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Name: Kaitlyn Huestis

Date: 11/3/2011
Course: Algebra I
Time Allotted: 40 minutes
Number oI Students: 22

I. Goals:
O To develop an understanding oI linear equations and their physical representation.
(NCTM algebra standard: 'Represent and solve equations graphically.) (NCTM, 2009,
II. Technology Standards (NETS for teachers 2008):
O (1) Facilitate and inspire student learning and Creativity.
O (2) Design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments.
O (2) Model digital-age work and learning.
III. Objectives:
O The students will use representation to organize, record, and communicate mathematical
O The students will select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve
O The students will use representations to model and interpret physical mathematical
IV. Materials and Resources:
O ach team oI 3 students will need a computer with the GeoGebra program and MicrosoIt
O ach student will need a computer with MicrosoIt word.
O The teacher will need a computer with the GeoGebra program and a smart board to
display it.
V. Introduce Learning Activity
What they will learn:
The teacher will introduce to the class what they will be learning today by talking
about linear Iunctions. They will discuss how the class has seen many diIIerent
linear Iunctions. Some go in the positive directions, some negative; some are
steeper than others and so Iorth. The teacher will then emphasize that we will be
learning what makes these lines look diIIerent and how we can interpret their

1. n the board, the teacher will have written down every month oI the year
(number). Have the students get in groups by standing underneath the month
that their birthday Ialls on. Then have them Iigure out the order they should
write their names down based on the day that they were born |I.e. 1-(28-31)|.
Then have them get into groups oI 3, every third person Irom January to
December should be last person oI that group.
2. Have the students decide on roles Ior each person: a clicker (operates the
GeoGebra program), a speaker (speaks to the class when called on) and a
recorder (types into word any necessary inIormation). mphasize that this is a
group eIIort and everyone should still contribute to the activity and work
O II the students aren`t cooperative in assigning roles amongst
themselves, tell them that the youngest will be the clicker, middle
aged student will speak and the oldest will record.
3. Have each group go to a computer, have them go to my website
(, alt. I, Huestis), click on lessons, materials Ior students.
They should Iirst open up the 'Patterns worksheet (purpose oI the lesson stated
on the worksheet). n the worksheet there are directions to open up GeoGebra.
They should Iirst get used to the program; I will ask them to.
O Turn their axis into a grid.
O Add 2 points to the graph.
O Make a line go through the two points on the graph.
O Record on word the equation to the line that they graphed (they
will return to this equation later in the lesson).
VI. Provide Information:
Any inIormation will be given to the students throughout the lesson. As the
teacher progresses through their lesson, they will deIine any terms, explanations,
descriptions, procedures and examples on the board. Students are expected to take
notes on all class material covered. Where exactly these procedures will be made
are more closely covered in the 'Provide Practice section oI the lesson plan.

VII. Provide Practice:
1. Show the students how to operate GeoGebra with the skills that they will need
Ior the lesson: inputting an equation to show a line, moving a line, rotating a line
through a point, deleting a line, creating a line Irom two points.
2. Describe the procedure that each team will carry out: They will open up the Iile
on the class website entitled 'Patterns. Follow the instructions that are given
Ior each problem. As a group they will discuss the Iollowing questions: How
does the new equation looks diIIerent Irom the original one? What happened to
the graph? Why did it happen? Then, the students will test their theory by
deleting the new equation and either moving or rotating the original line so that it
translates into the line that they had just deleted (the equation oI the translated
line should be the same as the 'new line). Continue with this procedure Ior
every question on the 'Patterns sheet.
3. Ask the class iI they have any questions about the procedure beIore moving
4. Tell the students to open the Iile and get started on the assignment. As the
students work, the teacher should walk around and make sure everyone is on task
and understanding the instructions that were given to them.
5. When the students have completed the assignment, the teacher will go over it
with them to make sure they are on the right track. The speaker Irom each team
will answer the questions (verbally) that the teacher has given them. As they
answer the question, the teacher will supplement their answer with a
demonstration on smart board, along with deIinitions (reIlection, translation, and
rotation) and explanations (slope and y-intercept). The students shall take notes
as the teacher is demonstrating.
6. Ask the students iI there is any questions about what they just learned.
7. The teacher will then write down two equations on the board. Tell the students
that they will now be working independently and to go back to their own desks.
Ask the students to use the skills that they just learned. Start with the equation y
x, and create a step by step process, so that the Iinal product will be the
equation written on the board (do the same things Ior both equations). This shall
be done on their own computer, using word. The students should try to do this
without using the GeoGebra program.
8. The teacher will walk around to make sure the students are still on task and lend
help when need.
9. When the assignment is complete, the teacher will Iollow the same procedure as
in step #8, making sure to call on the students that were in the groups that
weren`t called on in the previous exercise.
VIII. Provide Knowledge of Results:
I will either compliment the class on their cooperation and hard work in this
group activity. xpressing that because they were so well behaved, we will be
able to do group work more oIten. II the students weren`t cooperative (we most
likely wouldn`t have been able to complete the assignment) I will express that
because we got oII task, the students will have to complete the in class
assignment Ior homework. They can either come in to use the GeoGebra
program in my classroom or google it on their computer at home and use it Ior
Iree. I will then instruct the students to take out their classroom journals (review
oI activity) and write about: what we learned today (important points), iI they
thought the lesson was eIIective, iI they are still unclear oI the material and to
ask one question that they have regarding the lesson. I will give the students
written Ieedback in their journals.
OMEWORK (Review of Activity): The students will be told that there is a
homework assignment on my website under 'materials Ior students. This
assignment should be completed and is due next class.

VIII. Extension:
II time allows, aIter step 12, have the students write out a step by step procedure
to get Irom y x to the equation that they created at the beginning oI class (see
motivation section), just as done with the two equations that were given on the
board. This will also be done independently.
IX. Method of Assessment:
The teacher should assess the students based on the accuracy oI their answers to
the questions given. (Since groups will only be answering one question, the
teacher should also talk with each group while they are working on the problems
to make sure understanding is present.) Also, the students will be concluding the
lesson with a journal entry, which will be used to assess their level oI
understanding as well as the teacher`s eIIectiveness in teaching the lesson. II the
teacher Ieels either very poorly or strongly about their lesson they may conducted
unstructured interviews with students on how to gear the lesson up or down. The
student`s homework that is due the Iollowing class will also be used to assess.

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