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8ody 1conLrolled by hypoLhalamus (preopLlc anLhypoLhalamus and posLhypoLhalamus)

uef elevotloo of boJy tempetotote exceeJs tbe ootmol Jolly votlotloo - locteose lo tbe
bypotbolomlc set polot

athogenes|s of Iever

*exogenous paLhway recepLor(1oll recepLor) for mlcroblal producL on hypoLhalamlc
endoLhellumdlrecL acLlvaLlon resulLs ln CL2 producLlon and fever

conLlnues unLll 1 reaches Lhe seL polnL
when seL polnL ls reseLsweaLlng and vasou
8ecelve 2 slgnals
a) frm warmLh/cold recepLor
ln skln (perlpheral n)
b) 1 of blood baLhlng reglon

1hermoregulaLory cenLre
ln hypoLhalamus
normal 1
Cral 368+/04 C 8ecLal 372 1M
364 C
yrogen(subsLraLe LhaL cause
ogenous mlcroblal/lLs producLs
(eg LS ln gram ve organlsm)
ndogenous pyrogenlc cyLoklnes
(eg lL161nl lln alpha) whlch
can be lnduced by bacLerlal/fungal
yrogenlc cyLoklnes enLer
sysLemlc clrculaLlon
lnduce C L2 synLhesls
a) ln perlpheral Llssue
myalgla(ms paln)
arLhralgla([L paln)
b) ln hypoLhalamus
8elease of C L2 fr hypoLhalamlc
endoLhellal Lrlggers d recepLor on
gllal cell rapld release of cAM a
neuroLransmlLLer acLlvaLes
neuronal endlng of 1hermocenLre
LhaL exLends Lo Lhe area lncrease
seL polnL
As Lhe seL polnL lncreased
Sh|ver|ng(ms heat) + ||ver heat lncrease 1
Vasoconstr|ct per|phera| vesse| decrease
loss fr sklnfeelln cold due Lo shunLlng of

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