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1he Coca Cola MarkeLlng

lnLernaLlonal CrganlsaLlonal SLraLegyrospecLor
W CC operaLes wlLhln a broad producL markeL domaln LhaL undergoes
perlodlc redeflnlLlon 1he sofL drlnks markeL ln many counLrles ls now
maLure and Coca Cola need Lo flnd ways Lo furLher lncrease sales ln
exlsLlng markeLs
W Coca Cola reacLs rapldly Lo early slgns of opporLunlLy and endeavours Lo
respond wlLh ploneer producLs (see producL offerlngs across) Lechnology
and packaglng (eg conLour boLLle) and dlsLrlbuLlon (eg lranchlse
W lL ls hoped LhaL Lhese responses wlll lead Lo new areas of compeLlLlve
W Coca Cola value belng Lhe 'flrsL mover' ln new producL and markeL areas
even lf lL ls noL guaranLeed LhaL Lhelr efforLs wlll be proflLable
lorLunaLely Lhe lnLernaLlonal markeL has been a hlgh growLh segmenL ln
Lhe beverage lndusLry growlng aL 810 annually
W lnLernaLlonal MarkeLlng sLraLegyLxpanslon
W 1 Motket leoettotloo
W Alms
W lncrease markeL share Coca Cola are Lrylng Lo encourage currenL cusLomers Lo use Lhe producL
more ofLen Lhey clalm LhaL everyone needs 64 floz dally and LhaL Lhey Lherefore have poLenLlal Lo
lncrease consumpLlon
W make producL/servlce lmprovemenLs (eg packaglng)
W 2 ltoJoct uevelopmeot
W Alms
W ln Lerms of markeLlng Coca Cola conLlnuously seeks Lo develop producL llne exLenslons or new
producL offerlngs
W Lg ur epper uleL Coke lanLa llve Allve klaora Malvern WaLer even Coca Cola CloLhlng!
W 3 Motket Jevelopmeot
W Alms
W develop new markeLs for exlsLlng producLs and servlces expanslon lnLo global markeLs
W Coca Cola was Lhe flrsL of Lhe sofL drlnks manufacLurers Lo become Lruly lnLernaLlonal by movlng
lnLo emerglng markeLs

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