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Sherry Simmons

Taxonomy Table

Bloom categories Learning objective Activity

Define • Using Text and class define
Knowledge ethics, libel
(recall, list, define, identify, collect, Distinguish • Distinguish between private
label) and public people
Discuss • Discuss ethical dilemmas
Comprehension journalists face
(summarize, describe interpret, Consider • What newsworthy stories
predict, discuss) are not being covered.
Discuss • Why the Code of Ethics is
Illustrate • Who the ethical
Application Demonstrate stakeholders might be in
(apply, demonstrate, illustrate, each scenario
classify, experiment, discover)
Analyze • Scenarios in regards to
Analysis ethics and taste
(analyze, classify, connect, explain,
Create • Individual guidelines for
Synthesis questionable language,
(combine, integrate, plan, create, subject matter and
design, formulate) photographs
Assess • Students will write a
Evaluation Compare persuasive essay supporting
(assess, recommend, convince, Convince or rebuffing theories.
compare, conclude, summarize) Conclude

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