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POSTCARD FROM POPRAD with Eric Wiltsher in Poprad, Slovakia Leigh Banks, United Kingdom Marc Gander, Paris,


Date: 02 December 2011

Leighs debut on BBC Radio 4

Ken Russell, Women In Love director, dies at 84 Pantomime dame dies during show Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Er Yes Dylan producer dies Anonymous' Robin Hood Credit Card Fraud Campaign - WARNING The Leveson Inquiry JEZZA! I would have had them all SHOT! After he said something else!!!!! npower urges homeowners to prepare for cold temperatures Banks should brace themselves to withstand the "extraordinarily serious and threatening" economic situation, the Bank of England governor has said. GCHQ challenges codebreakers on facebook Doesnt suit you Sir Best Job On The Planet? 35 million people cannot hear what's being said on TV Elizabeth Taylor Auction A Super Man Comic sells for 2.4million WHAT A LOAD OF COBBLERS! - Scientists say wi-fi laptops can damage sperm Opps! Harry Potter Magic is revealed. Bye Bye American Lie The CRAPPs 2011


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