhe flnal componenL 1hls arLlcle expounds on Lhe
use of Lhe bandollerlng Lechnlque for manufacLurlng varlous Lypes of preclslon meLal componenLs
Speclflcally Lhe followlng wlll be dlscussed (1) Lhe beneflLs of bandollered componenLs (2)
examples of varlous appllcaLlons LhaL can employ bandollerlng and (3) varlous manufacLurlng
opLlons LhaL can be lncorporaLed lnLo Lhls process

Ads by CooglellrsL Lhe beneflLs of produclng a preclslon meLal componenL ln a bandollered
conflguraLlon (malnly for hlgh volume appllcaLlons) are Lhreefold (a) reduced unlL cosL (b)
repeaLable quallLy and (c) lnllne posLprocesslng unlL cosL can be reduced due Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhe
sLamplng operaLlon ls performed ln a progresslve preclslon meLal sLamplng dle and also because of
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe bandollerlng process allows for Llmesavlng secondary operaLlons (such as
assembly) whlch reduce overall unlL cosL CuallLy ls lnherenLly repeaLable ln a progresslve sLamplng
dle 1he mosL slgnlflcanL beneflL of Lhe bandollerlng process ls relaLed Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhe sLamped
componenLs all exlL Lhe dle ln an ordered conflguraLlon ready for an assembly process (elLher
manual or auLomaLed) or for oLher secondary operaLlons whlle sLlll on Lhe band (carrler) 8elaLed Lo
Lhls beneflL ls Lhe facL LhaL Lhls process also lends lLself Lo oLher manufacLurlng operaLlons LhaL can
be performed lnslde Lhe dle (dlscussed laLer)

Second Lhe Lypes of appllcaLlons for whlch bandollerlng may be employed are numerous 1he
followlng are examples of varlous lndusLrles LhaL could employ Lhls process Medlcal devlces (eg
surglcal componenLs) CrLhopedlc componenLs (eg plns) LlecLronlc connecLors (eg connecLor
plns) MlllLary componenLs as well as many oLher lndusLrles/appllcaLlons

LasLly a bandollered process can provlde for varlous manufacLurlng operaLlons Lo be performed
elLher lnslde Lhe preclslon meLal sLamplng dle or ouLslde of Lhe sLamplng dle (whlle Lhe componenLs
are sLlll locaLed on Lhe bandoller) Some examples of lndle operaLlons LhaL can be performed
lnclude colnlng sharpenlng machlnlng assembly and weldlng Lxamples of secondary operaLlons
performed ouLslde of Lhe dle (whlle Lhe preclslon formed componenLs are sLlll on Lhe band) lnclude
cleanlng coaLlng heaLLreaLlng and auLomaLed assembly

lgh volume appllcaLlons for sLamped meLal componenLs should be evaluaLed Lo see lf a
bandollered appllcaLlon could be used especlally lf Lhe need ls presenL for secondary operaLlons
such as assembly or oLher operaLlons as dlscussed above

1he parLs manufacLured durlng Lhe meLal sLamplng process vary from Llny parLs ln maLerlal as Lhln as
03mm Lo larger frames and heavy duLy meLal componenLs reclslon presses vary ln slze from 3 Lons
Lo 220 Lons and wlLh speeds up Lo 1300 per mlnuLe SLamplng servlces also have sklvlng equlpmenL
Lo conLour meLal Lhlckness and conflguraLlon as requlred

8ead more hLLp//wwwarLlclesbasecom/managemenLarLlcles/meLalsLamplngmaLerlalsand
under CreaLlve Commons Llcense ALLrlbuLlon no uerlvaLlves

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