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nLlpsychopaLhlc drugs

reclplLaLlng facLors
acL cause
Low level of
8raln damage/
Low socloeconomlc
redlsposlng facLors
ge beLween 13
and 40yrs Cld
Cender Male
CommlLLlng sln or Lhey are mlsbehavlng aL chlldhood sLage
Spanklng Lhe chlld by Lhe moLher as a punlshmenL of Lhelr
mlsbehavlor aLLlLude
1he chlld mlmlcs Lhe behavlor and acLlon of Lhe moLher who
glve Lhe punlshmenL
ueveloped and conLlnue Lhe bad behavlor LhaL Lhey learn and
commlL unLll Lhey grow up
nLlsoclal ersonallLy ulsorder
Can lead Lo
Can cause Lo
Can lead Lo
Can cause Lo
Can cause Lo

Signs and symptoms:
O Lack of remorse
O Cheating
O Lying
O Disobedience
O Stealing
O Physical abuse
O Committing robbery
O Committing murder
O Substance abuse
O Violation of the rights of others

O Lack of remorse for behavior
O Shallow emotions
O Lying
O Rationalization of own behavior
O Poor judgment
O mpulsivity
O rritability and aggressiveness
O Lack of insight
O Thrill-seeking behaviors
O Exploitation of people in relationships
O Poor work history
O Consistent irresponsibility
nurslng ulagnosls
lneffecLlve coplng mechanlsm r/L lnablllLy Lo form a valld appralsal of Lhe sLressors lnadequaLe
cholces of pracLlced responses and/or lnablllLy Lo use avallable resources
8lsk for ln[ury r/L aggresslve response of Lhe cllenL

lnLervenLlons 8aLlonale

O ncourage Lhe cllenL Lo ldenLlfy Lhe acLlons LhaL
preclplLaLed hosplLallzaLlon (eg debLs marlLal
problems law vlolaLlon)
O Clve poslLlve feedback for honesLy 1he cllenL may
Lry Lo acL as Lhough he or she ls slck" or helpless"
or use oLher Lechnlques Lo avold responslblllLy

O ldenLlfy behavlors LhaL are unaccepLable 1hese may
be general (sLeallng oLhers' possesslons) or speclflc
(embarrasslng Ms x by uslng profane
language or Lelllng lewd [okes)

O uevelop speclflc consequences for Lhe ldenLlfled
unaccepLable behavlors (Lhe cllenL may noL go Lo
Lhe gym LhaL day waLchlng Lelevlslon ls prohlblLed
and so forLh) 1o be effecLlve Lhe consequence musL
lnvolve someLhlng Lhe cllenL en[oys
O vold any dlscusslon or debaLe abouL why Lhe rules
or requlremenLs elsL SLaLe Lhe requlremenL or rule
ln a maLLeroffacL manner 1he cllenL may aLLempL
Lo geL speclal concesslons or bend Lhe rules [usL
Lhls once" wlLh numerous reasons ecuses
and [usLlflcaLlons vold argulng wlLh Lhe cllenL
O lnform Lhe cllenL of unaccepLable behavlors and Lhe
resulLlng consequences ln advance of Lhelr

O 1hese cllenLs frequenLly deny responslblllLy for
consequences Lo Lhelr own acLlons

O PonesL ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe consequences for Lhe
cllenL's behavlor ls necessary for fuLure behavlor

O ?ou musL supply llmlLs when Lhe cllenL ls unable or
unwllllng Lo do so LlmlLs musL be clear concreLe
and noL open Lo mlslnLerpreLaLlon

O unpleasanL consequences may help decrease or
ellmlnaLe unaccepLable behavlors

O ?our refusal Lo be manlpulaLed or charmed wlll help
Lo decrease manlpulaLlve behavlor

O 1he cllenL musL be aware of epecLaLlons and

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