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SLraLeglc Puman 8esource

SLraLeglc Puman 8esource ManagemenL
W lnvolves ln formulaLlng overall organlzaLlonal plan and allgnlng
human resources funcLlon wlLh company's sLraLegy
W SLraLeglc P8 ls LransformaLlonal ln naLure ln LhaL lL help Lhe
people and organlzaLlon Lo adopL learn and acL qulckly
W lL wlll make sure LhaL Lhe change lnlLlaLlve LhaL are focused on
creaLlng hlgh performance Leams reduclng cycle Llme for
lnnovaLlon r lmplemenLlng new Lechnology are deflned
developed and dellvered ln Llmely way
W P8 funcLlon ls fully lnLegraLed wlLh oLher organlzaLlonal
funcLlons ALLends all lnLerdeparLmenLal meeLlngs and
parLlclpaLes ln problem solvlng Shares responslblllLy and
make suggesLlons
W CoordlnaLe all P8 acLlvlLles across all unlLs and deparLmenL
W SLraLeglc P8M ls Lhe paLLern of planned Puman
8esource uevelopmenLs and acLlvlLles lnLended
Lo enable Lhe organlzaLlon Lo achleve lLs goal
W lL ls all abouL accepLlng P8 funcLlon as sLraLeglc
parLner ln boLh formulaLlon of company's
sLraLeglc as well as ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of
Lhose acLlvlLles Lhrough P8 acLlvlLles
W lL Lrles Lo develop a conslsLenL allgned collecLlng
of pracLlces programmes and pollcles Lo faclllLaLe
Lhe achlevemenL of organlzaLlon's sLraLeglc
SLraLeglc P8
D|mens|on Strateg|c nk
locus arLnershlp wlLh exLernal and lnLernal
8ole of P8 1ransformaLlonal leader and lnlLlaLor
lnlLlaLlve lasL proacLlve and lnLegraLed
key lnvesLmenL eople knowledge
ConLrol WhaLever necessary Lo succeed
!ob ueslgn 8road flexlble cross Lralnlng Leams
1lme Porlzon ShorL medlum and long (as requlred)
AccounLablllLy lnvesLmenL cenLre
-aLure of SP8M
W SP8M plays vlLal role ln ldenLlfylng and analyzlng exLernal LhreaL
and opporLunlLles LhaL may be cruclal Lo company's success
W lL also offer compeLlLlve lnLelllgence (llke new lncenLlve plans used
by compeLlLor) LhaL may helpful whlle glvlng shape Lo sLraLeglc
W lL Lhrows llghL on company's sLrengLh and weakness ln Puman
8esource aspecL
W under Lhe era of CloballzaLlon Lechnologlcal lnnovaLlon Lhere ls a
call of fasLer and compeLlLlve organlzaLlons for whlch employee
behavlor and performance ls ofLen seen as Lhe besL Lo push
compeLlLor Lo a corner and enhance producLlvlLy and markeL share
W P8 pracLlces bulld compeLlLlveness as Lhey allow for sLraLeglc
lmplemenLaLlon and creaLe a capaclLy for change
P8 as SLraLeglc arLner
W P8 should deflne organlzaLlonal ArchlLecLure (sLrucLure sysLem
rewards process people sLyle skllls eLc) and lL need Lo be
arLlculaLed expllclLly
W P8 need Lo be accounLable for conducLlng audlLlng whlch help Lo
ldenLlfy whlch componenLs of archlLecLure should be change Lo
faclllLaLe sLraLegy execuLlon
W 8enovaLlng 1he Lhlrd role of P8 as sLraLeglc parLner ls Lo ldenLlfy
meLhods for renovaLlng Lhe parLs of organlzaLlonal archlLecLure LhaL
need lL P8 can propose creaLe and debaLe for besL pracLlce LhaL
can help Lo lmplemenL sLraLegles
W SeL clear prlorlLles P8 needs Lo [oln Lhe forces Lo conLlnuously
assess Lhe lmpacL and lmporLance of Lhe varlous lnlLlaLlves llke
global Leam work pay for performance so LhaL aL any glven Llme
Lhey can prlorlLlze varlous lnlLlaLlve as per requlremenL
SysLem eople
Change AgenL
Lmployee Champlon
SLraLeglc parLner
AdmlnlsLraLlve LxperL
1he Lvolvlng SLraLeglc 8ole of Puman 8esource ManagemenL
SLraLeglc ManagemenL rocess
W LnvlronmenL Scannlng lnLernal and LxLernal
W SLraLegy lormulaLlon
CorporaLe Level
8uslness unlL
luncLlonal Level
W SLraLegy lmplemenLaLlon
Supplylng compeLenL people
Llnk P8 pracLlce s Lo cusLomer and shareholder requlremenLs
Lngage Lhe enLhuslasm and supporL of managemenL and
Lncouraglng proacLlve 8ehavlor
LxpllclL communlcaLlon of Coals
SLlmulaLlng CrlLlcal 1hlnklng
roducLlvlLy as P8 based sLraLegy
W SLraLegy LvaluaLlon Lo deLermlne exLenL Lo whlch Lhe
company's sLraLegles are successful ln aLLalnlng lLs
ob[ecLlve lrom SLraLeglc P8M perspecLlve evaluaLlon
may be demand answer Lo followlng quesLlons ?
uoes P8 provlde an annual reporL on lLs 8Cl ?
ls P8 raLed by cusLomers ?
P8 professlonal presenL ln plannlng and
lmplemenLaLlon durlng MA?
ls Lhere an 8Cl process Lo evaluaLe P8 lnlLlaLlves
connecLed Lo buslness sLraLegy ?
ls P8 role leveraged ln change lnlLlaLlves such as
sysLem lmplemenLaLlons and reorganlzaLlon ?
Servlce Lxcellence
Care and concern
1lmely asslsLance
uependable AccuraLe performance
Confldence ln Lmployee knowledge
P8 racLlce cholces relaLed Lo SLraLeglc CuLcome
W SLafflng cholces lnLernal sources or exLernal source/Close
procedure or open procedure
W Appralslng cholces 8ehavloral crlLerla or 8esulL
crlLerla/Low employee parLlclpaLlon or Plgh Lmployee
parLlclpaLlon/ lndlvldual crlLerla or Croup crlLerla
W CompensaLlng cholces SLandard flxed package or llexlble
ackage/ ShorL Lerm lncenLlves or Long Lerm lncenLlves
W 1ralnlng uevelopmenL roducLlvlLy emphasls or CuallLy
emphasls /lndlvldual orlenLaLlon or Croup orlenLaLlon
W Work sysLem arLlclpaLlve ManagemenL or ulrecLlve
ManagemenL / 1eam orlenLaLlon or lndlvldual orlenLaLlon/
Speclallze !obs or 8oLaLlon among !obs
1hank ?ou
uevender slngh

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