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Winning Attitude (in law school)

Believe that you can do it and you probably will! Making yourselI believe that you can
do certain things- being enthusiastic about themcan, and will, actually help to
accomplish them. (Harry Lorayne, Secrets oI Mind Power, p.22 1961)

You must love to be a lawyer so badly you will do anything licit to make your dream
come true. Anything short oI your optimum eIIort will spell dismal Iailure. A sense oI
mission is crucial. It starts with positive attitude, a relentless commitment and passion Ior
excellence, a state oI mind oI a slam-dunk champion. A good centered attitude can
inspire you to stay alert and Iocused as you meet each academic challenge. The dogged
mindset will determine your Iuture academic perIormance. Let the power oI visualization
bolster your selI-worth in pursuing academic excellence. Visualize yourselI reciting in
class, captivating everyone with your incisive answers. Sense the temperature in the
classroom. Hear yourselI speaking with clarity and eloquence to a roomIul oI enthralled
classmates. Make it Iun. Imagine yourselI thoroughly enjoying the experience.

You must know the true reason why you want to be a lawyer.
Use the 5x7 Ilash cards in note taking. :)

Success requires a concrete plan that includes developing a reliable routine Ior classroom
preparation, a proIicient method oI outlining, and a calculated strategy Ior exam-taking.

Four key instruments in scoring major points at law school
1. S
2. ASS

Some tips
O 45/15 RUL study 45mins and take 15mins oII
O "uarter Hour Technique- 15 min study intervals to stimulate positive measurable
results. Set a timer Ior a series oI 15-min sessions and start reading.
O 17-20 word rule-Keep sentence short.
O Study, Study, Study
O Practice, practice, and more practice.

Top law students record each quarter hour oI work by noting the number oI pages
completed. This will eventually stimulate hours oI progress that may deepen your inner
sense oI direction and purpose (Marquis, 39).

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