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******************************************************************************** Windows 8 build 7850 Activator and Timebomb Remover v0.9.

2 by janek2012 Description: ============ This tool will simply disable Windows 8's Timebomb and activate it. How does it work? ================= Simply. Timebomb is removed by replacing tokens and store folders by Windows 7 Enterprise's ones (build 7600). Activation is done by WZT's KMS Keygen which allows you to activate Windows (and Office) VL offline. Instructions: ============= 1. Boot in Safe Mode (hit F8 few times just after BIOS disappears). 2. Run this program and click Remove Timebomb. 3. After success, restart computer. 4. Run this program again and click Activate. 5. Restart again and voila! No ****ing watermark, timebomb, activation! Additional info =============== If you have any problems, try running application and look into C:\Activator folder. There are all the files Activator use. This folder will be moved and hidden in further releases. Known Issues ============ # You can overwrite backups by patched one so it will **** the recover. # No errors may show if they occur. # No logging feature All of them will be fixed in further releases. Changelog ========= v0.9.2 # # # # v0.9.1 # Activation fixed ================================================================================ Thanks to: WZor Team, CODYQX4, sammy1237, BetaArchive and MDL Forums ================================================================================ Some IMPORTANT activation fixes (done in first time in most cases)! License status System version is being checked You enable or disable watermark (works on activated systems only)

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