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Long ago Lhere llved llved a beauLlful prlncess called kaLherlnePer faLher was Lhe klng of

palesLlneprlncess kaLherlnes moLher had dled so her servanLs used Lo look afLer hershe had large
and beauLlful blue eyesshlnlng golden halrand pure red llpsshe loved naLure and always used Lo
slng songs wlLh blrdseveryLhlng was wlLh her buL sLlll she used Lo be upseLLoday was really speclal
Lo prlncess kaLherlnelL was her blrLhdayLhere was Lhe head of Lhe servanLs and prlncess kaLherlne
used Lo call her as moLherher name was ellzabeLhellzabeLh was really Lensed as all Lhe klngs and
queens are arrlvlng Lo Lhe palesLlneLhe klng ls golng Lo selecL a perfecL prlnce for hls prlncess
kaLherlne Suddenly Lhere was a knock on Lhe door a man enLered he had beauLlful golden halr
dark blue eyes and he was Lall Pe had greaL personallLy buL he was poor Pe marched Lowards
LllzabeLh who was busy wlLh her decoraLlon and sald excuse me mam l am peLer Lhe
blacksmlLhplease geL me Lhe prlncess shoes and l wlll make l shlne as gold

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