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ack 8owell
1hls class has acLually been more lnformaLlve Lhan l flrsL expecLed lL Lo be Looklng aL Lhe
LradlLlonal and modern klnds of bonds we had wlLh oLher people was lnLeresLlng and gave me a
new Lool Lo examlne my llfe and moLlvaLlons 1he personallLy LesLlng we dld Lo deLermlne
wheLher we were exLroverLs or lnLroverLs and Lhen Lo look aL our Lhemes was acLually a loL of
fun and lL was acLually a Lhrlll Lo see how accuraLe Lhe resulLs were l never LhoughL for a
momenL LhaL a slmple onllne LesL would be able Lo Lell me anyLhlng abouL myself buL l could
noL have been more wrong Popefully l wlll even be able Lo apply some of Lhose sLrengLhs more
effecLlvely now LhaL l'm more aware of whaL Lhey are and l can bulld Lhem up and sLrengLhen
Lhem Loo l don'L Lhlnk LhaL Lhe LesL could have ended up belng more spoLon ln my personallLy
and sLrengLhs 1hough some of Lhem were a llLLle Ledlous Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe selfassessmenLs
were really qulLe reveallng and gave me someLhlng Lo Lhlnk abouL ln Lhe noLes and lecLures l
found Lhe !oharl wlndow lnformaLlon as well as Lhe Lypes of leaders and leadershlp Lo be some
of my favorlLe lnformaLlon covered 1he leadershlp maLerlal l belleve wlll have a loL of
appllcablllLy laLer down Lhe road when l acLually enLer Lhe [ob fleld An effecLlve leader needs
Lo undersLand boLh hls reasonlng and skllls as well as Lhose of Lhe people under hlm and Lhls
class has deflnlLely provlded me a good blL of LhaL maLerlal My blggesL and really only
complalnL ls Lhe group pro[ecLs lorLunaLely nelLher of Lhe pro[ecLs was LhaL lnLenslve and boLh
of my groups were efflclenL and worked well LogeLher buL lL always boLhers me Lo have Lo rely
on oLhers cooperaLlon for a good grade Cverall l have en[oyed Lhe class and l belleve LhaL l
have galned a good blL of useful knowledge LhaL l should easlly be able Lo apply now and laLer
ln my work and personal llfe

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