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Respect cannot be demanded, it must be earned.

Respect is earned onIy by giving it away.

A smart man learns from his mistakes.
A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.
ever waIk on the traveIed path,
because it onIy Ieads you
where the others have been .
(Graham BeII)
AIways, there is a drop of madness in Iove, yet
aIways, there is a drop of reason in madness.
(F ietzshe)
%ime is very sIow for those who wait,
very fast for those who are scared,
very Iong for those who Iament,
very short for those who ceIebrate.
But, for those who Iove, time is eternity.
(WiIIiam Shakespeare)
Many peopIe Iose the smaII joys,
in hope for the big happiness.
(PearI S Buck)
A good pIan for today is better than a perfect pIan for tomorrow.
[George S Patton]
Why repeat the oId errors,
if there are so many
new errors to commit.
(Bertrand RusseI)
f a drop of water faIIs in a Iake, there is no identity.
But if it faIIs on a Ieaf of Iotus, it shines Iike a pearI.
We need to choose the best pIace where we can shine.
When we reach for the stars, we may not quite get them,
but we won't come up with a handfuI of mud either.
[Leo Burnett]
n any moment of decision,
the best thing you can do is
do the right thing.
%he worst thing you can do is
do nothing.
[%heodore RooseveIt]
Love me when
Iess deserve it,
because it's then
when need it most.
(Chinese Proverb)
f couId return to youth,
wouId commit
aII those errors again,
but a bit earIier. (%aIIuIah
othing can be taught to a man;
but it's possibIe to heIp him
to find the answer within himseIf.
(GaIiIeo GaIiIei)

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