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Fadebar version 1.1.5 Released Dec 27, 2008 (C) Jeff_vz@yahoo.

com All rights reserved

http:\\ -----------------------------------------1. Description: Fadebar is an application to make the taskbar and the startmenu in windows XP transparent and having a mouse hovering effect 2. Installation: Just extract the file to a folder of your choice an d run fadebar.exe If you just want the transparent taskbar, use fadebar.exe /quit To restore the taskbar to full opaque, use fadebar.exe /restore Running fadebar.exe without any parameter will make fadebar stay in the memory a nd it will take care of the hovering effect and make the startmenu transparent. You need to run fadebar without parameter to have the hovering effect and transp arent startmenu. However, once you have transparent startmenu, you can quit fadebar (from menu tr ay) and startmenu transparency will stay (but not the taskbar's transparency). T o restore startmenu to opaque, log out and log in again. This is because the pro gram needs to see the startmenu active first to make it transparent/opaque. If you are memory conscious and don't care about the hovering effect, just the t askbar transparency, you can just run fadebar.exe /quit (zero memory usage). 3. Setting: Setting is done through fadebar.ini in the same folder as fadebar.ex e. Just look at the comments on the file fadebar.ini for detail. ------------------------------------------------TIPS: 1. setting taskbar button width: Open regedit32.exe and insert the following key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics] "MinWidth"="110" 2. Speedup startmenu show delay: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "MenuShowDelay"="0"

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