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Part 1 Reading Comprehension.........
1.1 Determining meaning of words from Context.
1.2 Drawing Inferences.
1.3 Paraphrase/ Restatement .
1.4 Presupposition.
1.5 Reference/pronoun reference/noun reference.
1.6 Short Answers.........
1.7 Topic/Title ( )
1.8 (Reading for Main Idea).
1.9 (Skimming).
1.10 (Scanning)

Part 2 Grammatical Structure

2.1 - Ing Clause/ Verb with - ing clause
2.2 Active / Passive Voice
2.3 Adjective Clause.
2.4 Adjectives
2.5 Adverb Clause..
2.6 Adverbs ().
2.7 Adverbs: Reduced adverbial clauses
2.8 All / Whole...
2.9 Articles.
2.10 Both, either, neither.
2.11 Comparatives and superlatives : adverbs
2.12 Comparatives and Superlatives: Adjectives
2.13 Comparison Asas
2.14 Comparison Soas
2.15 Comparison: the more, less.
2.16 Comparison: Sothat / Tooto / Such that.
2.17 Conditional clauses (If-clause)
2.18 Conjunction/ Connector..
2.19 Countable / Uncountable Nouns.........
2.20 Determiners.
2.21 Determiners & Quantifiers.
2.22 Determining meaning of words from Context

( )

2.23 Drawing Inferences..
2.24 Each and Every
2.25 Emphasis in English
2.26 Exclamation
2.27 Future Continuous Tense
2.28 Future Perfect Continuous Tense
2.29 Future Perfect Tense
2.30 Future Simple Tense & Future Simple Tense with 'To be going to' ..
2.31 Gerund.
2.32 Have / Need
2.33 Imperative and Let
2.34 Indirect and reported Questions .
2.35 Infinitive.
2.36 Inversion.
2.37 LESS vs FEWER
2.38 Linking verb ..
2.39 Make Vs. Do .
2.40 Modals (Helping Verbs)
2.41 Modals with tense .
2.42 Moods
2.43 Negative Verbs..
2.44 Noun clause .
2.45 Noun-Pronoun Agreement ..
2.46 Nouns
2.47 Order of Adjectives .
2.48 Other ways of comparison ..
2.49 Other, others, the others, another
2.50 Paraphrase ..
2.51 Paraphrase/ Restatement ....
2.52 Past Continuous Tense ..
2.53 Past Perfect Continuous Tense .
2.54 Past Perfect Tense .
2.55 Past Simple Tense .

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2.56 Phrasal verbs .
2.57 Possession ( )
2.58 Preposition with Adjective
2.59 Prepositional Phrases ....
2.60 Prepositional Verbs
2.61 Prepositions
2.62 Present and past participle used as adjectives
2.63 Present Continuous Tense.....
2.64 Present Perfect Continuous Tense
2.65 Present Perfect Tense
2.66 Present Simple Tense ..
2.67 Presupposition
2.68 Pronouns .
2.69 Question tag.
2.70 Reduced Adjective Clauses/Phrases ( )..
2.71 Reference/pronoun reference/noun reference ..
2.72 Reflexive verbs
2.73 Relative Clause .
2.74 Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes .
2.75 Sentence () ..
2.76 Sentence Structures ..
2.77 Singular /Plural Nouns.
2.78 Specific Details
2.79 Subject verb Agreement
2.80 Tense Agreement: Past, Present, and Future .
2.81 Tenses
2.82 Topic / Title
2.83 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs ..
2.84 Verb Forms .
2.85 Verbs with two object..
2.86 Wh/h Question .
2.87 Word order in English..
2.88 Would /should /could /might ..

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2.89 Yes/No Question..

2.90 ago, yet, since ..
2.91 No, none (of) not ..
2.92 There is There are ..
2.93 more, most ..

Part 3 Vocabulary Items ..

3.1 Gerunds..
3.2 Infinitives .
3.3 Transitive Verbs: vt. .
Part 4 1 ( C.D 1 )

English On line
2. E-Learning 6
2.1 Reading Comprehension
2.2 Semi-Speaking
2.3 Semi-Writing
2.4 Grammatical Structure
2.5 Vocabulary Items
2.6 Listening Comprehension
3. ( )

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