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Chelsie Eyre

EDEL 443
Traditional Field Trip
-The Gallery oI Fine Arts at the Bellagio
-Leave school at 9:00am and back by 12:30pm
or 5
grade class
-Three parent helpers to chaperone
-Cost: Children 12 and under are Iree, adults $12
O &nit oI Instruction
The topic that I plan to teach beIore and during this Iield trip is about Iamous artist in
history, and their Iamous artwork.
O Essential skills, concepts, and experiences to be achieved
The students will learn the history oI Iamous artist and identiIy their artwork.
O Learning experiences beIore the trip
BeIore the Iield trip, I will teach the students some background knowledge about the
various artists that will be at the gallery. I will get a list oI the artist that have art
displayed at the gallery, and have each student chose an artist and research on them. Then
I will have each student share with the class what Iacts they discovered about that artist.
O Learning experiences during the trip
During the Iield trip, the students will gain more in depth knowledge about the artwork at
the gallery and be able to connect the artwork with the artist that we researched in class.
O Learning experiences aIter the trip
AIter the Iield trip, I will have the students write a paper on their Iavorite piece oI art
Irom the gallery, and why.
O #ationale statement
Within the last couple oI months, the IiIth grade has been studying the history oI art. As
part oI our study, we are planning a Iield trip to Bellagio`s Gallery oI Fine Art. The
purpose oI our trip is to attend the art gallery and see the artwork oI the artists that we
have been studying.

Chelsie Eyre
EDEL 443
Classroom Field Trip

-Mormon Fort Volunteers
-In class
grade class
O &nit oI Instruction
The topic that will be taught is about pioneers, and the way that they lived.
O Essential skills, concepts, and experiences to be achieved
The students will learn how the pioneers lived. This will teach the students how the pioneers
stayed warm, what Iood they ate and how they had to prepare it, and what toys the children
played with. Overall, the students will learn the responsibilities that he pioneers had to get across
the plains.
O Learning experiences beIore the trip
BeIore the volunteer come into our classroom, the class will have been learning about pioneers.
We will read literature about pioneers and the experience they had on their trek across the plains.
O Learning experiences during the trip
The students will do hands on activities that the pioneers did. They will make butter, play
marbles, make a rag doll, see how the pioneers washed their clothes, and see how small
the wagons were and what they could pack.
O Learning experiences aIter the trip
AIter the in class Iield trip, I will have the students write a paper on what they learned, or
a story based on iI they were a pioneer, and what kinds oI things they would take on their
wagon, and what struggles they had on their trek.
O #ationale statement
This past week our class has been learning about Pioneers and the history oI
Thanksgiving. To get some hands on experience with the way pioneers lived I have
scheduled some volunteers Irom the Old Mormon Fort, to come in and do an in class
Iield trip. Your children will learn how the pioneers packed their wagons, washed their
clothes. They will learn how to make homemade butter and dolls.

Chelsie Eyre
EDEL 443
Virtual Field Trip

-Solar System Virtual Field Trip
- 1
through 5

O &nit oI Instruction
The Solar System
O Essential skills, concepts, and experiences to be achieved
The students will learn all about each planets characteristics and appearance.
O Learning experiences beIore the trip
As a class, beIore our virtual Iield trip we will be learning the names and rank oI each
O Learning experiences during the trip
During the virtual Iield trip, the students will learn more than just the name and rank oI
the planets. They will learn all the characteristics oI each planet.
O Learning experiences aIter the trip
AIter the virtual Iield trip, each student will chose a planet, do a book report, and teach
the class about their planet.
O #ationale statement
This past couple oI weeks our class has been learning about the Solar System. We will be
taking a virtual Iield trip to each planet, and the students will then choose a planet and do
a book report. Then the students will have to teach the class about their planet.

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