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Early Life
Zulflqar All 8huLLo was born Lo Slr Shahnawaz 8huLLo and khursheed 8egum on 3
!anuary 1928 ln Lhe
Lown of Larkana Slndh Slr Shahnawaz was a Slndhl landlord pollLlclan Pe served aL leglslaLlve counclls
and was Lhe lasL ueewan of Lhe prlncely sLaLe of !unagadh Pls son Zulflqar spenL hls chlldhood and
adolescence years ln 8ombay An exLremely lnLelllgenL and sharp youLh Zulflqar was an avld reader Loo
Pe wenL Lo unlLed SLaLes for hlgher sLudles ln 1947 Pe dld hls 8achelors ln ollLlcal Sclence from
unlverslLy of SouLh Callfornla and unlverslLy of Callfornla 8erkeley Pe wenL Lo sLudy law ln unlLed
klngdom and dld hls LL8 and LLM from ChrlsL Church College unlverslLy of Cxford Pe was called Lo Lhe
bar aL Llncoln's lnn ln 1933 ?oung 8huLLo marrled an lranlan woman nusraL khanum ln 1931 AfLer
compleLlng hls sLudles he sLarLed legal pracLlce ln karachl buL he was much more capable Lhan LhaL hls
arena was sLaLe pollLlcs

Young Zulfl

Zulflqar All 8huLLo goL hls golden chance of enLerlng Lhe hlghesL clrcle of caplLal's pollLlcs ln 1937 when
resldenL lskander Mlrza send hlm wlLh a aklsLanl delegaLlon Lo unlLed naLlons Pe was a parL of
esLabllshmenL now Mlrza's reglme was comlng Lo an end ConsLlLuLlon was abollshed and Lhe counLry
came under absoluLe MarLlal Law on 8
CcLober 1938 and nlneLeen days laLer on 27
CcLober Chlef
MarLlal Law AdmlnlsLraLor Cen Ayub khan assumed presldency 8huLLo Look Lhe porLfollo of Lhe
MlnlsLer for Lnergy as Lhe youngesL mlnlsLer ln Lhe new cablneL Pe soon proved hlmself much more
capable and was moved Lo Lhe Commerce porLfollo and laLer on Lhe MlnlsLry of lnformaLlon and
MlnlsLry of lndusLrles 8huLLo became a close companlon and pollLlcal advlsor of Ayub khan Pe helped

Lhe presldenL ln Lhe agreemenL of lndus waLer LreaLy wlLh lndla and also negoLlaLed Cll exploraLlon
agreemenL wlLh Lhe SovleL unlon ln laLe 1962 he was flnally appolnLed aL Lhe presLlglous poslLlon of
forelgn mlnlsLer
[reign Minister Bbutt[
8huLLo's flrsL ma[or achlevemenL as forelgn mlnlsLer was Lhe Slno aklsLan 8oundary AgreemenL rlghL
afLer Lhe Slno lndlan war of 1962 1he boundary beLween Lhe Lwo nelghbors was demarcaLed and Lhe
agreemenL was slgned on 2
March 1963 1hls agreemenL esLabllshed warm and frlendly relaLlons
beLween Chlna and aklsLan lndla was Lhus dlplomaLlcally defeaLed when lLs Lwo enemles became close
frlends and furLhermore aklsLan had also ceded some 2000 sq mlles of aklsLanl held LerrlLory of
kashmlr Lo Chlna
!usL afLer belng appolnLed as forelgn mlnlsLer 8huLLo lefL for new ?ork Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe long
frulLless negoLlaLlons on kashmlr wlLh hls lndlan counLerparL Sawarn Slngh ln Lhe unlLed naLlons 1he
negoLlaLlons wenL on for slx monLhs buL noLhlng was achleved 8huLLo was frusLraLed wlLh lndlan
rlgldlLy and unwllllngness Lo compromlse on lLs poslLlon Pe brllllanLly supporLed Lhe kashmlr cause Pls
mosL memorable sLaLemenL from Lhe long speeches he made was 1hls problem has Lo be seLLled
because [usLlce cannoL be denled forever"

utto ln UnlteJ Nutlonx Securlty Councll
ConsLanL delay ln Lalks and wrong aLLlLude of lndlan represenLaLlves made up 8huLLo's mlnd LhaL Lhere
ls no dlplomaLlc or pollLlcal soluLlon for kashmlr 1he problem has Lo be solved by armed acLlon Pe also
convlnced Ayub khan and aklsLan's mlllLary command of hls ldeas and Lhey planned Lhe operaLlons
ClbralLor and Crand Slam whlch led Lo Lhe lndo ak war of 1963
1he conLlnued un[usL occupaLlon and huge concenLraLlon of lndlan MlllLary ln kashmlr resulLed ln publlc
proLesLs and uprlslng 8ellglous senLlmenLs of kashmlrl Musllms were hurL when a sacred halr of
ropheL Muhammad 8uP was found mlsslng from Lhe PazraLbal shrlne ln Srlnagar Also Lhe mosL
popular kashmlrl leader Shelkh Abdullah who acLually helped lndla sLrengLhen lLs conLrol on kashmlr ln
Lhe early years of occupaLlon was ln deLenLlon slnce 1933 because of hls supporL for a pleblsclLe

aklsLanl esLabllshmenL of whlch 8huLLo was a sLrong plllar vlewed Lhls slLuaLlon as an excellenL
opporLunlLy Lo llberaLe kashmlr
Accordlng Lo operaLlon ClbralLor volunLeer flghLers were Lo be Lralned ln Azad kashmlr and senL lnLo
occupled kashmlr ln order Lo Lrlgger Lhe suppressed local populaLlon lnLo a mass uprlslng 1he nexL sLep
would be operaLlon Crand Slam under whlch aklsLan mlllLary was Lo move lnLo !ummu reglon and cuL
Lhe vale of kashmlr from malnland lndla 8huLLo was confldenL LhaL lndla wlll never aLLack un[ab
lnsLead lL would aLLack LasL aklsLan Lo pressurlze aklsLan AL LhaL momenL 8huLLo expecLed hls
Chlnese frlends Lo save Lhe slLuaLlon by aLLacklng lndla from Lhe norLh easL on lLs narrow sLrlp above
LasL aklsLan 1hls would noL only proLecL LasL aklsLan buL also deprlve lndla of lLs larLhesL LasLern
1he operaLlon ClbralLor was launched and Lhe Lralnlng and lnfllLraLlon wenL on LhroughouL 1964 and
early 1963 8y AugusL 1963 Lhere were around 7000 lnfllLraLors ln kashmlr lndla had capLured some of
Lhe lnfllLraLors and proLesLed dlplomaLlcally 8y Lhen lndla was well aware of aklsLan's plan Powever
whaL made aklsLan's pollLlcal and mlllLary hlgh commands much more confldenL of Lhelr advenLure ln
kashmlr was Lhe 8aLLle of 8ann of kuLch ln Aprll 1963 ln whlch aklsLan had beaLen lndla and Lhe laLLer
was broughL Lo Lhe negoLlaLlon Lable 1he agreemenL on 8ann of kuLch was slgned on 30
!une 1963
accordlng Lo whlch aklsLan goL Lhe rlghL Lo paLrol norLhern parL of Lhe kuLch
lndla whlch was much sLronger mlllLarlly was noL Lo glve anoLher chance Lo aklsLan 8y Lhe end of
AugusL Lhe aklsLan mlllLary hlgh command saw compleLe fallures ln pursulng Lhe operaLlons ClbralLor
and Crand Slam kashmlrls had noL shown Lhe requlred heaL of aglLaLlon and lndla was fully prepared Lo
aLLack un[ab ln case of aklsLan's mlllLary advance 8huLLo was noL convlnced by any of Lhese mlllLary
analyses Pe was very confldenL ln hls plans
aklsLan mlllLary sLarLed operaLlon Crand Slam and enLered Lhe !ammu reglon on 1
SepLember 1963
lnlLlally lndlan Army fell back and by 4
SepLember aklsLanl Lanks were 20 mlles lnLo !ammu 1he
course of confllcL compleLely changed when lndla wlLh lLs full force aLLacked Lahore on 6
and a full fledge war sLarLed !ummu Lanks had Lo roll back on 7
SepLember Lo proLecL SlalkoL
CperaLlons ClbralLor and Crand Slam were dead and now mlllLary had Lo proLecL aklsLan 8huLLo
vlslLed Chlna durlng Lhe war requesLlng supporL buL Chlnese supporL was noL more Lhan moral AL LhaL
Llme mlllLary command reallzed LhaL Lhey had acLually worked foollshly on an lrraLlonal and fanLasLlc
plan glven by a dlplomaL aklsLan losL a Lhousand men and was low on ammunlLlon Cn 23
Lhe war ended lnLo an uncondlLlonal ceaseflre as a resulL of a resoluLlon passed by unlLed naLlons
SecurlLy Councll 1he war was hardly a vlcLory for elLher slde
8huLLo represenLed aklsLan ln un kashmlr Lalks followlng 1963 war Agaln he very sLrongly supporLed
Lhe kashmlr cause and aklsLan's sLance on Lhe lssue Pe gave hls famous sLaLemenL on kashmlr LhaL we
wlll flghL for kashmlr's freedom for a Lhousand years Pe also sLressed on Lhe real reason of Lhe kashmlr
lssue belng lllegal lndlan occupaLlon 1he people of aklsLan were frusLraLed on geLLlng noLhlng ouL of
war kashmlr was sLlll ln lndla's hands 8huLLo became Lhe volce of frusLraLed people of aklsLan buL he
was no more ln hls masLer's good books Ayub khan LrusLed hlm no more Pls forelgn mlnlsLer's wrong

plans had cosL hlm a full scale war wlLh lndla 8huLLo dld noL see Lhe obvlous and was sLlll lnslsLenL LhaL
hls plans were compleLely perfecL

yub Kun Jurlng 96S wur
SovleL unlon lnvlLed boLh lndla and aklsLan Lo 1ashkenL for negoLlaLlons 1he summlL sLarLed on 4

!anuary 1966 Leaders of boLh naLlons negoLlaLed and sovleL leaders faclllLaLed Lhe Lalks llnally on 10

!an 1966 Lhe 1ashkenL ueclaraLlon was slgned wlLh a flrm resolve for peace 8huLLo sLrongly crlLlclzed
Lhe agreemenL Pe wanLed a seLLlemenL on kashmlr aklsLan however was noL ln Lhe poslLlon of pulllng
lndla Lowards a seLLlemenL leellng frusLraLed and lgnored 8huLLo handed over hls reslgnaLlon Lo Lhe
resldenL buL remalned formally ln hls [ob Llll !une 1966

1uxent eclurutlon
jun 966. Ieft to Rlgt: InJlun Prlme Mlnlxter Iul uuJur Suxtrl, utto
evlJently not lnterexteJ, yub Kun unJ Ruxxlun Premler lexel Koxygln


e[\le's [litics
8huLLo's advocacy of kashmlr lssue had already made hlm popular as Lhe only person ln Lhe governmenL
slncere wlLh Lhe publlc feellngs ubllc oplnlon was golng agalnsL Lhe governmenL noLhlng had been
achleved ln Lhe war kashmlr was sLlll ln lndlan hands and Lhere was a peace agreemenL When 8huLLo
formally lefL Lhe cablneL and came back Lo Lahore on 20
!une 1966 he was meL wlLh an overwhelmlng
crowd of admlrers aL Lhe rallway sLaLlon Pe was garlanded and ralsed on shoulders lL was clear from
LhaL day onwards LhaL 8huLLo ls Lhe new leader of aklsLan and Ayub khan's days are numbered
8epercusslons of 1963 war led Lo economlc problems Ayub's economlc pollcles had already broughL
frusLraLlon for Lhe ma[orlLy of aklsLanls 8lch and poor gap was enormously wldened LasL aklsLan was
drlfLlng aparL wlLh Mu[lb's slx polnL agenda Ayub's pollLlcal sysLem also proved Lo be a fallure and
people were geLLlng frusLraLed wlLh hls long rule Cn Lhe oLher hand publlc's hero Zulflqar All 8huLLo
was plannlng Lo launch hls own pollLlcal parLy 1he overwhelmlng publlc supporL afLer 1ashkenL
declaraLlon had sLrengLhened hls bellef LhaL hls arena ls people's pollLlcs 1he Llme was opporLune for
sLarLlng a sLruggle for democracy Pe founded aklsLan eople's arLy on 30
november 1967 ln Lahore
1he parLy's bellefs were summarlzed ln a famous sLaLemenL lslam ls our falLh democracy ls our pollLy
soclallsm ls our economy All power Lo Lhe people

Peoplex IeuJer Zulflqur ll utto

8huLLo lmmedlaLely launched hlmself lnLo acLlve pollLlcs Wherever he spoke he aLLracLed huge crowds
eople's arLy became Lhe parLy of masses 8huLLo employed all hls LalenLs of speech ln crlLlclzlng Lhe
governmenL and glvlng a new vlslon of aklsLan Pe Look a very sLrong llne agalnsL governmenL accused

Ayub of selllng kashmlr Lo lndla pursulng an lndeflnlLe forelgn pollcy lmplemenLlng wrong economlc
reforms whlch beneflLLed few dlsLracLlng aklsLan from democracy by launchlng hls own brand of fake
democracy and eaLlng up aklsLan's slncere pollLlcal class people lncludlng khwa[a nazlmuddln Pussaln
Shaheed Suhrawardy and laLlma !lnnah Pe also accused Lhe governmenL for gross corrupLlon and
challenged Ayub Lo declare hls asseLs Pe gave a vlslon of democraLlc soclallsL aklsLan 1hrough hls
famous slogan 8oLl kapra Makaan" he ensured Lhe people LhaL ln hls governmenL Lhelr baslc
necesslLles wlll be Laken care off Pe recognlzed Lhe sLudenL power and galned Lhelr unanlmous supporL
Pe also promlsed Lo brlng vlllage land and economlc reforms and Lo make aklsLan's defenses
lmpregnable 8huLLo had lmmense energy Pe exLenslvely vlslLed all over WesL aklsLan wlnnlng publlc
supporL Pls lmage was of a slncere paLrloLlc and democraLlc leader who would change Lhe face of
aklsLan Pe clalmed LhaL hls parLy belongs Lo Lhe poor peasanLs and workers whlle oLher parLles are
corrupL and pro caplLallsL
WlLhln a year he had pollLlcally moblllzed Lhe whole of WesL aklsLan llnally Lhe reglme lncreaslngly
uneasy wlLh 8huLLo's pollLlcal acLlvlLles arresLed hlm on 13
november 1968 8y LhaL Llme Lhe pollLlcal
unresL ln boLh wlngs of aklsLan had reached lLs peak and anLlAyub senLlmenLs were hlgh 8huLLo was
released from prlson ln lebruary 1969 buL was kepL under house arresL ln Larkana Cen Ayub khan
sLepped down on 23
March 1969 and handed over power Lo MlllLary Chlef Cen ?ahya khan who
lmposed marLlal law and promlsed elecLlons now Lwo greaL popullsL leaders shared Lhe pollLlcal arena
of aklsLan 8huLLo was exLremely popular ln WesL aklsLan and Shelkh Mu[lb ur 8ehman of Awaml
League en[oyed greaL supporL of LasL aklsLan because of hls slx polnL agenda whlch demanded hlghesL
level of auLonomy for LasL aklsLan
Electi[ns 9 and tbe East akistan Tragedy
llrsL general elecLlons were held ln uecember 1970 8esulLs were more or less expecLed 8huLLo en[oyed
a clean sweep ln un[ab and Slndh wlnnlng 81 seaLs of WesL aklsLan Mu[lb on Lhe oLher hand had a
Lremendous vlcLory ln LasL aklsLan wlnnlng 160 seaLs ln Lhe naLlonal Assembly naLurally hls was Lhe
rlghL of fuLure premlershlp buL 8huLLo sensed Lrouble here Pls and Mu[lb's vlslons were noL compaLlble
Pe belleved ln a unlLed aklsLan and slx polnL agenda was repulslve for hlm 1helr rullng coallLlon was
almosL lmposslble 8huLLo belleved LhaL alLhough Mu[lb en[oys Lhe supporL of ma[orlLy of aklsLanls buL
power of aklsLan ls ln WesL aklsLan whlch was ln 8huLLo's pockeL now Pe was very confldenL LhaL
wlLhouL hls supporL Lhere would be no naLlonal governmenL and no consLlLuLlon 8huLLo clearly volced
hls oplnlon of Lhe slLuaLlon and very much hoped Lo convlnce Mu[lb ur 8ehman Lo compromlse on hls slx
polnL agenda Powever Mu[lb felL no need Lo cooperaLe wlLh 8huLLo Pe en[oyed ma[orlLy and perhaps
dld noL belleve ln unlLed aklsLan anymore 8huLLo Lrled all hls powers Lo negoLlaLe buL Mu[lb was noL
prepared Lo go back an lnch on hls slx polnLs because of whlch he had won ma[orlLy 8huLLo was also
rlgld deLermlned Lo corner Mu[lb and share power Pe underesLlmaLed Lhe serlousness of slLuaLlon ln
LasL aklsLan When naLlonal Assembly's sesslon Lo be held ln uhaka was posLponed by Cen ?ahya on
8huLLo's lnslsLence 8engalls were offended and furlous All Lhelr grlevances were once more verlfled
and Lhey now sLrongly belleved LhaL Lhey cannoL happlly coexlsL wlLh WesL aklsLan and Lhe power
players of WesL aklsLan would never accepL a ma[orlLy leader as rlme MlnlsLer 8huLLo losL hope ln a

coallLlon and wanLed Lo become rlme MlnlsLer of WesL aklsLan leavlng Lhe LasL for Mu[lb 1he whole
of LasL aklsLan wenL on sLrlke Mu[lb sLarLed a non cooperaLlon mass movemenL ArresLs were made
and slLuaLlon goL worse MlllLary moved ln Lhe plcLure and Lrled Lo malnLaln law and order ln LasL
aklsLan buL unforLunaLely lL was never Lo come back ln unlLed aklsLan AfLer a huge mlllLary operaLlon
Search LlghL on Lhe nlghL of 23
March whlch resulLed ln a loL of human Lragedy Lhlngs wenL lrreverslbly
wrong and pollLlcal confllcL became a clvll war 8huLLo became a haLed flgure ln LasL aklsLan Pe openly
clalmed LhaL he ls a Lrue paLrloL and Mu[lb ls lndla's agenL

Mujlb unJ utto
uurlng Lhe clvll war mllllons of 8engalls crossed Lhe border lnLo lndla Lo seek refuge Masslve
deploymenL of lndlan Lroops was seen along Lhe border of LasL aklsLan by Lhe fall of 1971 lndlra
Candhl Lhe rlme MlnlsLer of lndla clalmed LhaL lndla should aLLack LasL aklsLan beaL aklsLanl forces
and glve Lhe counLry Lo lLs people 1he cosL of Lhls war would be much lower LhaL Lhe cosL of keeplng
8engall refugees ln lndla 1he clever daughLer of nehru goL her golden chance Lo collapse aklsLan 8y
mld november 1971 lndlan mlllLary sLarLed crosslng border lnLo LasL aklsLan A full scale war broke ouL
and ended on 16
uecember 1971 wlLh Lhe fall of uhaka lndla occupled Lhe whole of LasL aklsLan
aklsLan's mlllLary command surrendered and 93000 soldlers were Laken as CW's

Mllltury xurrenJerx ln Fuxt Pulxtun

uurlng Lhls Lraglc phase 8huLLo who had [olned Lhe ?ahya governmenL as uepuLy rlme MlnlsLer was
represenLlng aklsLan ln Lhe SecurlLy Councll AfLer long negoLlaLlons whaL 8huLLo goL was an offer of
surrender for aklsLanl MlllLary ln LasL aklsLan 8huLLo furlously re[ecLed Lhe offer ln hls famous
speech on 13
March 1971 he sald LhaL Lhe SecurlLy Councll has falled mlserable and shamefully Pe
blamed Lhe councll for prolonglng Lhe negoLlaLlons so LhaL lndlan MlllLary could capLure uhaka Pe sald
no maLLer whaL happens we'll bulld a greaLer aklsLan Pe walked ouL of Lhe councll

utto wulx out of te Securlty Councll


Leader [f akistan
8ack home 8huLLo Look power from ?ahya khan on 20
uecember 1971 and became Lhe resldenL Pe
also held Lhe odd poslLlon of Chlef MarLlal Law AdmlnlsLraLor aklsLan was ln a Lerrlble sLaLe Lconomy
was ln shambles mlllLary defeaLed socleLy demorallzed and separaLlsL Lrends more Lhan ever no doubL
he had an enormous Lask ahead 1he besL Lhlng 8huLLo dld ln Lhls slLuaLlon was boosLlng Lhe morale of
hls people wlLh Lhe promlse of bulldlng a beLLer aklsLan and a brlghL fuLure WhaL seemed an end he
Lurned lL lnLo a new beglnnlng Pe promlsed Lo dedlcaLe hlmself Lo Lhe people of aklsLan 8huLLo
worked for 20 hours every day and Lravelled a loL
[reign [licy
8huLLo was a brllllanL dlplomaL Pls forelgn pollcy followed LhaL brllllance !usL slx monLhs afLer Lhe war
he wenL Lo lndla and negoLlaLed wlLh lndlra Candhl for reLurn of CWs and Lhe capLured aklsLanl
LerrlLory 1he agreemenL was slgned aL Lhe lasL momenL on 2
!uly 1972 lndla reLurned aklsLan's
6000sq mlles of capLured LerrlLory aklsLan also won Lhe safe reLurn of lLs CWs lncludlng Lhe 193
offlcers and soldlers whlch were demanded by 8angladesh Lo be Lrled as war crlmlnals 1he flrsL baLch of
freed CWs arrlved aL Lahore on 28
SepLember 1973 8oLh counLrles agreed on Lhe lmporLance of
peace ln Lhe reglon WhaL aklsLan losL ln Lhe Slmla agreemenL was Lhe lnLernaLlonal sLaLus of Lhe
kashmlr lssue 8oLh counLrles agreed LhaL lL's a bllaLeral lssue and wlll be solved Lhrough bllaLeral
negoLlaLlons Cverall Lhe Slmla agreemenL was an achlevemenL

utto unJ InJlru 0unJl xlgnlng Slmlu greement
july 97
8huLLo never abandoned aklsLan's sLance on kashmlr Lven afLer aklsLan's weak slLuaLlon followlng
Lhe war and compromlslng Lhe lnLernaLlonal sLaLus of kashmlr ln Slmla agreemenL 8huLLo blunLly
supporLed Lhe kashmlr cause and Lhelr rlghL of self deLermlnaLlon

8huLLo also argued and Lrled Lo convlnce Lhe naLlonal Assembly for Lhe recognlLlon of 8angladesh MosL
of Lhe opposlLlon parLles were agalnsL lL WlLhouL recognlzlng 8angladesh Lhere would be no reLurn of
CWs and moreover LasL aklsLan's share of lnLernaLlonal debL would also be aklsLan's llablllLy llnally
afLer much opposlLlon Lhe resoluLlon on 8angladesh was passed on 10
!uly 1973 aklsLan formally
recognlzed 8angladesh durlng Lhe lslamlc SummlL ln lebruary 1974 ln whlch Shelkh Mu[lb ur 8ehman
Lhe rlme MlnlsLer of 8angladesh also parLlclpaLed

Z..utto unJ Sel Mujlb ur Remun Jurlng Ixlumlc Summlt Iuore Feb 974
8huLLo dlverslfled hls forelgn pollcy by esLabllshlng close and warm relaLlons wlLh fellow Musllm naLlons
lslamlc SummlL held on 1822 lebruary 1974 ln Lahore was aLLended by LhlrLy elghL leaders of Lhe
Musllm world 1he summlL focused lLs aLLenLlon on supporLlng Lhe alesLlne cause 1he leaders also
sLressed on Laklng concreLe measures Lo demonsLraLe Musllm unlLy WlLh Lhe lslamlc SummlL 8huLLo
earned a loL of popularlLy wlLhln aklsLan and warm and frlendly relaLlons wlLh many Musllm leaders
Cn Lhe oLher hand unlLed SLaLes and lsrael grew susplclous and uneasy abouL hls power and
lncllnaLlons 8huLLo also expressed hls lnLenLlon of convenlng a 1hlrd World SummlL whlch made hls
dlfferences wlLh Lhe uS very clear
8huLLo also en[oyed excellenL relaLlons wlLh Chlna wlLh whlch aklsLan galned mlllLary ald and help ln
developlng nuclear weapons aklsLan also lmproved lLs relaLlons wlLh Luropean counLrles and
negoLlaLed a nuclear reprocesslng planL deal wlLh lrance 8elaLlonshlp wlLh uS was noL very easy
8huLLo publlcly abused Amerlcans buL hls dlplomaLlc brllllance acLually goL Lhe arms embargo llfLed
whlch was lmposed durlng 1971 war 8elaLlons wlLh SovleL unlon were also lmproved karachl sLeel mlll
was esLabllshed wlLh sovleL collaboraLlon


Ixlumlc Summlt 974: Ieft to Rlgt Yuxxer rufut, Sel Mujlb Ur Remun, Z..utto unJ Col quJJufl
of Ilbyu ln te Sullmur 0urJenx, Iuore

Ec[n[ic r[nt
When 8huLLo Look power aklsLan's economy had been rulned by pollLlcal unresL of laLe 1960s and Lhe
war wlLh lndla Also Lhe economy had Lo be reshaped afLer separaLlon of LasL aklsLan 8huLLo's flrsL
economlc move was naLlonallzaLlon of all ma[or lndusLrles ln early 1972 1hls was done ln order Lo break
Lhe economlc monopoly of 22 rlchesL famllles 8huLLo's vlslon of naLlonallzaLlon was Lo ensure
maxlmum producLlon ln Lhe lndusLrlal secLor by glvlng Lhe worker a sLake ln lL lndusLrles afLer
naLlonallzaLlon were run by bureaucraLs and workers ConLrary Lo 8huLLo's expecLaLlon Lhe new seL
up rulned lndusLrles because Lhe responslble people had no real sLake lnsLead corrupLlon became
wldespread CaplLallsLs and Lhe buslness class were Lhe grleved parLy ln Lhe naLlonallzaLlon scheme
1hey dld noL LrusL 8huLLo and sLarLed shlfLlng Lhelr caplLal ouL of Lhe counLry lor Lwo years conLlnuous
caplLal ouLflow was seen whlch was only sLopped by Lhe naLlonallzaLlon of all commerclal banks on 1

!an 1974 8huLLo's economlc pollcles were a compleLe fallure lnLernaLlonal facLors llke formaLlon of
CLC led Lo hlgh prlces of lmporLed oll and hence hlgh lnflaLlon naLural calamlLles also conLrlbuLed Lo
worsen Lhe slLuaLlon lloods ln Lhe monsoon of 1973 caused greaL human mlsery ln !anuary 1973
earLhquake hlL SwaL and Pazara kllllng 3000 and ln[urlng 20000 people WlLh economy ln a bad sLaLe
people became more and more resLless and nosLalglc for Ayub's economlc prosperlLy years


Land Ref[rs
8huLLo lmplemenLed aklsLan's second land reforms ln March 1972 1he ownershlp celllng was 130
acres lrrlgaLed and 300 acres non lrrlgaLed land 1he problem wlLh Lhls reform was LhaL lL was on
lndlvldual ownershlp basls lnsLead of famlly ownershlp basls Landlords swlfLly Lransferred Lhelr excess
lands ln Lhe name of Lhelr famlly members and under fake names lnefflclencles ln Lhe execuLlon of land
reforms led Lo a negllglble effecL and Lhe efforL was wasLed AnoLher efforL of rural reform was
exempLlon of all Laxes on small land holdlngs up Lo 23 acres 8huLLo won 80 supporL of Lhe rural
populaLlon wlLh Lhls exempLlon
D[estic [litics
uomesLlc pollLlcs was geLLlng dlfflculL wlLh every passlng day WlLhln naLlonal Assembly 8huLLo faced a
hosLlle opposlLlon LhroughouL hls rule 1he arllamenL was ofLen dlvlded on mlnor lssues Agaln Lhe
credlL goes Lo 8huLLo's excellenL dlplomaLlc skllls LhaL he broughL LogeLher Lhe exLremely polarlzed
house Lowards a consensus on consLlLuLlon 1hls was lndeed a greaL achlevemenL aklsLan's new
democraLlc and blcameral consLlLuLlon was promulgaLed on 14
AugusL 1973 under whlch Zulflqar All
8huLLo became rlme MlnlsLer of aklsLan
lnsurgency ln 8alochlsLan caused by Lhe 8aloch LlberaLlon MovemenL was ln full swlng ln 1973 1he
federal governmenL had Lo send ln mlllLary Lo conLrol Lhe slLuaLlon whlch we know as Lhe conLroverslal
8alochlsLan mlllLary operaLlon akhLunkhwah separaLlsL movemenL ln nWl had also galned
momenLum whlch was supporLed by AfghanlsLan and Lhe provlnclal governmenL of Wall khan ln
un[ab worsL AnLl Ahmedl rloLs erupLed ln 1974 1he slLuaLlon cooled down only afLer Lhe resoluLlon
passed by Lhe naLlonal Assembly on 10
SepLember 1974 declarlng Ahmedls a mlnorlLy and hence
resLrlcLlng Lhelr capaclLy Lo Lake Lhe seaL of resldenL or rlme MlnlsLer Slndhl naLlonallsLs lnLroduced a
Slndhl language blll accordlng Lo whlch Leachlng Slndhl would be made compulsory ln schools 8huLLo
belng a Slndhl naLurally supporLed Lhe blll 1hls led Lo clashes beLween Slndhls and Lhe Muha[lr
communlLy ln Lhe provlnce 8huLLo was also crlLlclzed by aLhans and un[abls for belng lncllned
Lowards hls home provlnce and compromlslng on Lhe naLlonal sLaLus of urdu Lven ln Lhe provlnces
ruled by Lhe pollLlcal leg pulllng and lnefflclency of governmenLs led 8huLLo Lo replace governors
and chlef mlnlsLers
Ref[rs in Military and Bureaucracy
8huLLo was also deLermlned Lo brlng ln mlllLary reforms Pe openly crlLlclzed LhaL aklsLan mlllLary has a
pollLlcal role slnce early 1930s and now he wanLed Lo conLaln lL Pe abollshed Lhe posL of Commander ln
Chlef lnsLead dlfferenL chlefs for all Lhree defense servlces were appolnLed 1o be headed by a
Chalrman !olnL Chlefs of SLaff CommlLLee 8huLLo also formed hls own paramlllLary organlzaLlon lederal
SecurlLy lorce for hls own proLecLlon and pollLlcal purposes 2000 clvll servanLs were reLlred from Lhelr
[obs on Lhe charges of corrupLlon lnsLead 8huLLo appolnLed hls own men ln Lhe servlces Lo keep hls


uclear [licy
lndla successfully LesLed lLs nuclear devlces on 18
May 1974 1hls creaLed a furLher lmbalance of power
ln Lhe Sub ConLlnenL aklsLan's already weak confldence ln peace wlLh lndla was shaLLered 8huLLo
reacLed wlLh hls characLerlsLlc blunLness Pe very clearly expressed LhaL aklsLan ls noL lnLlmldaLed by
Lhls LhreaL and wlll never accepL lndlan hegemony ln Lhe reglon 1hls Lurn of evenLs led Lo Lhe lnlLlaLlon
of aklsLan's nuclear program
ailures and Mistakes
uue Lo huge pollLlcal and economlc problems 8huLLo faced LhroughouL hls rule and also because of Lhe
corrupL peoples parLy offlclals Lhe governmenL could noL dellver whaL lL promlsed 8huLLo was also
drlfLed away by Lhe power he en[oyed Pe adopLed undemocraLlc and lllegal LacLlcs of cornerlng hls
opponenLs 1he orlglnal group of lnLellecLuals who were ploneers of eople's arLy one by one lefL hlm
Pe grew mlsLrusLful of everyone Pe belleved LhaL he was Lhe only man who could lead and save
aklsLan Pe losL some pollLlcal supporL because of Lhe lnefflclencles of hls governmenL and pollcles
hlLLlng Lhe sLake of speclflc lnLeresL groups sLlll he was generally popular
Cn Lhe domesLlc fronL pollLlcal pressures lncreased LlecLlons were due by 1977 and opposlLlon parLles
were sLruggllng hard Lo somehow dlsplace 8huLLo 1helr crlLlclsm focused malnly on bad sLaLe of
economy and 8huLLo's characLer assasslnaLlon 8uslness class sLrongly supporLed Lhe opposlLlon 8huLLo
on Lhe oLher hand became exLremely senslLlve Lo every crlLlclsm wheLher poslLlve or negaLlve Pe knew
LhaL he had losL some of hls former power and lnfluence wlLh Lhe masses
8huLLo was noL good aL appolnLlng rlghL person for Lhe rlghL [ob Many of hls appolnLmenLs were
mlsLakes 1he greaLesL blunder he made was appolnLmenL of Cen Zla ul Paq as MlllLary Chlef on 1

March 1976 whlch cosL 8huLLo hls llfe Lhree years laLer Zla was chosen Lo head mlllLary over slx of hls
senlor LL Cenerals 8huLLo becomlng more and more lnsecure pollLlcally wanLed a low proflle mlllLary
chlef wlLh no pollLlcal amblLlon Pls loglc of appolnLlng Zla ul Paq was perhaps maklng hlm unpopular
wlLhln Lhe mlllLary because he dld noL deserve Lhe posL and aL Lhe same Llme maklng hlm obllged Lo Lhe
rlme MlnlsLer for Lhls favor 8huLLo was very saLlsfled wlLh hls cholce because Lhe mlllLary chlef always
behaved very humbly and obedlenLly ln hls presence


arning fr[ tbe bite H[use
8y 1976 unlLed SLaLes was well aware of aklsLan's plan of maklng nuclear weapons ln lebruary LhaL
year uS SecreLary of SLaLe Penry klsslnger pressurlzed 8huLLo on abandonlng Lhe nuclear program
8huLLo was very flrm on hls naLlonal lnLeresL ln AugusL 1976 klsslnger once agaln vlslLed aklsLan and
Lhls Llme he warned 8huLLo ln harsh Lone whlch laLer on became famous as 'horrlble example' LhreaL
CerLalnly Lhe uS was haLchlng a consplracy agalnsL 8huLLo

enry Klxxlnger, US Secretury of Stute

Electi[ns 9 and tbe ass [beent against Bbutt[
Cn 7
!anuary 1977 8huLLo announced elecLlons Lo be held ln March Assemblles were dlssolved Lhree
days laLer naLlonal elecLlons were held on 7
March 8huLLo won Lhe ma[orlLy All opposlLlon parLles
re[ecLed Lhe resulLs and accused Lhe reglme of uslng sLaLe machlnery and rlgglng Lhe elecLlons 1hey
[olned hands and made a unlLed fronL aklsLan naLlonal Alllance agalnsL 8huLLo 1he opposlLlon
boycoLLed provlnclal elecLlons whlch were Lo be held on 10
March 1here were mass proLesLs agalnsL
Lhe reglme Clashes beLween and nA workers were reporLed SLrlkes were observed SlLuaLlon was
qulckly sllpplng ouL of conLrol 8huLLo could noL preLend anymore LhaL elecLlons were fare Masslve
rlgglng had been done by on aL leasL 36 seaLs 8huLLo called for negoLlaLlons on 12
March buL Lhe
opposlLlon was noL very accommodaLlng 1hey demanded lmmedlaLe reslgnaLlon from 8huLLo and fresh
elecLlons under [udlclary and mlllLary Soon Lhe nA proLesL became a mass movemenL Lven Lhe labor
unlons of lA and 8allways [olned Lhe movemenL roLesLors were showlng Lhelr compleLe sLrengLh on
sLreeLs WlLhln Lwo weeks of unresL Lhlngs wenL so vlolenL LhaL marLlal law was lmposed ln karachl
Lahore and Pyderabad 8y May 1977 300 people goL kllled ln proLesLs and clashes 30000 pollLlcal
opponenLs were behlnd bars and mlllLary was conLrolllng Lhe clLles now opposlLlon was also lncllned

Lowards dlalogue 1he aglLaLlon was called off on 3
!une and negoLlaLlons sLarLed Lahore Plgh CourL
declared marLlal law lllegal lL was llfLed on 7
8huLLo meL Lhe Lhree member negoLlaLlng Leam of nA comprlsed of MufLl Mehmood nawabzada
nasrullah khan and rof Chafoor Ahmed wlLh hls Leam of mlnlsLers Maulana kauser nlazl and Abdul
Pafeez lrzada 1he negoLlaLlons wenL on for a monLh 1here were dlsagreemenLs and deadlocks buL
boLh parLles wanLed a seLLlemenL 8huLLo was very accommodaLlng ln Lhe end accepLlng Lhe
unaccepLable demands of Lhe opposlLlon 8oLh parLles agreed on Lhe prlnclpal of fresh elecLlons under a
supreme lmplemenLaLlon councll comprlslng of equal members of boLh sldes Cn Lhe nlghL of 4
1977 boLh sldes had unofflclally made agreemenL only 8huLLo asked for Llme Lo consulL hls own parLy
and cablneL

lfferencex reconclleJ- utto embruclng Muftl MemooJ


Martial Law
ollLlcal forces were reconclled buL Lhe hlgh command aL Lhe CPC had oLher plans and amblLlons 1haL
faLeful nlghL beLween !uly 4
and 3
under operaLlon falr play mlllLary surrounded Lhe rlme MlnlsLer's
house and Look hlm lnLo 'proLecLlve cusLody' MarLlal law was lmposed by Cen Zla ul Paq assemblles
were dlssolved and consLlLuLlon was suspended Zla ul Paq promlsed hls neuLrallLy and deLermlnaLlon Lo
hold elecLlons wlLhln nlneLy days 8huLLo was Laken Lo a resL house ln Murree Pls mlnlsLers and
opposlLlon leaders were also arresLed uurlng LhaL proLecLlve cusLody 8huLLo always ouLspoken and
sLlll ln hls llluslons Lold Zla LhaL hls acLlons are deflned as Lreason under Lhe consLlLuLlon and lLs penalLy
ls severe
Cn 29
!uly 1977 8huLLo was released from cusLody for pollLlcal campalgnlng MarLlal law made hlm
popular agaln Pe was greeLed by huge crowds aL karachl Lahore and Larkana Lven afLer all economlc
and pollLlcal fallures unresL proLesLs and mudsllnglng he ceased Lo be a less popular leader whlch was
compleLely agalnsL Lhe expecLaLlons of people behlnd Lhe greaL consplracy uS wanLed hlm removed so
dld Zla

0en Zlu Ul uq


Trial and Executi[n
8ack ln 1974 a parllamenLarlan Ahmed 8aza kasurl faced a falled murder aLLempL lnsLead hls faLher
was kllled kasurl had ofLen boldly crlLlclzed 8huLLo ln Lhe house Pe lnlLlally blamed Lhe rlme MlnlsLer
for orderlng Lhe murder Lhrough lSl buL Lhe case was noL pursued lnsLead he accepLed condolences
from Mr Mrs 8huLLo and sLood for 1977 elecLlons wlLh a LlckeL Such classlc case was needed Lo
remove 8huLLo ln 1977 So Lhe case was opened by Lhe marLlal law auLhorlLles ln AugusL 1977 and
dlrecLly referred Lo Lhe Lahore Plgh CourL hence bypasslng one rlghL of appeal 8huLLo was arresLed
from Larkana on 16
SepLember Maulvl MushLaq Lhe [udge aL Lahore Plgh CourL had been Lwlce
denled promoLlon ln 8huLLo era ln Lhe very flrsL hearlng he very boldly expressed hls blas agalnsL
8huLLo LaunLlng hlm for hls luxurlous llfe 8huLLo hlred ?ahya 8akhLlyar as hls lawyer Cpen Lrlal was noL
allowed AfLer a few hearlngs 8huLLo and hls lawyers lrrlLaLed and frusLraLed wlLh Lhe wrong aLLlLude of
Lhe [udge losL hope of [usLlce and boycoLLed Lhe Lrlal 1he courL wenL as far as quesLlonlng 8huLLo's
rellglous bellefs and saylng LhaL he ls Musllm only ln name 1he courL senLenced hlm Lo deaLh ln March

utto comlng for lx trlul ln Iuore lg Court

8y LhaL Llme Zla ul Paq had Laken flrm conLrol over aklsLan Pls neuLral Lone had changed and he
repeaLedly referred Lo Lhe accounLablllLy of corrupL pollLlclans LlecLlons were repeaLedly delayed Zla
assumed presldency ln SepLember 1978 1he governmenL publlshed flve whlLe papers agalnsL Lhe
prevlous reglme ln 1978
8huLLo appealed hls case Lo Supreme CourL of aklsLan A seven member bench under !usLlce Anwar ul
Paq heard Lhe appeal Ma[orlLy [udges of Lhe Supreme CourL were also boughL by Zla 1he Supreme
CourL approved of Lhe Plgh CourL rullng under a narrow 43 proporLlon 1radlLlonally lf a deaLh verdlcL ls
ln Lhe proporLlon of 43 Lhe accused ls awarded llfe lmprlsonmenL lnsLead of hanglng buL Lhe courL
malnLalned Lhe deaLh senLence Zla re[ecLed mercy appeals made by almosL all leaders of Lhe world
Zulflqar All 8huLLo was hanged aL 2 am on Lhe mornlng of 4
Aprll 1979 8efore dawn hls body was
broughL Lo hls famlly graveyard ln Larkana and was burled none of hls closesL famlly members were
allowed Lo aLLend hls quleL funeral


Zulflqar All 8huLLo wenL down ln Lhe annals of hlsLory as Lhe greaLesL leader of Lhe people of aklsLan
only second Lo Cuald e Azam Mohammad All !lnnah 8huLLo was Lhe flrsL WesL aklsLanl pollLlclan Lo
explore Lhe democraLlc arena of people's pollLlcs Pe sLood agalnsL Lhe mlllLary dlcLaLorshlp whlch he
served for elghL years for democracy and Lhe rlghLs of Lhe people Pe became leader of Lhe common
man and followed Lhe rlghL and democraLlc paLh Lo power unllke Ayub's reglme whlch consldered
people of aklsLan Loo lmmaLure Lo exerclse Lhelr democraLlc rlghLs 8huLLo gave self consclousness Lo
Lhe common man Pe gave confldence and a sense of prlde Lo Lhe explolLed workers peasanLs and
common people Pe LaughL Lhem how Lo volce Lhelr proLesLs Pe hlmself became Lhe volce of hls people
advocaLlng hls naLlon agalnsL Lhe llls of explolLaLlve caplLallsm dlcLaLorshlp medleval feudallsm and
poverLy Pe sLood agalnsL Lhree mlllLary dlcLaLors of aklsLan 8huLLo became exLremely popular among
Lhe ma[orlLy of aklsLanls and hls fame and publlc followlng ceased Lo dlmlnlsh even afLer hls [udlclal
murder lollowers of hls phllosophy aglLaLed LhroughouL Lhe dark decade of Zla ul Paq Pls popularlLy
ensured Lhe premlershlp of hls daughLer 8enazlr 8huLLo ln 1988 elecLlons Legacy of Zulflqar All 8huLLo
llves on Pe ls noL doubL Lhe legend of aklsLanl pollLlcs
uemocracy ln any form ls much beLLer Lhan dlcLaLorshlp 8huLLo always sLood for democracy Pe
belleved ln reconclllaLlon and dlalogue lL ls Lhe beauLy of democracy LhaL hls era was called Lhe era of
sLrlkes 1hroughouL hls Llme ln power 8huLLo faced flerce crlLlclsm from hls opponenLs 1wlce ln hls era
all pollLlcal parLles [olned Lo make unlLed fronL agalnsL hlm WlLh hls excellenL capablllLles of dlalogue
and dlplomacy he always won hls opponenLs Pe Look Lhe hlghly polarlzed assembly Lowards consensus
on consLlLuLlon lL was 8huLLo's democraLlc era when [udlclary could acLually quesLlon Lhe governmenL
8huLLo's marLlal law was declared lllegal by Lhe courL and governmenL obeyed Lhe rullng

8huLLo's forelgn pollcy ls consldered Lhe besL aklsLan ever had Pe en[oyed frlendly relaLlons wlLh
almosL all counLrles of Lhe world MlllLary ald from Chlna and uS Slmla agreemenL and wlnnlng back of
CWs and LerrlLory from lndla frlendly relaLlons wlLh 8angladesh wlLhln couple of years of LasL aklsLan
Lragedy esLabllshmenL of sLeel mlll wlLh SovleL collaboraLlon negoLlaLlon of nuclear reprocesslng planL
wlLh lrance excellenL relaLlons wlLh Musllm counLrles are all achlevemenLs of 8huLLo's excellenL forelgn
pollcy 8huLLo was Lhe only aklsLanl leader who sLood flrm for hls naLlon lnLeresL agalnsL uS Pls
pursulng aklsLan's nuclear program even afLer dlrecL warnlngs from Lhe world powers cosL hlm hls llfe
8huLLo held power when aklsLan was ln lLs worsL phase of crlsls ?eL Lhe counLry came ouL of Lrauma
and renewed lLs progress no oLher leader democraLlc or dlcLaLorlal could ever hold Lhe counLry
LogeLher ln LhaL dlfflculL phase Cn Lhe economlc fronL 8huLLo was a falled man Cwlng parLly Lo Lhe
lnLernaLlonal facLors and naLural calamlLles 8huLLo's pollcles eroded aklsLan's economy Land reforms
lmplemenLed ln hls reglme were wasLed by pollLlcal conslderaLlons and lnefflclencles Pe was
deLermlned Lo esLabllsh a flrm pollLlcal sLrucLure and conLaln Lhe negaLlve forces whlch lmpede Lhe
progress of democracy 1lme dld noL allow hlm Lo flourlsh democracy ln Lhe counLry uemocraLlc
process ln [usL llke a screenlng fllLer lL fllLers ouL Lhe corrupL pollLlclan afLer a few years ln power
8huLLo losL some supporL durlng hls era and could noL geL away wlLh charges of rlgglng ln 1977
elecLlons [usL because of democracy Pe could noL dellver whaL he promlsed Pe had flaws and
weaknesses buL lf Lhe democraLlc seL up would have conLlnued he would have learnL Lo amend hls
mlsLakes and noL Lo repeaL Lhem ln order Lo remaln ln publlc favor lnsLead mlllLary dlcLaLorshlp
dlsplaced hlm and Lhen made hlm a marLyr 8huLLo's [udlclal murder ls Lhe mosL horrlble example of Lhe
slckenlng dlcLaLorlal rule sLrengLhened by dlshonesL and un[usL [udlclary ln aklsLan ulsconLlnuaLlon of
democracy was Lhe greaLesL loss of aklsLan whlch even gave corrupL pollLlclans a chance Lo geL away
wlLh Lhelr faulLs and galn publlc sympaLhles
8huLLo's hlsLory ls sad and dramaLlc Pe rose Lo Lhe helghLs of publlc followlng and pollLlcal power ln a
very shorL perlod of Llme Pls downfall was as dramaLlc 8huLLo's sLory ls a classlc case of aklsLanl
pollLlcs MlllLary lnLervenLlons and dlcLaLorshlps lnLernaLlonal pollLlcs and consplracles domesLlc
pollLlcs of personal lnLeresLs separaLlsL Lrends ln Lhe counLry economlc problems and pressures every
Lheme of aklsLanl pollLlcs ls a parL of 8huLLo's hlsLory whlch glves a clear plcLure of how Lhlngs work ln
Lhls counLry 8huLLo's vlslon of a greaLer and beLLer aklsLan ls yeL Lo be fulfllled



rlmary source of reference
O #2olfl 8botto of loklstoo by SLanley WolperL
lollowlng books gave valuable lnslghL for our Loplc
O #8botto1tlol ooJ xecotloo by vlcLorla Schofleld (ueLalled accounL of Lhe lnfamous 8huLLo
O #ot lloe cot Col by Maulana kauser nlazl (ueLalled accounL of nA negoLlaLlons of !une
!uly 1977)
O #boboboomo" by CudraLullah Shahab (pages 707709 8huLLo's enLry lnLo esLabllshmenL)
Wlklpedla proflles of followlng persons were consulLed for baslc facLs and flgures
O Slr Shahnawaz 8huLLo
O Zulflqar All 8huLLo
O Shelkh Mu[lb ur 8ehman
O Cen Zla ul Paq
icture Credits:
All plcLures were Laken from Coogle archlves excepL Lhe plcLure LlLled Bifferences reconcileJ- Bbutto
embrocinq Hufti HebmooJ" on g 13 Laken from Lhe book #ot lloe cot Col by Maulana kauser nlazl

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