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1. Introductions, if Appropriate, and Apologies for Absence 2.

Declarations of Interest (Members must declare any personal and prejudicial interests in the items on the agenda.) 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting (The Members examine the minutes of the previous meeting and either agree them o r ask for changes to be made) 4. Matters Arising (If there are any subjects in the minutes of the previous meeting where updated information is available it will be dealt with here.) 5. Deputations (only at certain types of meetings) (If there are any deputations the Members will deal with them at this point.) 6. Petitions (again only at certain types of meetings, e.g. Highways) (If there are any petitions they will be heard at this point) 7. Reports (The main bulk of the agenda is taken up with reports presented to the meeting. In general these reports will ask the meeting to agree to a certain course of ac tion. Members will hear a summary of the report, will then discuss it and finall y vote on the recommendations, and potentially make recommendations of their own . All reports presented to a meeting have to be published, along with the agenda , five clear days before the meeting, so allowing Councillors and members of the public to read the reports before the meeting takes place.) 8. Any Other Urgent Business (If there is any other business that arrived too late to be included on the agen da it may, at the Chair's discretion, be discussed here. The procedure for deali ng with late business changes depending on the meeting concerned.) 9. Date of Next Meeting (Finally, the date of the next meeting, if known, is announced.)

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