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1oplc CloballzaLlon
CloballzaLlon ls a falrly modern process or economlc movemenL CloballzaLlon ls Lhe process of
broadenlng and deepenlng Lhe movemenL of Lrade flnance and lnformaLlon beLween counLrles ln an
efforL Lo creaLe a global markeL lacLors LhaL help Lo promoLe globallzaLlon are Lechnology and Lhe
removal of Lrade barrlers 1he process of globallzaLlon ls a challenglng one for Lhe Carlbbean as many of
our counLrles belng less developed are lll equlpped Lo compeLe on an even playlng fleld wlLh larger
more developed counLrles

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