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Review of instrument types

nstruments can be subdivided

into separate classes
according to several criteria
.tive and passive instruments
W nstruments are divided into active or
passive ones according to whether the
instrument output is entirely produced by
the quantity being measured or whether
the quantity being measured simply
modulates the magnitude of some external
power source.
uII-type and defIe.tion-type
W n analogue instrument gives an output
that varies continuously as the quantity
being measured changes.
W digital instrument has an output that
varies in discrete steps and so can only
havea finite number of values.
naIogue and digitaI instruments
$mart and non-smart
W %he advent of the microprocessor has
created a new division in instruments
between those that do incorporate a
microprocessor (smart) and those that
!engembangan lat Ukur
W lat Ukur Baru
W lat Ukur Jarak Jauh (%elemetri).
W lat Ukur yang Cerdas (Smart Instrument).
W lat Ukur untuk Mengendalikan Sesuatu
(Sistem Kendali)

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