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uaLe of Submlsslon 24

november 2011

Human Resource Management
Assignment on }ob Besciiption

SubmItted to,
ur nargls AkhLer
AsslsLanL rofessor Course lnsLrucLor
8uslness ueparLmenL
LasL WesL unlverslLy
SubmItted by,

, nazmul Possaln 2008310183
, Sharlful lslam 2009110134
SecLlon 1

East West University
LasL WesL unlverslLy
!ob uescrlpLlon for LlfL CperaLor

4- Identificati4n Details:
Job Title: LiIt Operator
Job Location: Mohakhali, Dhaka.
Report to: Salim Hasan
Supervisor title: Administrator
Work Irom: 9 years and 6 months

4- Summary:
Working as a liIt operator in the administration building Iive days in a week. Take initiative or report
to the supervisor about liIt maintenance. Able to do minor maintenance oI the liIt. Serving
reIreshment among the university Iaculty members and pass Iiles to the administration staII.

Maj4r Duties & Resp4nsi-ilities:
1. Operate the liIt, mostly beIore the class times.
2. Work as an electrician.
3. Doing minor liIt maintenance and report to the supervisor Ior any major maintenance (iI
4. Serve tea & reIreshment to the Iaculty members.
5. Pass Iiles to the oIIice staIIs.
Skill, Educati4n and Experience:
ducation: Up to 8 (eight) years oI education.
perience: At least 2-3 years oI eperience in liIt operating.
Communication skill: Must having a polite communication skill to interact with Iaculty members,
students as well as administration oIIicers.
Physical Demands: At least 3-5 hours oI standing may be required in 5-8 hours shiIt. To perIorm
electrical work climbing capability needed.
Mental capability; Must be mentally strong & calm in case oI accidental situation. And must show
bravery in Iire or electric short circuit situation.
Other Skill: Able to perIorm minor liIt maintenance operation and electrical operation.
The above inIormation are correctly describe and approved by:

LiIt Operator Supervisor/Manager

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