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Focus on the facts Multiply the alternatives Create common goals Humor Balance the power Seek consensus with qualifications

Every organisation in order to be successful in their work and achieving goals organisation should have a valid database . This database helps and organisation to encourage debate on in appropriate manner and not to fight or argue .

Multiply the alternatives signify that every organisation before have brainstorming sessions or debate about things must have few alternatives . This leads to better brainstorming sessions and more productive opinions .

It means the management should always try to induce

all individual efforts to organisational goals . This can only happen if every individual in the team think about the team and not himself. Creation of common goals lead to better management.

A team can grow as a team not only if have

common goals ,etc. but a team can improve once the stay in an environment that is cohesive and harmonically build. Humor decreases tension and helps in building cordial relationships. Humor can also lead to increase in work rate as employee feel a part of the team

In a team its often said that all should have equal

rights and equity shall be maintained but it is also very important that few people should have a different command and should be the decision maker(leader). but treatments and work appraisals for all should be the same. E.g in a football team players have equity but one persons desigation is of a captain. But if he does wrong hes liable to bear the consequences .

It works like this: executives talk over an

issue and try to reach consensus. If they can, the decision is made. If they cant, the most relevant senior manager makes the decision, guided by input from the rest of the group .

Assemble a heterogeneous team,including diverse

ages, genders, functional backgrounds, and industry experience. Meet together as a team regularly and often. Apply multiple mind-sets to any issue. Actively manage conflict.

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