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Exercise1: Read an image eight.tif.

Write a function
named myMorphology to extract the boundaries of coins from the read image.

M File:
function myMorphology(img) imgb=im2bw(img); imgc = imcomplement(imgb); sel = strel('disk',5); imgn = imdilate(imgc,sel); imgn1 = imerode(imgn,sel); imgn2 = imerode(imgn1,sel); fltr = fspecial('laplacian'); fltrd_img = imfilter(imgn2, fltr, 'replicate'); imshow(img), figure, imshow(fltrd_img)

Functional Call from Command Window:

>> img=imread('eight.tif'); >> myMorphology(img)


Figure 1: Original Image

Changed Image (Boundaries of Original Image):

Figure 2: Changed Image (Boundaries of Original Image)

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