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The EU is already talk of a possible war in Europe from the crisis of the 30s of last century came a great

world war and a war in Europe. A new war in the old c ontinent seems that it is entering the calculations of the leaders of the Europe an Union. On September 14 the Minister of Finance of Poland - which holds the EU presidency - told a significant story in the full European Parliament: "Last we ek I met at the airport with a colleague who had worked with me at the Ministry Finance and is now president of a large bank. We talked about the crisis in the euro zone and said: 'After all these political and economic turmoil we are exper iencing will be very rare in the next ten years without a war we can escape, so I'm thinking of taking the green card for my children and emigrate to America. " The rise of xenophobic movements and increased conflicts between classes is the order of the day in Europe and the polarization will increase as the capitalist crisis deepens. Even in an article in El Pais quoted the statement in the Parli ament of the possibility of war in Europe. What is clear is that Europe trembles at the possible departure of Greece in th e euro area. Since I first mentioned this possibility in May, the rows of the si de that supports this possibility has grown, although for Economic Affairs Commi ssioner Olli Rehn is still speculation. "An uncontrolled bankruptcy or out of Gr eece to the euro would cause a huge economic and social damage, not only in Gree ce but also in the European Union", said

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