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ually 8esponslblllLles of 8arrlcadlng/Pouse keeplng Manager (Worklng hours8Am8m)

1 vlslLlng all Lhe slLes and Checklng for proper clean fooLpaLh for pedesLrlans(looLpaLh cleanlng
should be flnlshed wlLhln a hour or so)
2 lnspecLlng Lhe work slLe area for proper barrlcadlng
3 WrlLlng Lhe dally lnspecLlon reporL for Lhe lssues relaLed Lo housekeeplng and barrlcadlng (lnform
Lo Lhe concern SLaLlon Manager Lo prevenL Lhe unsafe condlLlons ln work slghL)
lnformaLlon Lo be glven Lo Pouse keeplng Supervlsor by Lhe Manager
1 looLpaLh cleanlng and malnLenance should be carrled ouL every mornlng(Llme frame Lo be
flxed sLaLlon wlse)
2 lssues sLaLed ln Lhe lnspecLlon reporL have Lo be lnformed Lo Lhe supervlsor and Lhe recLlflcaLlon
work as Lo sLarL as soon as posslble

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