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Survey: Cai nhin tong quan Scalar Product: Tich vo huong Collaborative: Su cong tac Randomized Respond : Dap

ung ngau nhien Data Collection: Thu thap du lieu Disguied data: Cai trang du lieu Prediction: Du bao Homomorphic Encyption: Ma hoa dang cau Privacy preserving: Dam bao tinh rieng tu Simulation: Mo phong Various: Khac nhau Factor: nhan to Sensitive: Nhay cam Analysis: Phan tich Allows sharing: cho phep chia se has become: da tro thanh Unwilling: khong bang long Refusing: ngan can Providing: cung cap personal data: du lieu ca nhan recent years: nhung nam gan day issue: van de important: quan trong tendency: xu huong publicly release: phat hanh cong khai Wrong Approach: huong tiep can sai unique identifiers: nhan dien duy nhat identical: giong het nhau Obviously: ro rang guarantee: dam bao restricted query: tuy van bi han che reiterate: Tom luoc lai aggregate characteristics: dac trung tong hop disclosure risk: phat sinh rui ro Indeed: that vay Information bureaus: phong thong tin infer:suy luan involved: dinh liu equivalent: tuong duong Challenges: Thach thuc pricise: ti mi lead: chi ra underlying data: du lieu co so. Electronic Commerce: thuong mai dien tu Symposium: chuyen de

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