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8y Malcolm Parrlpaul 02 uecember 2011

1he elecLlon LhaL was held on 28
november 2011 was rlgged by Lhe and
CLCCM When one rlgs an elecLlon from a mlnorlLy base he has Lo Lake large
blocks of voLes away from Lhe ma[orlLy and so hls rlgglng ls easlly deLecLed Cn
Lhe oLher hand when one rlgs from a large base he does noL have Lo Lake away
voLes from Lhe mlnorlLy Pe only has Lo keep hls base numbers hlgh and Lhls noL
easlly deLecLable 1haL ls why observers have a dlfflculLy caLchlng Lhe aL
uurlng Lhe elecLlons campalgn Lhe LradlLlonal supporLer sLayed away from
meeLlngs so much so LhaL Lhe had Lo rlg" crowds aL lLs rallles When
supporLers sLayed away from Lhe polls Lhe had Lo rlg Lhe elecLlons
1he reporL LhaL follows ls my own flndlng whlch are based on my personal
experlence on elecLlons day
Voter 1urnout
1he voLer LurnouL ln Anu sLrongholds was very hlgh as was evldenL from Lhe
large crowds seen aL Lhe polllng places LhroughouL Lhe mornlng 1haL was ln sLark
conLrasL Lo sLrongholds where only small groups of voLers were seen ?eL
accordlng Lo Lhe SLaLemenLs of oll Lhe LurnouL ln areas was hlgh Pow ls
such a conLradlcLlon posslble? 1he answer lles ln Lhe rlgglng process such as
mulLlple voLlng and phanLom voLlng
Mu|t|p|e Vot|ng
MulLlple voLlng was faclllLaLed Lhrough several mechanlsms and Lhose were as
As many as elghL polllng sLaLlons were locaLed ln a bulldlng 1he voLers llsL
for LhaL polllng place was spllL alphabeLlcally whlch meanL each sLaLlon was
supposed Lo have [usL a secLlon of Lhe llsL so LhaL a voLer's name can only
appear once aL Lhe enLlre polllng place Lach sLaLlon had Lhe enLlre llsL
however whlch meanL LhaL a voLer's name appeared aL each sLaLlon 1he
slLuaLlon was creaLed whereby a voLer could voLe aL each sLaLlon as many
as four Lo elghL Llmes dependlng on Lhe slze of Lhe bulldlng
1he lndellble lnk LhaL was used Lo sLaln voLers' lndex flnger was found ln many
cases Lo Lake as long as flfLeen Lo LwenLy mlnuLes Lo be effecLlve ln oLher cases
Lhe sLaln was easlly removed Agaln Lhe slLuaLlon was creaLed for an elecLor Lo
voLe mulLlple Llmes
l dealL wlLh one case on elecLlons day where aL 1lmehrl rlmary School on Lhe
LasL 8ank uemerara a group of LwenLyslx supporLers were deLecLed voLlng aL
leasL Lwlce 1helr names appeared on Lhe llsLs of all Lhe polllng sLaLlons locaLed ln
Lhe bulldlng and Lhe lnk was slow Lo sLaln Lhe flnger So mulLlple voLlng dld Lake
place and lL was wldespread
l saw a group of supporLers belng brlefed ouLslde WesL uemerara Secondary
School l goL reporLs of groups of young supporLers belng moved around on
Lhe LasL 8ank Lssequlbo
uy|ng Voter ID Cards
AL WesL uemerara Secondary School l saw acLlvlsLs wlLh a brlefcase full of
voLer lu Cards 1hey were dlsLrlbuLlng Lhe cards Lo a group of supporLers
voLers also recelved a sllp of paper whlch Lhey had Lo presenL laLer for paymenL
1he same seL of acLlvlsLs also wenL Lo vreed Ln Poop rlmary School where
Lhey dlsLrlbuLed lu cards Lo Lhelr supporLers Many voLers laLer complalned of
recelvlng some counLerfelL noLes wlLh Lhelr paymenL Some shopkeepers also sald
Lhey recelved counLerfelL $100000 noLes
GLCCM Created Cbstac|es to o|||ng Agents
Slnce 1992 lL was always Lhe pracLlce of CLCCM Lo lssue LeLLers of LmploymenL
Lo polllng agenLs Lo enable Lhem Lo voLe aL Lhe sLaLlon Lhey were worklng aL
raLher Lhan where Lhey were reglsLered 1wo days before elecLlons CLCCM
aborLed LhaL pracLlce by refuslng Lo lssue LeLLers of LmploymenL lL meanL LhaL
polllng agenLs would be laLe would leave Lhe polllng sLaLlon or don'L show up aL
all lf Lhey had Lo work ouLslde of Lhelr reglsLered dlsLrlcLs 1haL creaLed a wlndow
of opporLunlLy for allled polllng offlclals Lo mark up balloLs for Lhe
CpposlLlon polllng agenL were absenL from mosL sLaLlons ln Lhe Amerlndlan
o|||ng |aces Located At nomes Cf Supporters
Cur populaLlon has been decllnlng and as a consequence our naLlonal llsL of
elecLors has sLagnaLed or decllned uesplLe Lhls CLCCM lncreased Lhe number of
polllng places especlally on Lhe LasL CoasL of uemerara 8eglon 4 1here newly
creaLed polllng places mosL a few days before elecLlons were locaLed aL Lhe
homes of known supporLers 1hls was done Lo faclllLaLe phanLom voLlng Lo
counLer Anu sLrongholds ln 8eglon 4
Contro||ed GLCCM
ln sLrongholds Lhe CLCCM polllng sLaff comprlsed members and
supporLers 1he 8ural ConsLables who provlded securlLy aL polllng places were
also under Lhe conLrol of Lhe 1he uLlllzed Lhe sLrucLure and resources of
Lhe nelghborhood uemocraLlc Counclls (nuC) 1he nuC chalrmen were Lhe
persons who were ln command of Lhe rlgglng operaLlon ln every reporL l goL of
lrregularlLles and breaches of Lhe law Lhe maln culprlLs were Lhe nuC chalrmen
AL Sllk CoLLon uam ZeelugL L8L a nuC chalrman had a gang of young
supporLers whom he used Lo LhreaLen Lo klll Anu offlclals lf Lhey dld noL leave
Lhe polllng places AL ulamond L8u lL was Lhe nuC chalrman who supervlsed Lhe
Lamperlng of balloL boxes and Lhe removal of Lhe envelopes conLalnlng
SLaLemenLs of oll on Wednesday 30
november 1haL was Lhe L8u area where
Lhe had called for a recounL
hantom Vot|ng
phanLom voLlng ls a phenomenon whereby an elecLor voLes wlLhouL ever
seLLlng fooL ln Lhe polllng sLaLlon or slgnlng a proxy form hanLom voLlng ls done
by allled polllng offlclals who mark balloLs for Lhe ln Lhe absence of
polllng agenLs or ln many cases by slmply connlng Lhe agenLs Care ls Laken noL Lo
exceed Lhe numbers on Lhe polllng sLaLlon llsL as LhaL would ralse a red flag wlLh
Lhe Local and lnLernaLlonal Cbservers
uue Lo lack of opposlLlon polllng agenLs Lhe capLured Lhe Amerlndlan voLes
Lhrough phanLom voLlng
a||ot ox 1amper|ng
Cn 1uesday 29
november concerned clLlzens reporLed LhaL balloL boxes were
belng Lampered wlLh aL norLh 8ulmveldL MulLllaLeral School ln whlch all Lhe balloL
boxes for ulsLrlcL 4 SouLh CeorgeLown were sLored by CLCCM Anu was able Lo
obLaln eleven broken balloL box seals from someone who smuggled Lhem pasL
heavlly armed pollce 1haL was Lhe same dlsLrlcL LhaL Lhe wanLed a recounL
afLer lLs agenL flxed" Lhe voLes
a||ot oxes Iound Cn 1he West Demerara
Cn Wednesday 30
november one balloL box was found aL vreed Ln Poop
WesL CoasL uemerara and anoLher was found aL versallles WesL 8ank uemerara
8eglon 3 1he flnds were made afLer pollce had searched Lhe homes of Lwo
acLlvlsLs ln Lhe area for balloL boxes Pomes were also searched for lu cards lL
was clear LhaL personnel were lnvolved ln nefarlous acLlvlLles wlLh balloL
boxes and lu cards
Ca||s Ior kecount
1he had called for a recounL of balloLs on Lhe WesL uemerara SouLh
CeorgeLown and LasL 8ank uemerara 1hose were Lhe locaLlons where balloL
boxes were Lampered wlLh afLer polllng and afLer belng secured by CLCCM lL was
clear LhaL Lhe called for a recounL afLer lL had flxed" Lhe balloLs ln lLs favour
Statements Cf o||
1he SLaLemenLs of oll (SCs) are Lhe mosL lmporLanL documenL generaLed durlng
Lhe elecLoral process 1hey are a counL of Lhe voLes and are Lhe basls on whlch
Lhe elecLlon resulLs are LabulaLed and declared 1he SCs do noL reflecL mulLlple
and phanLom voLlng 1hose have Lo be deLecLed on Lhe ground and ob[ecLlons
musL be ralsed lmmedlaLely Lo sLop Lhe fraud lf mulLlple and phanLom voLlng are
noL deLecLed Lhen Lhe elecLlons appear Lo be good and so Lhe rlgglng cannoL be
deLecLed on Lhe SCs especlally when as ls Lhe case of Lhe you have Lhe
largesL bloc of LradlLlonal voLers and you [usL have Lo keep your numbers hlgh buL
do noL exceed Lhe llsL
Anu won Lhe elecLlons Cur supporLers came ouL early ln large numbers Lo voLe
all over Cuyana 1he LradlLlonal supporLers Lurned ouL ln small numbers ln
!agdeo's home vlllage of unlLy Mahalca LCu ouL of 484 elecLors only 184
showed up Lo voLe l saw people sLraggllng Lo voLe ln Lhe LradlLlonal
sLrongholds buL [usL as Lhe rlgged" lLs rallles lL had Lo resorL Lo mulLlple and
phanLom voLlng Lo rlg Lhe numbers ln Lhelr sLrongholds and Lhe Amerlndlan
communlLles and so rlg Lhe elecLlons 1he reglme has sLolen Lhe elecLlons and Lhe
governmenL from Anu
We wanL [usLlce We wanL our elecLlon LhaL we won We wanL Lhe resldency and
Lhe CovernmenL whlch we won by Lhe balloLs 8uL we are wllllng Lo share Lhe
CovernmenL ln Lhe lnLeresL of peace and unlLy and so we demand CWL8

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