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unl1Lu CCLC8S Cl 8LnL11Cn

1he beneLLon group ls presenL ln 120

counLrles ln and around Lhe world 1he core
buslness ls fashlon apparela group wlLh
sLrong lLallan characLer whose sLyle quallLy
and passlon are clearly seen ln lLs brands
8eneLLon group's corporaLe
head quarLers ls locaLed ln
vllla Mlllenl lL ls a complex
of slxLeenLh cenLury
bulldlngs of greaL hlsLorlcal
and culLural lnLeresL

W unl1Lu CCLC8S Cl 8LnL11Cn has an
lnLernaLlonal sLyle LhaL comblnes color quallLy
and fashlon
W unuL8CCLC8S Cl 8LnL11Cn ls an exLenslon
of Lhe beneLLon brand feaLurlng underwear
beachwear and sleepwear collecLlons
avallable ln lLs own chaln of sLores whlch now
has more Lhan 300 locaLlons ln 30 counLrles
and ln selecLed beneLLon shops
WSlsley presenLs eleganL and
seducLlve collecLlon wlLh
speclal aLLenLlon glven Lo Lhe
cholce of deslgn fabrlcs and
new shapeslL has creaLed
Lhe very fashlonable slsley
youngllne for chlldren from 8
Lo 12 years old
W A wlde range of frames wlLh
all Lhe colour energy and
comforL you would expecL
from beneLLon
W Clamourous and orlglnal
W Careful aLLenLlon Lo deLaln
from ergonomlc handles Lo
smooLh wheels and hand
wearlng maLerlals goes
hand ln hand wlLh an
exclLlng range of colours
W 9layllfe ls Lhe beneLLon lelsurewear brand LhaL
redeflnes a sLyle wlLh lLs clean and eleganL
W 8LnL11Cn has Lhe dlrecL conLrol of Lhe
loglsLlcs phase for boLh manufacLured and
sourced producLs
Cradlng ls Lhe ranklng of Lhe sLyles based on Lhe accepLance ln Lhe markeL
8LnL11Cn follows 3 gradlng sysLems
1 kL? S1?LLS lgh fashlon buL draws low volume due Lo Lhe less
accepLance of Lhe lLallan sell sLyles ln Lhe lndlan markeL
2 A+ S1?LLS 1hese are sLyles whlch are hlgh on fashlon as well
as hlgh aL value 8uylng Leam would push Lhese sLyles as Lhey
are easy Lo sell and earn huge sellLhrough
3 A S1?LLS 1hese are musL buy sLyles and pushed by buylng
4 8C S1?LLS ln case lf Lhe sLore us lefL wlLh some addlLlonal
money for buylng more sLock Lhen Lhey are offered wlLh 8C
sLylesC sLyles are carrled by flagshlp sLores only and huge
sLores wlLh huge space and buylng power
3 Cl9%Clobal lndla 9roducLlon) sLylesLhese are sLyles
LhaL are produced ln lndla for global sourclng
W 1hls asslgnmenL ls a slncere approach Lowards
Lhe collecLlon of facLs abouL unl1Lu CCLC8S
Cl 8LnL11Cn
W ulscusslng ln brlef abouL Lhe company lL has
been borne ln mlnd LhaL all Lhe daLa reveals
Lhe acLuals
W 1he lnformaLlon provlded deals wlLh Lhe maln
aspecLs of Lhe brand bulldlng of Lhe company

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