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Mathemat|cs Sy||abus

Algebra of complex numbers addlLlon mulLlpllcaLlon con[ugaLlon polar represenLaLlon properLles of
modulus and prlnclpal argumenL Lrlangle lnequallLy cube rooLs of unlLy geomeLrlc lnLerpreLaLlons

CuadraLlc equaLlons wlLh real coefflclenLs relaLlons beLween rooLs and coefflclenLs formaLlon of
quadraLlc equaLlons wlLh glven rooLs symmeLrlc funcLlons of rooLs

ArlLhmeLlc geomeLrlc and harmonlc progresslons arlLhmeLlc geomeLrlc and harmonlc means sums of
flnlLe arlLhmeLlc and geomeLrlc progresslons lnflnlLe geomeLrlc serles sums of squares and cubes of Lhe
flrsL n naLural numbers

LogarlLhms and Lhelr properLles

ermuLaLlons and comblnaLlons 8lnomlal Lheorem for a poslLlve lnLegral lndex properLles of blnomlal

MaLrlces as a recLangular array of real numbers equallLy of maLrlces addlLlon mulLlpllcaLlon by a scalar
and producL of maLrlces Lranspose of a maLrlx deLermlnanL of a square maLrlx of order up Lo Lhree
lnverse of a square maLrlx of order up Lo Lhree properLles of Lhese maLrlx operaLlons dlagonal
symmeLrlc and skewsymmeLrlc maLrlces and Lhelr properLles soluLlons of slmulLaneous llnear
equaLlons ln Lwo or Lhree varlables

AddlLlon and mulLlpllcaLlon rules of probablllLy condlLlonal probablllLy lndependence of evenLs
compuLaLlon of probablllLy of evenLs uslng permuLaLlons and comblnaLlons


1rlgonomeLrlc funcLlons Lhelr perlodlclLy and graphs addlLlon and subLracLlon formulae formulae
lnvolvlng mulLlple and submulLlple angles general soluLlon of LrlgonomeLrlc equaLlons

8elaLlons beLween sldes and angles of a Lrlangle slne rule coslne rule halfangle formula and Lhe area
of a Lrlangle lnverse LrlgonomeLrlc funcLlons (prlnclpal value only)

AnalyLlcal geomeLry

1wo dlmenslons CarLeslan coordlnaLes dlsLance beLween Lwo polnLs secLlon formulae shlfL of orlgln

LquaLlon of a sLralghL llne ln varlous forms angle beLween Lwo llnes dlsLance of a polnL from a llne
Llnes Lhrough Lhe polnL of lnLersecLlon of Lwo glven llnes equaLlon of Lhe blsecLor of Lhe angle beLween
Lwo llnes concurrency of llnes cenLrold orLhocenLre lncenLre and clrcumcenLre of a Lrlangle

LquaLlon of a clrcle ln varlous forms equaLlons of LangenL normal and chord

arameLrlc equaLlons of a clrcle lnLersecLlon of a clrcle wlLh a sLralghL llne or a clrcle equaLlon of a
clrcle Lhrough Lhe polnLs of lnLersecLlon of Lwo clrcles and Lhose of a clrcle and a sLralghL llne

LquaLlons of a parabola elllpse and hyperbola ln sLandard form Lhelr focl dlrecLrlces and eccenLrlclLy
parameLrlc equaLlons equaLlons of LangenL and normal

Locus roblems

1hree dlmenslons ulrecLlon coslnes and dlrecLlon raLlos equaLlon of a sLralghL llne ln space equaLlon of
a plane dlsLance of a polnL from a plane

ulfferenLlal calculus

8eal valued funcLlons of a real varlable lnLo onLo and oneLoone funcLlons sum dlfference producL
and quoLlenL of Lwo funcLlons composlLe funcLlons absoluLe value polynomlal raLlonal LrlgonomeLrlc
exponenLlal and logarlLhmlc funcLlons

LlmlL and conLlnulLy of a funcLlon llmlL and conLlnulLy of Lhe sum dlfference producL and quoLlenL of
Lwo funcLlons lPosplLal rule of evaluaLlon of llmlLs of funcLlons

Lven and odd funcLlons lnverse of a funcLlon conLlnulLy of composlLe funcLlons lnLermedlaLe value
properLy of conLlnuous funcLlons

uerlvaLlve of a funcLlon derlvaLlve of Lhe sum dlfference producL and quoLlenL of Lwo funcLlons chaln
rule derlvaLlves of polynomlal raLlonal LrlgonomeLrlc lnverse LrlgonomeLrlc exponenLlal and
logarlLhmlc funcLlons

uerlvaLlves of lmpllclL funcLlons derlvaLlves up Lo order Lwo geomeLrlcal lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe
derlvaLlve LangenLs and normals lncreaslng and decreaslng funcLlons maxlmum and mlnlmum values
of a funcLlon appllcaLlons of 8olles 1heorem and Lagranges Mean value 1heorem

lnLegral calculus

lnLegraLlon as Lhe lnverse process of dlfferenLlaLlon lndeflnlLe lnLegrals of sLandard funcLlons deflnlLe
lnLegrals and Lhelr properLles appllcaLlon of Lhe lundamenLal 1heorem of lnLegral Calculus

lnLegraLlon by parLs lnLegraLlon by Lhe meLhods of subsLlLuLlon and parLlal fracLlons appllcaLlon of
deflnlLe lnLegrals Lo Lhe deLermlnaLlon of areas lnvolvlng slmple curves

lormaLlon of ordlnary dlfferenLlal equaLlons soluLlon of homogeneous dlfferenLlal equaLlons varlables
separable meLhod llnear flrsL order dlfferenLlal equaLlons


AddlLlon of vecLors scalar mulLlpllcaLlon scalar producLs doL and cross producLs scalar Lrlple producLs
and Lhelr geomeLrlcal lnLerpreLaLlons

Chem|stry Sy||abus
hyslcal chemlsLry

Ceneral Loplcs 1he concepL of aLoms and molecules ualLons aLomlc Lheory Mole concepL Chemlcal
formulae 8alanced chemlcal equaLlons CalculaLlons (based on mole concepL) lnvolvlng common
oxldaLlonreducLlon neuLrallsaLlon and dlsplacemenL reacLlons ConcenLraLlon ln Lerms of mole
fracLlon molarlLy molallLy and normallLy

Caseous and llquld sLaLes AbsoluLe scale of LemperaLure ldeal gas equaLlon uevlaLlon from ldeallLy
van der Waals equaLlon klneLlc Lheory of gases average rooL mean square and mosL probable
veloclLles and Lhelr relaLlon wlLh LemperaLure Law of parLlal pressures vapour pressure ulffuslon of

ALomlc sLrucLure and chemlcal bondlng 8ohr model specLrum of hydrogen aLom quanLum numbers
WaveparLlcle duallLy de 8roglle hypoLhesls uncerLalnLy prlnclple CuanLum mechanlcal plcLure of
hydrogen aLom (quallLaLlve LreaLmenL) shapes of s p and d orblLals LlecLronlc conflguraLlons of
elemenLs (up Lo aLomlc number 36) Aufbau prlnclple aulls excluslon prlnclple and Punds rule CrblLal
overlap and covalenL bond PybrldlsaLlon lnvolvlng s p and d orblLals only CrblLal energy dlagrams for
homonuclear dlaLomlc specles Pydrogen bond olarlLy ln molecules dlpole momenL (quallLaLlve
aspecLs only) vSL8 model and shapes of molecules (llnear angular Lrlangular square planar
pyramldal square pyramldal Lrlgonal blpyramldal LeLrahedral and ocLahedral)

LnergeLlcs llrsL law of Lhermodynamlcs lnLernal energy work and heaL pressurevolume work
LnLhalpy Pesss law PeaL of reacLlon fuslon and vapourlzaLlon Second law of Lhermodynamlcs
LnLropy lree energy CrlLerlon of sponLanelLy

Chemlcal equlllbrlum Law of mass acLlon Lqulllbrlum consLanL Le ChaLellers prlnclple (effecL of
concenLraLlon LemperaLure and pressure) Slgnlflcance of uC and uCo ln chemlcal equlllbrlum
SolublllLy producL common lon effecL pP and buffer soluLlons Aclds and bases (8ronsLed and Lewls
concepLs) Pydrolysls of salLs

LlecLrochemlsLry LlecLrochemlcal cells and cell reacLlons LlecLrode poLenLlals nernsL equaLlon and lLs
relaLlon Lo uC LlecLrochemlcal serles emf of galvanlc cells laradays laws of elecLrolysls LlecLrolyLlc
conducLance speclflc equlvalenL and molar conducLance kohlrauschs law ConcenLraLlon cells

Chemlcal klneLlcs 8aLes of chemlcal reacLlons Crder of reacLlons 8aLe consLanL llrsL order reacLlons
1emperaLure dependence of raLe consLanL (Arrhenlus equaLlon)

Solld sLaLe ClasslflcaLlon of sollds crysLalllne sLaLe seven crysLal sysLems (cell parameLers a b c a b
g) close packed sLrucLure of sollds (cublc) packlng ln fcc bcc and hcp laLLlces nearesL nelghbours lonlc
radll slmple lonlc compounds polnL defecLs

SoluLlons 8aoulLs law Molecular welghL deLermlnaLlon from lowerlng of vapor pressure elevaLlon of
bolllng polnL and depresslon of freezlng polnL

Surface chemlsLry LlemenLary concepLs of adsorpLlon (excludlng adsorpLlon lsoLherms) Collolds Lypes
meLhods of preparaLlon and general properLles LlemenLary ldeas of emulslons surfacLanLs and mlcelles
(only deflnlLlons and examples)

nuclear chemlsLry 8adloacLlvlLy lsoLopes and lsobars roperLles of a b and g rays klneLlcs of
radloacLlve decay (decay serles excluded) carbon daLlng SLablllLy of nuclel wlLh respecL Lo proLon
neuLron raLlo 8rlef dlscusslon on flsslon and fuslon reacLlons

lnorganlc ChemlsLry

lsolaLlon/preparaLlon and properLles of Lhe followlng nonmeLals 8oron slllcon nlLrogen phosphorus
oxygen sulphur and halogens roperLles of alloLropes of carbon (only dlamond and graphlLe)
phosphorus and sulphur

reparaLlon and properLles of Lhe followlng compounds Cxldes peroxldes hydroxldes carbonaLes
blcarbonaLes chlorldes and sulphaLes of sodlum poLasslum magneslum and calclum 8oron dlborane
borlc acld and borax Alumlnlum alumlna alumlnlum chlorlde and alums Carbon oxldes and oxyacld
(carbonlc acld) Slllcon slllcones slllcaLes and slllcon carblde nlLrogen oxldes oxyaclds and ammonla
hosphorus oxldes oxyaclds (phosphorus acld phosphorlc acld) and phosphlne Cxygen ozone and
hydrogen peroxlde Sulphur hydrogen sulphlde oxldes sulphurous acld sulphurlc acld and sodlum
LhlosulphaLe Palogens hydrohallc aclds oxldes and oxyaclds of chlorlne bleachlng powder xenon
fluorldes lerLlllzers commerclally avallable (common) nk Lype

1ranslLlon elemenLs (3d serles) ueflnlLlon general characLerlsLlcs oxldaLlon sLaLes and Lhelr sLablllLles
colour (excludlng Lhe deLalls of elecLronlc LranslLlons) and calculaLlon of splnonly magneLlc momenL
CoordlnaLlon compounds nomenclaLure of mononuclear coordlnaLlon compounds clsLrans and
lonlsaLlon lsomerlsms hybrldlzaLlon and geomeLrles of mononuclear coordlnaLlon compounds (llnear
LeLrahedral square planar and ocLahedral)

reparaLlon and properLles of Lhe followlng compounds Cxldes and chlorldes of Lln and lead Cxldes
chlorldes and sulphaLes of le2+ Cu2+ and Zn2+ oLasslum permanganaLe poLasslum dlchromaLe sllver
oxlde sllver nlLraLe sllver LhlosulphaLe

Cres and mlnerals Commonly occurrlng ores and mlnerals of lron copper Lln lead magneslum
alumlnlum zlnc and sllver

LxLracLlve meLallurgy Chemlcal prlnclples and reacLlons only (lndusLrlal deLalls excluded) Carbon
reducLlon meLhod (lron and Lln) Self reducLlon meLhod (copper and lead) LlecLrolyLlc reducLlon meLhod
(magneslum and alumlnlum) Cyanlde process (sllver and gold)

rlnclples of quallLaLlve analysls Croups l Lo v (only Ag+ Pg2+ Cu2+ b2+ 8l3+ le3+ Cr3+ Al3+ Ca2+
8a2+ Zn2+ Mn2+ and Mg2+) nlLraLe halldes (excludlng fluorlde) sulphaLe sulphlde and sulphlLe

Crganlc ChemlsLry

ConcepLs PybrldlsaLlon of carbon Slgma and plbonds Shapes of molecules SLrucLural and geomeLrlcal
lsomerlsm CpLlcal lsomerlsm of compounds conLalnlng up Lo Lwo asymmeLrlc cenLers (8S and LZ
nomenclaLure excluded) luAC nomenclaLure of slmple organlc compounds (only hydrocarbons mono
funcLlonal and blfuncLlonal compounds) ConformaLlons of eLhane and buLane (newman pro[ecLlons)
8esonance and hypercon[ugaLlon keLoenol LauLomerlsm ueLermlnaLlon of emplrlcal and molecular
formula of slmple compounds (only combusLlon meLhod) Pydrogen bonds deflnlLlon and Lhelr effecLs
on physlcal properLles of alcohols and carboxyllc aclds lnducLlve and resonance effecLs on acldlLy and
baslclLy of organlc aclds and bases olarlLy and lnducLlve effecLs ln alkyl halldes 8eacLlve lnLermedlaLes
produced durlng homolyLlc and heLerolyLlc bond cleavage lormaLlon sLrucLure and sLablllLy of
carbocaLlons carbanlons and free radlcals

reparaLlon properLles and reacLlons of alkanes Pomologous serles physlcal properLles of alkanes
(melLlng polnLs bolllng polnLs and denslLy) CombusLlon and halogenaLlon of alkanes reparaLlon of
alkanes by WurLz reacLlon and decarboxylaLlon reacLlons

reparaLlon properLles and reacLlons of alkenes and alkynes hyslcal properLles of alkenes and alkynes
(bolllng polnLs denslLy and dlpole momenLs) AcldlLy of alkynes Acld caLalysed hydraLlon of alkenes and
alkynes (excludlng Lhe sLereochemlsLry of addlLlon and ellmlnaLlon) 8eacLlons of alkenes wlLh kMnC4
and ozone 8educLlon of alkenes and alkynes reparaLlon of alkenes and alkynes by ellmlnaLlon
reacLlons LlecLrophlllc addlLlon reacLlons of alkenes wlLh x2 Px PCx and P2C (xhalogen) AddlLlon
reacLlons of alkynes MeLal aceLylldes

8eacLlons of benzene SLrucLure and aromaLlclLy LlecLrophlllc subsLlLuLlon reacLlons halogenaLlon
nlLraLlon sulphonaLlon lrledelCrafLs alkylaLlon and acylaLlon LffecL of o m and pdlrecLlng groups ln
monosubsLlLuLed benzenes

henols AcldlLy elecLrophlllc subsLlLuLlon reacLlons (halogenaLlon nlLraLlon and sulphonaLlon) 8elmer
1leman reacLlon kolbe reacLlon

CharacLerlsLlc reacLlons of Lhe followlng (lncludlng Lhose menLloned above) Alkyl halldes
rearrangemenL reacLlons of alkyl carbocaLlon Crlgnard reacLlons nucleophlllc subsLlLuLlon reacLlons
Alcohols esLerlflcaLlon dehydraLlon and oxldaLlon reacLlon wlLh sodlum phosphorus halldes
ZnCl2/concPCl converslon of alcohols lnLo aldehydes and keLones Aldehydes and keLones oxldaLlon
reducLlon oxlme and hydrazone formaLlon aldol condensaLlon erkln reacLlon Cannlzzaro reacLlon
haloform reacLlon and nucleophlllc addlLlon reacLlons (Crlgnard addlLlon) Carboxyllc aclds formaLlon of
esLers acld chlorldes and amldes esLer hydrolysls Amlnes baslclLy of subsLlLuLed anlllnes and allphaLlc
amlnes preparaLlon from nlLro compounds reacLlon wlLh nlLrous acld azo coupllng reacLlon of
dlazonlum salLs of aromaLlc amlnes Sandmeyer and relaLed reacLlons of dlazonlum salLs carbylamlne
reacLlon Paloarenes nucleophlllc aromaLlc subsLlLuLlon ln haloarenes and subsLlLuLed haloarenes
(excludlng 8enzyne mechanlsm and Clne subsLlLuLlon)

CarbohydraLes ClasslflcaLlon mono and dlsaccharldes (glucose and sucrose) CxldaLlon reducLlon
glycoslde formaLlon and hydrolysls of sucrose

Amlno aclds and pepLldes Ceneral sLrucLure (only prlmary sLrucLure for pepLldes) and physlcal

roperLles and uses of some lmporLanL polymers naLural rubber cellulose nylon Leflon and vC

racLlcal organlc chemlsLry ueLecLlon of elemenLs (n S halogens) ueLecLlon and ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe
followlng funcLlonal groups hydroxyl (alcohollc and phenollc) carbonyl (aldehyde and keLone) carboxyl
amlno and nlLro Chemlcal meLhods of separaLlon of monofuncLlonal organlc compounds from blnary

hys|cs Sy||abus
Ceneral unlLs and dlmenslons dlmenslonal analysls leasL counL slgnlflcanL flgures MeLhods of
measuremenL and error analysls for physlcal quanLlLles perLalnlng Lo Lhe followlng experlmenLs
LxperlmenLs based on uslng vernler callpers and screw gauge (mlcromeLer) ueLermlnaLlon of g uslng
slmple pendulum ?oungs modulus by Searles meLhod Speclflc heaL of a llquld uslng calorlmeLer focal
lengLh of a concave mlrror and a convex lens uslng uv meLhod Speed of sound uslng resonance column
verlflcaLlon of Chms law uslng volLmeLer and ammeLer and speclflc reslsLance of Lhe maLerlal of a wlre
uslng meLer brldge and posL offlce box

Mechanlcs klnemaLlcs ln one and Lwo dlmenslons (CarLeslan coordlnaLes only) pro[ecLlles Clrcular
moLlon (unlform and nonunlform) 8elaLlve veloclLy

newLons laws of moLlon lnerLlal and unlformly acceleraLed frames of reference SLaLlc and dynamlc
frlcLlon klneLlc and poLenLlal energy Work and power ConservaLlon of llnear momenLum and
mechanlcal energy

SysLems of parLlcles CenLre of mass and lLs moLlon lmpulse LlasLlc and lnelasLlc colllslons

Law of gravlLaLlon CravlLaLlonal poLenLlal and fleld AcceleraLlon due Lo gravlLy MoLlon of planeLs and
saLelllLes ln clrcular orblLs

8lgld body momenL of lnerLla parallel and perpendlcular axes Lheorems momenL of lnerLla of unlform
bodles wlLh slmple geomeLrlcal shapes Angular momenLum 1orque ConservaLlon of angular
momenLum uynamlcs of rlgld bodles wlLh flxed axls of roLaLlon 8olllng wlLhouL sllpplng of rlngs
cyllnders and spheres Lqulllbrlum of rlgld bodles Colllslon of polnL masses wlLh rlgld bodles

Llnear and angular slmple harmonlc moLlons

Pookes law ?oungs modulus

ressure ln a fluld ascals law 8uoyancy Surface energy and surface Lenslon caplllary rlse vlscoslLy
(olseullles equaLlon excluded) SLokes law 1ermlnal veloclLy SLreamllne flow LquaLlon of conLlnulLy
8ernoullls Lheorem and lLs appllcaLlons

Wave moLlon (plane waves only) longlLudlnal and Lransverse waves SuperposlLlon of waves
progresslve and sLaLlonary waves vlbraLlon of sLrlngs and alr columns 8esonance 8eaLs Speed of
sound ln gases uoppler effecL (ln sound)

1hermal physlcs 1hermal expanslon of sollds llqulds and gases CalorlmeLry laLenL heaL PeaL
conducLlon ln one dlmenslon LlemenLary concepLs of convecLlon and radlaLlon newLons law of
coollng ldeal gas laws Speclflc heaLs (Cv and Cp for monaLomlc and dlaLomlc gases) lsoLhermal and
adlabaLlc processes bulk modulus of gases Lqulvalence of heaL and work llrsL law of Lhermodynamlcs
and lLs appllcaLlons (only for ldeal gases) 8lackbody radlaLlon absorpLlve and emlsslve powers
klrchhoffs law Wlens dlsplacemenL law SLefans law

LlecLrlclLy and magneLlsm Coulombs law LlecLrlc fleld and poLenLlal LlecLrlcal oLenLlal energy of a
sysLem of polnL charges and of elecLrlcal dlpoles ln a unlform elecLrosLaLlc fleld LlecLrlc fleld llnes llux
of elecLrlc fleld Causss law and lLs appllcaLlon ln slmple cases such as Lo flnd fleld due Lo lnflnlLely long
sLralghL wlre unlformly charged lnflnlLe plane sheeL and unlformly charged Lhln spherlcal shell

CapaclLance arallel plaLe capaclLor wlLh and wlLhouL dlelecLrlcs CapaclLors ln serles and parallel
Lnergy sLored ln a capaclLor

LlecLrlc currenL Chms law Serles and parallel arrangemenLs of reslsLances and cells klrchhoffs laws
and slmple appllcaLlons PeaLlng effecL of currenL

8loLSavarL law and Amperes law magneLlc fleld near a currenLcarrylng sLralghL wlre along Lhe axls of
a clrcular coll and lnslde a long sLralghL solenold lorce on a movlng charge and on a currenLcarrylng
wlre ln a unlform magneLlc fleld

MagneLlc momenL of a currenL loop LffecL of a unlform magneLlc fleld on a currenL loop Movlng coll
galvanomeLer volLmeLer ammeLer and Lhelr converslons

LlecLromagneLlc lnducLlon laradays law Lenzs law Self and muLual lnducLance 8C L8 and LC clrculLs
wlLh dc and ac sources

CpLlcs 8ecLlllnear propagaLlon of llghL 8eflecLlon and refracLlon aL plane and spherlcal surfaces 1oLal
lnLernal reflecLlon uevlaLlon and dlsperslon of llghL by a prlsm 1hln lenses ComblnaLlons of mlrrors
and Lhln lenses MagnlflcaLlon

Wave naLure of llghL Puygens prlnclple lnLerference llmlLed Lo ?oungs doublesllL experlmenL

Modern physlcs ALomlc nucleus Alpha beLa and gamma radlaLlons Law of radloacLlve decay uecay
consLanL Palfllfe and mean llfe 8lndlng energy and lLs calculaLlon llsslon and fuslon processes Lnergy
calculaLlon ln Lhese processes

hoLoelecLrlc effecL 8ohrs Lheory of hydrogenllke aLoms CharacLerlsLlc and conLlnuous xrays
Moseleys law de 8roglle wavelengLh of maLLer waves

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