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1) Start Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility. 2) Click on Display the License Server Machine Hostid.

3) Click on ok-ra and copy HOSTNAME and FLEXID. 4) Enter ans12_licgen folder. 5) Open ansys.dat file. 6) Rewrite ansys.dat file ( SERVER host 000000000000 1055 ): instead of hostHOSTNAMEof your PC., instead of 000000000000FLEXIDof your PC. 7) Save ansys.dat. 8) Run keygen.bat. It generates license.dat. 9) Open ansyslmd.ini. 10) Rewrite HOSTNAME in it! 11) Save ansyslmd.ini. 12) Copy ansyslmd.ini into C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing. 13) Start Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility. 14) Click on Install the License File and insertlicense.dat file, generated by ans12_licgen. 13) Enter C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v120\fluent\license\win64 folder and start Client_License_install-win642.0.exe. 14) Click on Enter the license server name: ďčř ĺě write HOSTNAME, and click Install 15) Enjoy!:) " But it doesn't work for me. I got the following message, when I tried to start Fluent: FLEXnet Licencing error:-15,10 System error: 10061 WinSock Conncection refused ANSYS LICENCE MANAGER ERROR: Feature FLUENT_SOLVER does not exist in the ANSYSLY pool. I got the following message, when I tried to start ICEM: Error: Feature ICEM_AM does not exist in the ANSYSLY pool. Could anyone fix this problem?

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