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O Heat shield is the uppermost stage oI Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).

O t is made in to two halves, out oI thin walled intricately machined Aluminium Alloy
panels and sheets and weighs about 1200 Kgs.
O %he main purpose oI the heat shield is to house satellite, which is to be launched in to
space orbit. t provides an aerodynamic shape to the launch vehicle.
O t protects the satellite while passing through the Earth`s dense atmosphere.
O %he special separation mechanism which joins both halves oI the heat shield is Iitted
with an explosive chord.
O hen the PSLV reaches about 110 Kms this chord is made to explode causing the
two halves to separate and Iall oII.
O %he PSLV can carry satellite up to total weight oI 1000 Kgs.
O %he satellites are put in to an orbit oI about 900 Kms. height.

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