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Course outline Course Code: MGT 308/107 Course Title: Computing Fundamentals Instructor: Tahmina Khanam Lecturer, Department

of Management Studies, University of Dhaka. Office Room # E-mail: I. Overview/Course Description: This course is designed to provide a broad foundation on need for computers in this information age and also how to use this tool for future course of actions. II. Methodology/Course Organization: The course outcomes mentioned above will be reached by the following means: 1. Lecture 2. Classroom discussion 3. Assignments 4. Lab 5. Mid Terms and Final exam III. Course Grade: GRADING ELEMENTS Class Attendance and Participation and Homework Assignments & Group Discussion Midterms (2) Final Exam Total POINTS 10% 30% 60% 100%

IV. Attendance/Participation: Class attendance is expected and will make up a large portion of your participation grade. Please be on time. Participation in class discussions, seeking help outside of class, offering insights are all part of the assessment in this category. V. Reading: Reading from the text is expected from you. VI. Assignments: Assignments are due Aon designated date. It is expected that the student will spend a significant amount of time preparing their homework. Note: Assignments must be turned in on time and in hard copy (printed out). Late submission, for any reason, will lose 1 letter grade for each day late. VII. Missed Tests: As per university rule. Please note that there is no provision for make-up exam as per university rule. VIII. Required Text Book:

Computers: Tools for an Information Age, H.L. Capron and J.A. Johnson, Prentice Hall, Latest Edition Windows: Word, Excel, Power point IX. Office Hours: Upon appointment X. Course Outline: Topic Information Systems Hardware and Software Operating System Word Processing Spread Sheet Database Chapter 1, 2, 8 4, 5, 6, 15 3 Lab, 11 Lab, 12 Lab, 13

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