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Lx1LMC8L 1ClCSWl1P Pln1S

Summers Pave Come

lor Lhls Loplc you could focus on boLh Lhe obvlous lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe Loplc le Lhe season of summer
has arrlved as well as Lhe meLaphorlcal le summers (or good Llmes) have come lnLo a person's llfe

lor Lhe flrsL (Lhe obvlous) lnLerpreLaLlon one can speak abouL Lhe feaLures of Lhe season of summer
1hese could lnclude
- 8rlghL sunny days
- Longer days and evenlngs for chlldren Lo play ouLslde for longer perlods
- 1he heaL and Lhe sweaL LhaL people assoclaLe wlLh Lhe lndlan summer
- 1he Lhlngs LhaL people walL for ln summer mangoes 'llLchl' frulLs eLc

8uL ln exLempore Loplcs lL would be greaL lf you could go beyond [usL Lhe obvlous ?ou could lnLerpreL
Lhe Loplc ln many dlfferenL ways Pere you could say LhaL 'Summers have Come' can be lnLerpreLed Lo
mean LhaL 'Cood 1lmes have come lnLo Cne's Llfe'

1he phrase LhaL '1he sun ls Shlnlng' ls ofLen used ln Lhls conLexL 1hls ls because llghL and brlghLness
generally has poslLlve connoLaLlons Cn Lhe oLher hand Lhe dark cold dull days of wlnLer ofLen have
negaLlve connoLaLlons 1hls ls more so ln Lhe colder parLs of our counLry and ln Lhe relaLlvely colder
counLrles of Lurope 8ussla eLc where people walL for summers Lo come

Pence you could llnk Lhe Loplc Lo elLher 'why Lhe sun ls shlnlng for you' (Lhe poslLlve Lhlngs ln your llfe)
or for your counLry and lLs economy eLc

1he maln polnL here ls LhaL besldes Lhe llLeral lnLerpreLaLlon you can come up wlLh alLernaLlve ldeas/
lnLerpreLaLlons of Lhe Loplc

Make Pay whlle Lhe Sun Shlnes"

1hls ls a well known proverb WhaL lL means ls LhaL you should make Lhe besL use of Lhe slLuaLlon Pay
cannoL be made ln Lhe dark when Lhere ls no llghL avallable buL can only be made ln Lhe dayLlme when
Lhe sun ls shlnlng and Lhe day ls brlghL and clear

Pence Lhe proverb baslcally means LhaL you should make Lhe mosL of any opporLunlLy LhaL you geL

SomeLlmes durlng LxLempores lL ls a good ldea Lo sLarL wlLh a quoLe or proverb yourself lor Lhls Loplc
for example you may say LhaL 'Make Pay whlle Lhe Sun Shlnes' could be relaLed Lo anoLher proverb
SLrlke Lhe lron when lL ls PoL" 1hls agaln means make Lhe mosL of Lhe slLuaLlon and grab every

AfLer beglnnlng ln Lhls manner (wlLh Lhe quoLe/ proverb and Lhe explanaLlon of whaL lL meanL) you
could go on Lo glve examples of slLuaLlons where
- ?ou have exhlblLed Lhls (le'Made Pay whlle Lhe Sun Shone') and made Lhe mosL of opporLunlLles LhaL
came your way (1hls also serves anoLher purposeyou could hlghllghL your achlevemenLs ln fronL of Lhe
anel members and lmpress Lhem!)
- Lxamples where oLhers have made Lhe mosL of opporLunlLles LhaL came Lhelr wayLhese could be
people you admlre eLc
- ?our recommendaLlons on whaL can be done ln Lhe fuLure (ln llne wlLh Lhe Loplc) lor example you
could sLaLe LhaL 'lndla could make Pay whlle Lhe Sun Shlnes' by lncreaslng lLs sLaLure whlle Lhe resL of
Lhe world goes Lhrough an economlc downLurn

8ed vs 8lue"

1hls Loplc ls slmllar Lo some Loplcs glven ln AbsLracL Cus Cnce agaln besldes Lhe llLeral lnLerpreLaLlons
of Lhe Lwo colours you should Lry and come up wlLh alLernaLlve lnLerpreLaLlons

?ou could agaln Lry and sLarL wlLh a quoLe lor example you could say LhaL as Shakespeare has sald
WhaL's ln a name? A rose by any oLher name would smell as sweeL" Slmllarly whaL's ln a colour? ls
Lhere anyLhlng speclal abouL a parLlcular colour?

now you could go on Lo descrlbe Lhe varlous characLerlsLlcs or emoLlons LhaL people assoclaLe wlLh
dlfferenL colours
lor example
- eople assoclaLe Lhe colour 8ed wlLh danger anger brlghLness belng flery and energeLlc eLc A '8ed
llag' means danger A 8ed 1rafflc LlghL Lells you Lo SLop
- eople assoclaLe Lhe colour 8lue wlLh calm peace LranqulllLy 1hlnk of Lhe 8lue Sky Lhe deep 8lue
WaLers of an Ccean eLc

So dlfferenL colours do sLand for dlfferenL quallLles AL Lhe same Llme ln splLe of 8ed and 8lue belng aL
dlfferenL ends of Lhe specLrum Lhey comblne Lo form a beauLlful ralnbow Pence lf Lhe Lwo colours can
used LogeLher ln an approprlaLe manner Lhen a creaLlon of greaL beauLy mlghL be Lhe resulL 1hls ldea
can be used ln Lhe conLexL of 'unlLy ln ulverslLy' We can Lhus llnk Lhls concepL Lo lndla as a counLry eLc

?ou could also relaLe Lhe Lwo colours Lo Lhe corporaLe world sporLs eLc lor example Coke ls assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe colour 8ed and epsl wlLh Lhe colour 8lue 1hus Lhe Loplc can be lnLerpreLed as 'Coke vs epsl'
one of Lhe greaL corporaLe rlvalrles

CLher companles are also assoclaLed wlLh one of Lhese Lwo colours lor example l8M ls also assoclaLed
wlLh 8lueremember 'ueep 8lue?'

And you could relaLe Lhe colours Lo sporLs ManchesLer unlLed vs Chelsea for example 1he lndlan
crlckeL Leam as mosL of us know are also called '1he Men ln 8lue'

1hus Lhe posslblllLles are endless and Lhere ls more Lhan enough maLerlal Lo Lalk for a few momenLs!

CuesLlon Mark"

1hls ls an lnLeresLlng LxLempore Loplc! AL Lhe face of lL lL may seem a dlfflculL Loplc as you have noL
even been glven a proper Loplc ln Lhe Lrue sense of Lhe Lerm Powever keep ln mlnd LhaL such Loplcs
are acLually easy for Lhey are openended le you can say anyLhlng you wanL

keep ln mlnd LhaL Lhe polnLs you make should be sLrucLured

?ou may flrsL Lalk abouL Lhe many connoLaLlons or LhoughLs LhaL a CuesLlon Mark evokes ?ou could
make Lhe followlng polnLs durlng your LxLempore
- ?ou may sLarL wlLh a quoLe and say someLhlng llke l have flve frlends who have helped me Lhrough
llfe 1hese are Who WhaL Why When and Pow"
- 8elaLed Lo Lhe above quoLe a quesLlon mark aL Lhe end of a senLence means LhaL someLhlng has been
asked or someone ls Lrylng Lo flnd ouL someLhlng 1hls reflecLs Lhe deslre Lo know 1hls deslre Lo know
or Lo seek knowledge ls exLremely beneflclal as lL helps people Lo learn more Lhlngs
- ?ou may glve examples on how Lhls deslre Lo know or seek explanaLlons led Lo greaL sclenLlflc
dlscoverles lor example newLon asked hlmself on seelng Lhe apple fall from a Lree as Lo why lL fell Lo
Lhe ground
- Asklng quesLlons also helps manklnd Lo progress lor example we should always ask Lhe quesLlon
Can we do Lhls beLLer or fasLer?" or Can we lmprove on Lhls furLher?"
- AL Lhe same Llme quesLlons mlghL also convey doubLs or apprehenslons lor example Wlll Lhls
work?" or Am l rlghL?" 1hese have Lo be addressed Lo move furLher
- A quesLlonlng aLLlLude ls Lhe rlghL aLLlLude Lherefore Lo learn and progress

?ou may add a couple of lnLeresLlng polnLs lor example
- 1he shape of a CuesLlon Mark ls llke a llghL bulb !usL llke a bulb llghLs up and spreads brlghLness
slmllarly asklng Lhe rlghL quesLlons can dlspel Lhe darkness of lgnorance
- 1he shape of a quesLlon mark colncldenLally ls llke Lhe shape of Lhe map of lndla arLlcularly Lhe doL
below Lhe quesLlon mark ls llke Lhe lsland of Srl Lanka below lndla!

LlecLromagneLlc lnducLlon"

?ou are someLlmes glven LxLempore Loplcs LhaL ask you Lo speak on a parLlcular sub[ecL ln sclence or
Lconomlcs eLc 1hus Lhls Loplc has been glven as an lllusLraLlon of whaL you could sLaLe when glven any
such 'academlcrelaLed' Loplc durlng your LxLempore

Cne polnL here ls LhaL Lo make your speech/ exLempore lnLeresLlng you could add a shorL anecdoLe/
humourous sLory eLc abouL Lhe Loplc or any relaLed lssue lf you know one

?ou could do Lhe followlng durlng your LxLempore

1 llrsL deflne Lhe Loplc ln Lhls case you could summarlse (ln brlef) whaL elecLromagneLlc lnducLlon ls
2 ?ou could menLlon who dlscovered Lhls phenomena and how lL was dlscovered lf you know ls Lhere
any lnLeresLlng sLory behlnd Lhls dlscovery
3 Why ls Lhls phenomena/ dlscovery/ appllcaLlon lmporLanL? Where all ls lL used?
4 Are Lhere any parLlcularly lnLeresLlng appllcaLlons of Lhls concepL/ dlscovery?
3 lf Lhe Loplc/ sub[ecL has been ln Lhe news laLely for any reason you could menLlon Lhe conLexL
6 ?ou could speak abouL Lhe laLesL appllcaLlons of Lhls sclenLlflc phenomena/ sub[ecL
7 ?ou could menLlon any fuLure uses of Lhls LhaL you foresee

Some unsolved Loplcs

1 Creen vs 8ed"
2 LlecLromagneLlc lnducLlon"
3 1he World ls llaL"
4 1oday's publlc servanLs do noL always serve"
3 We need Lo eradlcaLe overLy
6 SLop look and go
7 SLraws"
8 Summers have Come"
9 Make hay whlle Lhe Sun shlnes"
10 newLon changed Lhe World"
11 lndlan sclenLlsLs have noL goL Lhelr due"
12 nuclear Lnergy 8oon or bane?"
13 1o be or noL Lo be"
14 Well begun ls half done"
13 ls Lhe glass half full or half empLy?
16 ulamond vs CraphlLe 1wo sldes of a Coln
17 Carbon Lhe mosL lmporLanL maLerlal known Lo Manklnd
18 ?ou"
19 CuesLlon Mark"
20 LxclamaLlon Mark"
21 1o sLay ln one place you have Lo run very fasL"
22 Cld ls gold"
23 never Clve up"
24 lreedom brlngs responslblllLy
23 lnflaLlon
26 lndla vs aklsLan"
27 1he CovernmenL musL sLep back
28 never ask for who Lhe 8ell 1olls"
29 1he 8oad noL 1aken"
30 AlberL LlnsLeln"

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