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There are two basic methodologies use Ior the stock

market analysis :-
1. Technical analysis: - ReIers to the analysis oI price
movements on Charts.
2. Fundamental Analysis: - ReIers to the analysis oI
Iinancial perIormance oI the company.
Support kes|stance
Technical analysis
Types of Chart
L|ne chart lL ls generally creaLed by connecLlng a serles of pasL
closlng prlces LogeLher wlLh a llne
8ar Chart ar charL ls graphlc represenLaLlon of prlce acLlon uslng a
verLlcal bar Lo connecL Lhe hlghesL prlce Lo Lhe lowesL prlce durlng a
Cand|est|ck Chart @he candlesLlck encapsulaLes Lhe open hlgh
low close of Lhe Lreadlng perlod ln a slngle candle
Trends in Technical Analysis : -
Types of trends: -
1. Uptrend :- Lhe prlce movemenL of a flnanclal asseL when Lhe
overall dlrecLlon ls upward
owntrend ownLrend descrlbed Lhe prlce movemenL of
flnanclal asseLs when Lhe overall dlrecLlon ls downward

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