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In order to bring charities into the foId for raising funds, manning the events, enIisting
membership, I working on the fIoats, I propose that we invite those charities to participate and
share the raised funds, get those funds by:

1. Charity members work bingo for $20.00 a night and automaticaIIy become wheeI
2. Lead member coach others from their group how to do bingo to broaden bingo base
3. Board oversee dispensing of earned charity funds after it is coIIected onIy

O FIoats
1. Take proposaIs from charities to suppIy space for the storage of fIoats ( covered
preferred )
2. Make a budget for work on fIoats and invite charities to participate for a percentage of
profits determined Iater funds are coIIected after the parade. I wouId Iike to offer this
opportunity to PCMI group first because of the nature of what they do.
3. Take proposaIs from charities to suppIy trucks, drivers, generators, and sound systems .
Each either as a package or broken down in parts and shared by severaI smaIIer
charities to be paid the event

O Membership
1. Incorporate charity members to enIist members and share a portion of our membership
fees tc each charity. We do this by simpIy adding 10 to 20 doIIars to our membership
2. Board oversees dispensing of earned charity funds after it is coIIected onIy.

O Tee shirts
1. In order to invoke enthusiasm in aII charities, invite to get started earIy and have their
charity incorporated into the art of this year's theme. Offer open for first 60 days, say
May and June
2. 50/50 profit proceeds from saIe of tees as it is coIIected with aII charities. More peopIe
seIIing shirts for a Ionger period of time shouId keep profit's the same or better than in
the past.

O Fund Raisers, BaII, BIock Party, FestivaI
1. Offer charities an opportunity to join in fund raisers for a% share of proceeds to be
determine the Board at each event
2. Offer charities an opportunity to do chores that the board has to suppIy Iike cIean up,
suppIy n tabIes and chairs, manning ( not managing ) beer booths, tee shirt saIes,
secretariaI duties, etc for smaII % of profits to be determined by the Board ( I wouId
suggest 5 to 10 %)
3. Offer charities to join in with membership to engage in fund raisers such has GoIf
tournament ChiIi cook offs, for a % of profits. This couId work both ways, membership
couId participate charity's event aIso for a share.

To entice charities and sponsors to get invoIved , I suggest we have at the bottom of a of our
membership appIication to come out in JuIy or Aug. after a 60 day period to incIude boxes of
participating charities for members to check and share an undetermined amount of proceeds ,
at the of the year . Even if it is of 1 % we couId easiIy commit to it . With a good year we wouId
be in controI of exactIy what we gave. We might do so weII that we couIdn't Iive with ourseIves
unIess we went to of 1 %. You get my point.

To cIose, our parade and festivaI is a yearIy event. By the Krewe of MassaIina working with
charity, groups throughout the year, we wiII increase our exposure to prospective members,
manpower, at sponsors. I aIso beIieve this to be a tempIate that wouId make it easier to invoke
more and more support for Krewe's parade, festivaI, and charitabIe causes.


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