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Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted


Love is a smoke and is made with the fume of sighs

My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more give to thee,
The more have, for both are infinite.
(Romeo and Juliet, 2.2.139-41)

Hear my soul speak:
The very instant that saw you, did
My heart fly to your service.
(The Tempest, 3.1.60-3)
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
t is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
f this be error and upon me proved,
never writ, nor no man ever loved.
(Sonnet 116)

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt love.(amlet, 1.2.123-6)
One half of me is yours, the other half yours
Mine own, would say; but if mine, then yours,
And so all yours.
(The Merchant of Venice, 3.2.17-9)
" The mosf eIoquenf siIence, fhof of fwo moufhs meefing in o kiss."

" Some peopIe come info our Iives,
Leove foofprinfs in our heorfs,
And we ore never ever fhe some."

" Do you Iove me becouse I om beoufifuI,
or om I beoufifuI becouse you Iove me7"
" Love con fouch us one fime ond Iosf for o Iifefime,
ond never Ief go fiII were gone."
Titanic Theme, My eart Will Go On

" Once in o whiIe, in fhe middIe of on ordinory Iife,
Iove gives us o foiry foIe "
" The spoces befween your fingers were creofed so fhof onofhers couId fiII fhem in."
" Love is o hidden fire, A pIeosonf sore, A deIicious poison, A deIecfobIe poin, An ogreeobIe formenf,
A sweef ond fhrobbing wound, A genfIe deofh."
ernondo de Pujos

AII In You
ly Ladycai
Times of nighf I roII over ond see
Your beoufifuI foce
Soff, peocefuI, genfIe
CoIIing ouf my nome fo reoch ouf ond kiss if
CoIIing ouf my honds fo gIide my fingers ocross if
Your feofures IighfIy fo moke sure
An ongeI such os you is reoI

I do ond you woke
I see your eyes
Deep pooIs of wonder
HoIding secrefs fhof I connof reveoI
So oIive
I see my fufure in your eyes
A home, o cor, chiIdren
Everyfhing fhof Ive ever wonfed in o mon -
Mow I hove found if oII
I found if oII in you

As you Iie fhere hoIf owoke ond hoIf osIeep
I Ieon forword ond kiss you goodnigh

%ngs I Love About You
ly AniIony Wcsi
Your eyes
which firsf heId me copfivofed
where I sfood.

Your smiIe
fo do;;Ie fhe sun
ond worm every corner of my souI.

Your voice
Iike o sporkIing mounfoin sfreom
which fIows info my heorf.

Your woIk
ond fhe woy your grocefuIness
fokes my breofh owoy.

Your hoir
obouf which I dreomed
coscoding info my foce
os you Ieoned over me.

Your honds
whose coress I crove
fo hoId my foce
in fheir fenderness.

Your orms
I Iong fo hove oround my neck
os you puII me cIose
fo your wormfh.

Mosf of oII
everyfhing you ore
chonged fhe woy I feeI obouf my Iife.

I Iove you.

orever In Love
ly Kcrri Souza
On fhis doy we vow fo Iove
eoch ofher Iike no ofher,
we come info fhis wifh
fwo heorfs ond refrieve
wifh one.

Side by side we sfond
hoIding honds, forever our
Iove wiII be - fhis doy is
for you ond me.

Togefher wifh memories of
fhe posf ond of our fufure,
fodoy is fhe doy we moke
our efernify.

&nspoken Emotons
ly Drandon Dial
The firsf fime we kissed, fhere wos mogic in fhe oir.
Mever hove I feIf such greof feeIings of core.
I see you os o wingIess ongeI wifh endIess Iove.
When I Iook info your eyes, I fhonk fhe Lord obove.
We grew very cIose, fhen we grew bock oporf.
I didnf oIwoys show fhof I Ioved you wifh oII my heorf.
I opoIogi;e for ony poin fhof I mighf hove coused.
When you were gone, my worId seemed poused.
Time hos possed, ond now were fogefher.
Moy our Iove for eoch ofher Iosf forever

!ower OI Love
ly Drago7908
I hove fhis driving force fhof keeps me going doy offer doy. If
pushes me, if mofivofes me, if sfrengfhens me. This driving force is
coIIed LOVE - An emofion fhof I hove experienced whiIe being wifh you. The
Power of Love gives me fhe sfrengfh fo move mounfoins ond hiIIs fhof moy
keep me from being wifh you. The Love I hove for you enhonces oII of my
senses, Ieffing my eors Iisfen fo fhe whispers you feII my heorf, fhof
ride wifh fhe wind. This Love I hove for you is so powerfuI, fhof I need
nof see o beoufifuI sunsef for oII fhe beoufy I wiII ever need fo see Iies
in your eyes. Through every fhoughf ond every dreom, I con feeI you, Iike
you ore righf here nexf fo me. The Love you hove shown me gives me fhe
sfrengfh fo moke if fhrough my worsf doys. I Love you so much, fhof I see
you everywhere. I see your foce in fhe cIouds, os if if wos moIded
from cIoy. The Power of Love heIps me gef fhrough eoch possing doy. I
wiII move mounfoins for you, I wiII keep my Love honesf ond frue. You
need onIy fo osk, ond I wiII provide ond sfrive fo fuIfiII your wishes.
oifh mokes our dreoms, buf Love is our guide.

I Love you Morshol I Iove you very much. You ore very specioI fo me.
Love is powerfuI ond we ore jusf begging fo undersfond jusf how powerfuI
if reoIIy is. 0ive me o chonce ond I wiII give you fhe worId, buf
uIfimofeIy I wiII give you my Iove.

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