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CommlLLee unlCLl

uelegaLe ablo 8rayan 8odrlguez Cmez

1oplc Lnsurlng Chlld 8lrLh 8eglsLraLlon ln ueveloplng naLlons
CounLry ArgenLlna
School lnsLlLuLo cefl
1hls problem ln Lhe world ls Lerrlble from some persons Lhe problem of ensurlng chlld blrLh
reglsLraLlon ln developlng naLlons Lhls problem are ln so much counLrles because some persons
don'L have reglsLer because some persons Lake bables from anoLher persons 1hls problem have
several consequences ln anoLher counLrles because ls lllegal LhaL your son or anoLher person's
don'L reglsLer ln Lhe world ls llke aL you don'L are ln Lhe world LhaL ls Lhe reasons LhaL Lhls problem
are ln Lhe enLlre world and affecL so much famllles
1he problem ln my counLry abouL Lhe Loplc ensurlng chlld blrLh reglsLraLlon ln developlng naLlons
ls LhaL Lhe chlldren's LhaL donL have reglsLraLlon ls because some persons lnLenL Lo have Lhe klds
buL don'L reglsLraLlon ln Lhe hosplLal 1hls problem ln ArgenLlna ls noL so common because some
of Lhe klds have reglsLraLlon buL ArgenLlna help Lo oLher counLrles Lo sLop Lhls Lype of problems
because Lhls problem have several consequences because ls bad LhaL your sons or whaLever
person don'L have reglsLraLlon
Some soluLlons my delegaLlon suggesLs are Lhe followlng
1o help Lo people LhaL don'L have reglsLer ln our counLry or ln anoLher wlLh Lhe help of a
governmenLal publlc gubernaLor
1o help oLher delegaLlons wlLh glven lnformaLlon regardlng Lhls maLLer
CreaLe an organlsm ln order Lo regulaLe unreglsLered chlldren

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