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Tho IIrosIdo Ioofs

AmorIcn`s IIrsf !Ifornry Sfnrs

o wnfchod fho fIrsf rod bInzo nonr,
Honrd fho shnr crnckIo, cnughf fho gIonm
On whIfownshod wnII nnd snggIng bonm,
!nfII fho oId, rudofurnIshod room
Iursf, fIoworIIko, Info rosy bIoom
hIIo rndInnf wIfh n mImIc fInmo
OufsIdo fho snrkIIng drIff bocnmo,
And fhrough fho bnroboughod IIIncfroo
Our own wnrm honrfh soomod bInzIng froo.
from Snowbound, John CroonIonf hIffIor
hnf nro fho IIrosIdo Ioofs
: IIrsf grou of AmorIcnn oofs fo rIvnI
IrIfIsh oofs In ouInrIfy In oIfhor
: ofnbIo for fhoIr schoInrshI nnd fho
rosIIIonco of fhoIr IInos nnd fhomos.
: Iroforrod convonfIonnI forms ovor
: Offon usod AmorIcnn Iogonds nnd sconos
of AmorIcnn IIfo ns fhoIr subjocf mnffor.
ho woro fho IIrosIdo Ioofs
: IIIInm CuIIon
: Jnmos !ussoII
: OIIvor ondoII
: John CroonIonf
IIIInm CuIIon Irynnf
: l?94l8?8
: Comosod
: Ono of fho foundors
of fho !oubIIcnn
nrfy nnd suorfor
of !IncoIn
Jnmos !ussoII !owoII
: l8l9l89l
: Of fho romInonf
Iosfon IrnhmIn
!owoII fnmIIy
: AcfIvo In nnfI
sInvory cnusos
OIIvor ondoII HoImos
: l809l894
: ModIcnI docfor
Invonfod fho form
: Comosod OId
IronsIdos, whIch snvod
fho !.S.S. ConsfIfufIon
from fho scrnynrd
: Infhor of Suromo
Courf JusfIco OIIvor
ondoII HoImos, Jr.
: rofo Tho Aufocrnf of
fho Ironkfnsf TnbIo
John CroonIonf hIffIor
: l80?l892
: Comosod Snow
bound nnd !ogonds
of ow IngInnd
: AcfIvo In nnfI
sInvory movomonf
!nsfIng Imncf
: !ongfoIIow romnInod fho mosf ouInr AmorIcnn oof
for docndos. hon Ioo crIfIcIzod hIm, ho wns nII buf
osfrncIzod. !ongfoIIow romnIns fho onIy AmorIcnn
oof fo bo ImmorfnIIzod by n busf In osfmInsfor
Abboy`s Ioofs` Cornor
: Thoy fook on cnusos In fhoIr oofry, such ns fho
nboIIfIon of sInvory, whIch broughf fho Issuos fo fho
forofronf In n nInfnbIo wny.
: Through fhoIr schoInrshI nnd odIforInI offorfs, fhoy
nvod fho wny for Infor !omnnfIc wrIfors IIko !nIh
nIdo Imorson, Honry nvId Thoronu, nnd nIf
!nsfIng Imncf confInuod
: Tho oofs' rImnry subjocfs woro fho domosfIc IIfo,
myfhoIogy, nnd oIIfIcs of AmorIcn, In whIch sovornI of
fho oofs woro dIrocfIy InvoIvod.
: Tho IIrosIdo Ioofs dId nof wrIfo for fho snko of ofhor
oofs fhoy wrofo for fho common ooIo. Thoy monnf
fo hnvo fhoIr sforIos foId for fnmIIIos.

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