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Brittney Mendoza September 19, 2011 MUS170 Sonnet: Anatomy of a High School Relationship

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

The phalanges which oh so rapidly Text to her Will u plz go out w/ me? A date at McDonalds, their frontal bones Dip forward in conversation; their phones Placed atop their metacarpals, texting Each other despite their closeness, lessning The effort of moving their mandibles, Saving strength for when they, like cannibals, Eat one anothers faces in a kiss, A lack of oxygen tween tight-locked lips As they, still sitting, start to play footsies, And tarsals twist around her Ugg bootsies. In a couple weeks his humerus shall Cushion another girls occipital.

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