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Max had made mistakes before.

In his bones coming here was the right choice, but something was wrong. The feeling was worse than the day he pushed the button that destroyed the ruins of manhattan; making him enemy number 1 of the Moa Sen. Sure Red had forced him and all that, but even then he felt like he had had a choice, a way to fix it after the fact; this situation was lacking that. Max had no choice; he waited in front of these large doors made of a swirling metal that seemed almost alive. He waited with the 7 foot tall Birdlike Talin'Bar Exnumi, the only person, thing, alien? what the hell should he even call them; no options, somethings wrong here kept screaming in his head. "Max, you must be as deferent as possible to the emperor and his court. for Trans'vsena to even be received by the court is an exception of the higest honor. Look sharply and behave or they will kill you regardless of what your fiorend Dex can do." Exnumi's tone was like that of a parent to a child, but it was cordial. The Talin'Bars eyes changed its tone becoming harsh almost on the edge of anger or revulsion. "Keep that distasteful Aritifical Intelligence quiet. Should any other Tanlin'Bar sense it or hear it not only you will pay the price." Blade whispered in Max's mind "This is a bad idea Max, these things would kill you, me and the rest of our races in a second. Nothing good will come of this." Max did not reply to his AI, probably one of the best friends he had ever had. "NO OPTONS!!" the words screamed through his brain like a Gravelectric Jet dive bombing his tank. The doors flexed and opened, though no one was there to push them and no obvious mechanisms did the job either. As the doors opened he saw it. There in front of Max McPherson was the proof the Chandler varsta had been wrong. Every thing that Max was; Lt Col. Military Advancement Command forces, Commander of the Western American Conferederations premier Tank StrikeForce The Big Red One A force, A human with skills and abilities that made him one of the greatest achievments of the UN Planning Groups and the System Equations. All these things and many more parts of his life collacesed into just anger and bile. Sitting on a childs throne, a comical interpritation of the Emperors throne was Dex, the Homo Superior max had risked so much to send here. Dex sat next to the Emperor of the Saltheri, and Dex was a large human, easily lost in this sea of giant Saltheri and Talin'Bar. The rage rose up and Max prepared to end this embarasement of his race. The screams in voice became a chant ONE OPTION, ONE CHANCE. Exnumi felt the tensing of the human next to him and grimaced. He could not interfere any more than he had, the elders had forbade it. He liked this human, he could even go so far as to say he respected it as a unique being, but its course was set and the war to destroy the humans horrifying technologies had to be started, this way was a sure course to war and destruction of both the humans and their soul-less AI. Exnumi waited for the human to leap and be crushed and falmed by the mind and weapons of the Saltheri gaurds around them. "MAX NO! ITS WORSE THAN YOU THINK, BUT THERE IS A CHANCE! Attack now and we all die. You, me, Humanity all of it. Stand down give me one chance" Dex's voice commanded in his head, it was not pleading. It seemed to force obidience, Max struggled for a moment and relaxed. I should be dying in that room right now showing them we will not go down in plastic toy thrones. I wil give Dex his one chance, then I will do whatever I must to save my planet and people. He ignored the screams in his head for now, using them to fuel his rage. Exnumi shook his head when Max untensed his body, something had changed. The rage was there, but held back like a violent storm wracked ocean. He would have to observer and find another way to unleash the humans rage before

the less certain of his race subverted the Saltheri away fro the need to destroy this evil and technology. Yes time was ample, even if his patence was not.

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