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TOPIC Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Swarm Robots Overview 2.1 what is Swarm Robots? 2.2 what is Swarm? 3. Evolution of Swarm 3.1 Swarm Intelligence 3.2 Software from Insects 3.3 Ant colony Optimization 4. Particle Swarm Optimization 5. Application of Swarm Robots 5.1 Journey in to Small Spaces 5.2 Covert uses possible 6. Terminators, Transforms and other Self-Reconfiguring Robots 7. Other Types 7.1 Modular Robots 7.2 Chain Robots 7.3 Lattice Robots 7.4 Mobile Configuration Robots 8. Asteroid Eaters 8.1 Eating away at a Killer Asteroid 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 PAGE

8.2 A MADMEN Swarm 9. Nubot 10. Perimeter Formation 11. TetWalker 11.1 How does a tetrahedron engage In locomotion? 12. WaterSkater 13. A Glance at the other Applications 14. Conclusion References

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