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A sychology

Bistoiy anu Appioaches

Pre-scientific Psycbology
Socrates |ato Descartes
O 8elleved Lhe mlnd and body were separaLe enLlLles (a||sm) mosL ldeas LhoughLs LralLs were
lnborn (naLure over nurLure)
Ar|stot|e an Locke
O 8elleved LhaL Lhe mlnd and body were connecLed (mon|sm) and LhaL Lhe mlnd was a 'blank slaLe'
upon whlch experlence wrlLes (nurLure over naLure)
oundations of Modern Psycbology
sycho|ogy Lhe sclenLlflc sLudy of behavlour and menLal processes
O ehav|ora| experlmenLlng by creaLlng slLuaLlons LhaL shows a causal relaLlonshlp observlng
Lhe acLlons
O ,enta| Lhlnk and feel
O ooLs me|c|ne and ph||osophy ouL of a fleld called psychophys|cs

arly scbools of Psycbology
O Strctra||sm used lnLrospecLlon Lo explore Lhe elemenLal sLrucLure of human mlnd
4 selfobservaLlon and reporLlng of consclous lnner LhoughLs deslres and sensaLlons
4 J||he|m Jnt Lar 1|tchener
O nct|ona||sm how menLal and behavlour processes funcLlon enable Lhe organlsm Lo adapL
survlve flourlsh
4 J||||am Iames
O esta|t sycho|ogy sLudles how people percelve and experlence ob[ecLs as whole paLLerns
agalnsL dlvldlng human LhoughL and behavlour
4 ,ax Jerthe|mer koh|er koffka
ature {innatismJnativism] vs. urture {mpiricismJbebaviourism]
behavlour resulLs from heredlLary or experlences
conLroversy over Lhe relaLlve conLrlbuLlons LhaL genes and experlence make Lo Lhe developmenL
of psychologlcal LralLs and behavlours
O -atre SocraLes laLo uescarLes
O -rtre ArlsLoLle Locke WaLson Sklnner (WundL !ames 1lLchener)
tability vs. Cbange
uo our lndlvldual LralLs change as we age or do Lhey remaln falrly sLable? uo our LralLs change ln
dlfferenL slLuaLlons?
ationality vs. Irrationality
Are we ln conLrol of our own behavlour? uo we have free wlll or are we aL Lhe mercy of
unconsclous deslres or our envlronmenL?
A sychology
Psycbological Perspectives
-erosc|ence]|opsycho|ogy sLudles how Lhe braln and oLher body sysLems creaLe emoLlons
memorles and sensory experlences
enes hormones neuroLransmlLLer

Lvo|t|onary ]behav|or genet|cs how naLural selecLlon of behavlour LralLs promoLes Lhe
perpeLuaLlon of one's genes

sychoana|yt|ca| (cllnlcal)boLh a meLhod of LreaLmenL and a Lheory of Lhe mlnd
sychoana|yt|ca| Lhlnklng sychoynam|c acLlons
8ehavlour reflecLs comblnaLlons of consclous and unconsclous lnfluences
urlves/urges wlLhln Lhe unconsclous componenL of mlnd lnfluence LhoughL and behavlour
Larly chlldhood experlences shape unconsclous moLlvaLlons
S|gmn re (psychoanalysls) Ing A|er norney koht (psychodynamlc psychologlsLs)

nman|st|c (cllnlcal) focuses on free wlll and reachlng one's full human poLenLlal
We choose mosL of our behavlours and Lhese cholces are gulded by physlologlcal
emoLlonal or splrlLual needs
locus on consclous forces and self percepLlon
Abraham ,as|o and Car| kogers

ehav|ora| ]Ltho|og|ca| sLudy of anlmal behavlour ln Lhe naLural envlronmenL raLher Lhan lab seLLlng
nfluenced by uarwln lnnaLe adapLlve behavlour paLLerns learned response/Lralned
AcLlons reflexes (ex manners) change/respond Lo envlronmenL unconsclous hablLual
repeLlLlon do Lhlngs ln response Lo sLlmull learnlng as a resulL of experlence
av|ov (classlcal condlLlonlng of dogs) Jatson (averslve condlLlonlng) Sk|nner (operanL

Cogn|t|ve how ls knowledge encode process sLore and reLrleve used Lo gulde behavlour
nfluences |aget (lnLellecLual developmenL) Chomsky (language) Cybernet|cs (sclence
of lnformaLlon processlng)

Soc|oc|tra| Lhe sLudy of psychologlcal dlfferences among people llvlng ln dlfferenL culLural groups
ow LhoughLs feellngs behavlour are lnfluenced by culLure
CulLure's rules soclal lnLeracLlon how culLural dlfferences affecLs behavlour

O C||n|ca| Lhe sLudy assessmenL and LreaLmenL of people wlLh menLal lllnesses
O Conse|||ng psycho|og|sts help people Lo adapL Lo change or make changes ln Lhelr llfesLyle
O as|c research pure experlmenLal research LhaL alms Lo lncrease Lhe sclenLlflc knowledge base
O App||e research sclenLlflc research LhaL alms Lo solve pracLlcal problems
O sych|atry branch of medlclnd deallng wlLh psychologlcal dlsorders

A sychology
Char|es Dar|n (18091882) 1heory of naLural selecLlon lnborn knowledge and behavlour eLhology
J||he|m Jnt flrsL psychology experlmenL sLrucLurallsm
A|fre |net (18371911) lnLelllgence researcher developed flrsL lnLelllgence LesL
Ivan av|ov (18491936) physlologlsL dlscovered condlLloned reflexes behavlourallsm
Sk|nner (19041990) sLudled learnlng and effecL of relnforcemenL behavlourallsm re[ecLed
Iohn Jatson (18781938) llmlL psychology Lo observable phenomena ( unconsclous mlnd) opposed
lreud bebovlootlsm (look aL only behavlour and causes of behavloursLlmull and responses)
J||||am Iames (18421910) funcLlonallsm opposed WundL and 1lchener wroLe flrsL psych LexLbook
S|gmn re (18361939) focused on lllness psychoanalyLlc Lheory of menLal dlsorders
Abraham ,as|o (19081970) developed Lhe humanlsLlc approach lndlvldual cholce free wlll
Car| kogers (19021987) developed Lhe humanlsLlc approach lndlvldual cholce free wlll
I |aget sLudled lnLellecLual developmenL cognlLlve perspecLlve
L Lr|ksonpsychoanalysL known for hls Lheory on soclal developmenL of human belngs
Lar 1|tchener broughL lnLrospecLlon Lo Lhe uS sLrucLurallsm
,ax Jerthe|mer (18801943) esLalL psychologlsL(agalnsL dlvldlng human LhoughL and behavlour)
examlned a person's LoLal experlence and conLexL raLher Lhan [usL hls dlfflculLy
,ary Jh|ton Ca|k|ns flrsL woman presldenL of Lhe Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon and belng
denled her docLoraLe from arvard memory researcher
Dorothea D|x reformer flrsL menLal asylum people sufferlng from menLal lllness were conflned ln
prlsons and were recelvlng no medlcal LreaLmenL
Stan|ey na|| 8ecame Lhe flrsL resldenL of Lhe Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon (AA) ln 1892
flrsL Amerlcan Lo geL a hu
,argaret |oy Jashbrn flrsL woman Lo earn a hu

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