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Marlena McCall

LBST 2102
Mr. Robert Arnold
20 September 2011
Microtheme 3
In the Iilm 09,Djeliba is a constant in a changing world. He is a wise old man.
Which it`s apparent that the term old man is acceptable and not an insult because the
people who enter into the Keita dwelling greet him as 'old man, including 'orange
blossom, Mabo`s mother. It seems to be almost respectIul, reIerencing to his wisdom.
Similarly many cultures respect their 'elders. Djeliba must take some pride in his
knowledge, Ior he says there are only two things he does not know about: sheep and
Focusing on the present portion oI the Iilm; the world around Djeliba is evolving
but his goal in liIe is to preserve tradition particularly as a griot telling Mabo Keita the
story oI his origin. There are many examples that present the changes in the world and
culture: Mabo`s schoolmaster teaches evolution, the woman oI the household can have a
servant doing the work (in the kitchen, washing, etc.), everyone sleeps in the conIines oI
a room in the house). Djeliba reIuses to take part in these activities. He sleeps outside in
his hammock, typically eats his own Iood, and tells the great and rather interesting
(though it may require the suspension oI disbelieI) tale oI Mande.
People have an inherent attraction to these kind oI traditional people, particularly
children because they`ve not yet been persuaded by the world about the truths oI the
world. The Iilm suggest that Mabo is very smart and was doing well in school and his
studies until Djeliba distracted him with the story oI his origin. Humans have an even
greater inherent and persistent curiosity about their past. Which is why you can go online
and Iind numerous 'Iamily tree sites that claim they can provide the help and location
you need to discover your ancestors. Knowledge oI one`s past or history evokes pride or
reason Ior existence. Don`t we all wish someone like Djeliba would show up, tie a
hammock oII in our Iront yard, and proceed to tell us oI our past at our convenience?

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