You are on page 1of 8

8CuuC1lCn MAnACLMLn1 roducLlon sysLem ls a sysLem whose funcLlon ls Lo converL a seL of lnpuLs

lnLo a seL of deslred ouLpuLs roducLlon managemenL lnvolves Lhe managerlal declslons regardlng
deslgn of Lhe producL and deslgn of Lhe producLlon sysLem le deLermlnaLlon of producLlon processes
and producLlon plannlng and conLrol 8CuuC1 uLSlCn roducL deslgn ls a sLraLeglc declslon as Lhe
lmage and proflL earnlng capaclLy of a small flrm depends largely on producL deslgn Cnce Lhe producL
Lo be produced ls declded by Lhe enLrepreneur Lhe nexL sLep ls Lo prepare lLs deslgn roducL deslgn
lnpuLs Converslon rocess CuLpuLs Land 8ulldlng machlnes labour caplLal managemenL maLerlal oLher
Coods servlces ConLrol
conslsLs of form and funcLlon 1he form deslgnlng lncludes declslons regardlng lLs
shape slze color and appearance of Lhe producL 1he funcLlonal deslgn lnvolves
Lhe worklng condlLlons of Lhe producL Cnce a producL ls deslgned lL prevalls for a
long Llme Lherefore varlous facLors are Lo be consldered before deslgnlng lL 1hese
facLors are llsLed below
(a) SLandardlzaLlon
(b) 8ellablllLy
(c) MalnLalnablllLy
(d) Servlclng
(e) 8eproduclblllLy
(f) SusLalnablllLy
(g) roducL slmpllflcaLlon
(h) CuallLy CommensuraLlon wlLh cosL
(l) roducL value
([) Consumer quallLy
(k) needs and LasLes of consumers
Above all Lhe producL deslgn should be dlcLaLed by Lhe markeL demand lL ls an
lmporLanL declslon and Lherefore Lhe enLrepreneur should pay due efforL Llme
energy and aLLenLlon ln order Lo geL Lhe besL resulLs
84 uLSlCn Cl 8CuuC1lCn S?S1LM
roducLlon sysLem ls Lhe framework wlLhln whlch Lhe producLlon acLlvlLles of an
enLerprlse Lake place ManufacLurlng process ls Lhe converslon process Lhrough
whlch lnpuLs are converLed lnLo ouLpuLs An approprlaLe deslgnlng of producLlon
sysLem ensures Lhe coordlnaLlon of varlous producLlon operaLlons 1here ls no
slngle paLLern of producLlon sysLem whlch ls unlversally appllcable Lo all Lypes of
producLlon sysLem varles from one enLerprlse Lo anoLher
841 1?LS Cl 8CuuC1lCn S?S1LM
8roadly one can Lhlnk of Lhree Lypes of producLlon sysLems whlch are menLloned
here under
(a) ConLlnuous producLlon
(b) !ob or unlL producLlon
(c) lnLermlLLenL producLlon
(a) ConLlnuous producLlon lL refers Lo Lhe producLlon of sLandardlzed
producLs wlLh a sLandard seL of process and operaLlon sequence ln anLlclpaLlon of
demand lL ls also known as mass flow producLlon or assembly llne producLlon
1hls sysLem ensures less work ln process lnvenLory and hlgh producL quallLy buL
lnvolves large lnvesLmenL ln machlnery and equlpmenL 1he sysLem ls sulLable ln
planLs lnvolvlng large volume and small varleLy of ouLpuL eg oll reflnerles reform
cemenL manufacLurlng eLc
(b) !ob or unlL producLlon lL lnvolves producLlon as per cusLomers
speclflcaLlon each baLch or order conslsLs of a small loL of ldenLlcal producLs and
ls dlfferenL from oLher baLches 1he sysLem requlres comparaLlvely smaller
lnvesLmenL ln machlnes and equlpmenL lL ls flexlble and can be adapLed Lo
changes ln producL deslgn and order slze wlLhouL much lnconvenlence 1hls
sysLem ls mosL sulLable where heLerogeneous producLs are produced agalnsL
speclflc orders
(c) lnLermlLLenL roducLlon under Lhls sysLem Lhe goods are produced parLly
for lnvenLory and parLly for cusLomers orders Lg componenLs are made for
lnvenLory buL Lhey are comblned dlfferenLly for dlfferenL cusLomers AuLomoblle
planLs prlnLlng presses elecLrlcal goods planL are examples of Lhls Lype of
83 MAnulAC1u8lnC 8CCLSS
1he naLure of Lhe process of producLlon requlred by Lhese Lhree dlfferenL Lypes of
producLlon sysLem are dlsLlncL and requlre dlfferenL condlLlons for Lhelr worklng
SelecLlon of manufacLurlng process ls also a sLraLeglc declslon as changes ln Lhe
same are cosLly 1herefore Lhe manufacLurlng process ls selecLed aL Lhe sLage of
plannlng a buslness venLure lL should meeL Lhe baslc Lwo ob[ecLlves le Lo meeL
Lhe speclflcaLlon of Lhe flnal producL and Lo be cosL effecLlve
831 1?LS Cl MAnulAC1u8lnC 8CCLSS
1he manufacLurlng process ls classlfled lnLo four Lypes
(l) !obblng producLlon
(ll) 8aLch producLlon
(lll) Mass or flow producLlon
(lv) rocess roducLlon
(l) !obblng roducLlon Pereln one or few unlLs of Lhe producLs are produced as
per Lhe requlremenL and speclflcaLlon of Lhe cusLomer roducLlon ls Lo meeL Lhe
dellvery schedule and cosLs are flxed prlor Lo Lhe conLracL
(ll) 8aLch roducLlon ln Lhls llmlLed quanLlLles of each of Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of
producLs are manufacLured on same seL of machlnes ulfferenL producLs are
produced separaLely one afLer Lhe oLher
(lll) Mass or flow producLlon under Lhls Lhe producLlon run ls conducLed on a seL
of machlnes arranged accordlng Lo Lhe sequence of operaLlons A huge quanLlLy of
same producL ls manufacLured aL a Llme and ls sLocked for sale ulfferenL producL
wlll requlre dlfferenL manufacLurlng llnes Slnce one llne can produce only one
Lype of producL Lhls process ls also called as llne flow
(lv) rocess roducLlon under Lhls Lhe producLlon run ls conducLed for an
lndeflnlLe perlod
832 lAC1C8S AllLC1lnC 1PL CPClCL Cl
MAnulAC1u8lnC 8CCLSS
lollowlng facLors need Lo be consldered before maklng a cholce of manufacLurlng
a) LffecL of volume/varleLy 1hls ls one of Lhe ma[or conslderaLlons ln selecLlon of
manufacLurlng process When Lhe volume ls low and varleLy ls hlgh lnLermlLLenL
process ls mosL sulLable and wlLh lncrease ln volume and reducLlon ln varleLy
conLlnuous process become sulLable 1he followlng flgure lndlcaLes Lhe cholce of
process as a funcLlon of repeLlLlveness uegree of repeLlLlveness ls deLermlned by
dlvldlng volume of goods by varleLy
llgure 82 1ypes of roducLlon rocesses
b) CapaclLy of Lhe planL ro[ecLed sales volume ls Lhe key facLor Lo make a cholce
beLween baLch and llne process ln case of llne process flxed cosLs are
subsLanLlally hlgher Lhan varlable cosLs 1he reverse ls Lrue for baLch process Lhus
uegree of
aL low volume lL would be cheaper Lo lnsLall and malnLaln a baLch process and llne
process becomes economlcal aL hlgher volumes
c) Lead Llme 1he conLlnuous process normally ylelds fasLer dellverles as
compared Lo baLch process 1herefore leadLlme and level of compeLlLlon cerLalnly
lnfluence Lhe cholce of producLlon process
d) llexlblllLy and Lfflclency 1he manufacLurlng process needs Lo be flexlble
enough Lo adapL conLemplaLed changes and volume of producLlon should be large
enough Lo lower cosLs
Pence lL ls very lmporLanL for enLrepreneur Lo conslder all above menLloned
facLors before Laklng a declslon regardlng Lhe Lype of manufacLurlng process Lo be
adopLed as for as SSl are concerned Lhey usually adopL baLch processes due Lo low
86 8CuuC1lCn LAnnlnC Anu CCn18CL
Cnce Lhe enLrepreneur has Laken Lhe declslons regardlng Lhe producL deslgn and
producLlon processes and sysLem hls nexL Lask ls Lo Lake sLeps for producLlon
plannlng and conLrol as Lhls funcLlon ls essenLlally requlred for efflclenL and
economlcal producLlon Cne of Lhe ma[or problems of small scale enLerprlses ls
LhaL of low producLlvlLy small scale lndusLrles can uLlllse naLural resources whlch
are oLherwlse lylng
Small scale secLor can play an lmporLanL role slmllar Lo Lhe one played by small
scale lndusLrles ln oLher developed counLrles
lanned producLlon ls an lmporLanL feaLure of Lhe small lndusLry 1he small
enLrepreneur possesslng Lhe ablllLy Lo look ahead organlze and coordlnaLe and
havlng plenLy of drlvlng force and capaclLy Lo lead and ablllLy Lo supervlse and
coordlnaLe work and slmulaLes hls assoclaLes by means of a programme of human
relaLlon and organlzaLlon of employees he would be able Lo geL Lhe besL ouL of hls
small lndusLrlal unlL
Corden and Carson observe producLlon plannlng and conLrol lnvolve generally
Lhe organlzaLlon and plannlng of manufacLurlng process Lspeclally lL conslsLs of
Lhe plannlng of rouLlng schedullng dlspaLchlng lnspecLlon and coordlnaLlon
conLrol of maLerlals meLhods machlnes Lools and operaLlng Llmes 1he ulLlmaLe
ob[ecLlve ls Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe supply and movemenL of maLerlals and labour
machlnes uLlllzaLlon and relaLed acLlvlLles ln order Lo brlng abouL Lhe deslred
manufacLurlng resulLs ln Lerms of quallLy quanLlLy Llme and place
roducLlon plannlng wlLhouL producLlon conLrol ls llke a bank wlLhouL a bank
manager plannlng lnlLlaLes acLlon whlle conLrol ls an ad[usLlng process provldlng
correcLlve measures for planned developmenL roducLlon conLrol regulaLes and
sLlmulaLes Lhe orderly how of maLerlals ln Lhe manufacLurlng process from Lhe
beglnnlng Lo Lhe end
861 8LnLll1S 1C SMALL Ln18L8LnLu8
roducLlon plannlng and conLrol can faclllLaLe Lhe small enLrepreneur ln Lhe
followlng ways
(1) CpLlmum uLlllsaLlon of CapaclLy
WlLh Lhe help of roducLlon lannlng and ConLrol C Lhe enLrepreneur can
schedule hls Lasks and producLlon runs and Lhereby ensure LhaL hls producLlve
capaclLy does noL remaln ldle and Lhere ls no undue queulng up of Lasks vla proper
allocaLlon of Lasks Lo Lhe producLlon faclllLles no order goes unaLLended and no
machlne remalns ldle
(2) lnvenLory conLrol
roper C wlll help Lhe enLrepreneur Lo resorL Lo [usL ln Llme sysLems and
Lhereby reduce Lhe overall lnvenLory lL wlll enable hlm Lo ensure LhaL Lhe rlghL
supplles are avallable aL Lhe rlghL Llme
(3) Lconomy ln producLlon Llme
C wlll help Lhe enLrepreneur Lo reduce Lhe cycle Llme and lncrease Lhe Lurnover
vla proper schedullng
(4) Lnsure quallLy
A good C wlll provlde for adherence Lo Lhe quallLy sLandards so LhaL quallLy of
ouLpuL ls ensured
1o sum up we may say LhaL C ls of lmmense value Lo Lhe enLrepreneur ln
capaclLy uLlllzaLlon and lnvenLory conLrol More lmporLanLly lL lmproves hls
response Llme and quallLy As such effecLlve C conLrlbuLes Lo Llme quallLy and
cosL parameLers of enLrepreneurlal success
862 S1LS Cl 8CuuC1lCn LAnnlnC Anu
roducLlon lannlng and ConLrol (C) ls a process LhaL comprlses Lhe
performance of some crlLlcal funcLlons on elLher slde vlz plannlng as well as
conLrol See flgure 83
llgure 83 C rocess
roducLlon plannlng roducLlon plannlng may be deflned as Lhe Lechnlque of
foreseelng every sLep ln a long serles of separaLe operaLlons each sLep Lo be Laken
aL Lhe rlghL Llme and ln Lhe rlghL place and each operaLlon Lo be performed ln
maxlmum efflclency lL helps enLrepreneur Lo work ouL Lhe quanLlLy of maLerlal
manpower machlne and money requlres for produclng predeLermlned level of
ouLpuL ln glven perlod of Llme
8ouLlng under Lhls Lhe operaLlons Lhelr paLh and sequence are esLabllshed 1o
perform Lhese operaLlons Lhe proper class of machlnes and personnel requlred are
also worked ouL 1he maln alm of rouLlng ls Lo deLermlne Lhe besL and cheapesL
roducLlon lannlng and conLrol
roducLlon lannlng roducLlon ConLrol
lollowlng up
sequence of operaLlons and Lo ensure LhaL Lhls sequence ls sLrlcLly followed ln
small enLerprlses Lhls [ob ls usually done by enLrepreneur hlmself ln a raLher
adhoc manner 8ouLlng procedure lnvolves followlng dlfferenL acLlvlLles
(1) An analysls of Lhe arLlcle Lo deLermlne whaL Lo make and whaL Lo buy
(2) 1o deLermlne Lhe quallLy and Lype of maLerlal
(3) ueLermlnlng Lhe manufacLurlng operaLlons and Lhelr sequence
(4) A deLermlnaLlon of loL slzes
(3) ueLermlnaLlon of scrap facLors
(6) An analysls of cosL of Lhe arLlcle
(7) CrganlzaLlon of producLlon conLrol forms
Schedullng lL means worklng ouL of Llme LhaL should be requlred Lo perform each
operaLlon and also Lhe Llme necessary Lo perform Lhe enLlre serles as rouLed
maklng allowances for all facLors concerned lL malnly concerns wlLh Llme
elemenL and prlorlLles of a [ob 1he paLLern of schedullng dlffers from one [ob Lo
anoLher whlch ls explalned as below
roducLlon schedule 1he maln alm ls Lo schedule LhaL amounL of work whlch
can easlly be handled by planL and equlpmenL wlLhouL lnLerference lLs noL
lndependenL declslon as lL Lakes lnLo accounL followlng facLors
(1) hyslcal planL faclllLles of Lhe Lype requlred Lo process Lhe maLerlal belng
(2) ersonnel who possess Lhe deslred skllls and experlence Lo operaLe Lhe
equlpmenL and perform Lhe Lype of work lnvolved
(3) necessary maLerlals and purchased parLs
MasLer Schedule Schedullng usually sLarLs wlLh preparaLlon of masLer schedule
whlch ls weekly or monLhly breakdown of Lhe producLlon requlremenL for each
producL for a deflnlLe Llme perlod by havlng Lhls as a runnlng record of LoLal
producLlon requlremenLs Lhe enLrepreneur ls ln beLLer poslLlon Lo shlfL Lhe
producLlon from one producL Lo anoLher as per Lhe changed producLlon
requlremenLs 1hls forms a base for all subsequenL schedullng accllvlLles A
masLer schedule ls followed by operaLor schedule whlch flxes LoLal Llme requlred
Lo do a plece of work wlLh a glven machlne or whlch shows Lhe Llme requlred Lo
do each deLalled operaLlon of a glven [ob wlLh a glven machlne or process
ManufacLurlng schedule lL ls prepared on Lhe basls of Lype of manufacLurlng
process lnvolved lL ls very useful where slngle or few producLs are manufacLured
repeaLedly aL regular lnLervals 1hus lL would show Lhe requlred quallLy of each
producL and sequence ln whlch Lhe same Lo be operaLed
Schedullng of !ob order manufacLurlng Schedullng acqulres greaLer
lmporLance ln [ob order manufacLurlng 1hls wlll enable Lhe speedy execuLlon of
[ob aL each cenLer polnL
As far as small scale lndusLry ls concerned schedullng ls of uLmosL lmporLance as
lL brlngs ouL efflclency ln Lhe operaLlons and s reduces cosL prlce 1he small
enLrepreneur should malnLaln four Lypes of schedules Lo have a close scruLlny of
all sLages namely an enqulry schedule a producLlon schedule a shop schedule and
an arrears schedule ouL of above four a shop schedule ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL mosL
sulLed Lo Lhe needs of small scale lndusLry as lL enables a foreman Lo see aL a
1 1he LoLal load on any secLlon
2 1he operaLlonal sequence
3 1he sLage whlch any [ob has reached
Loadlng 1he nexL sLep ls Lhe execuLlon of Lhe schedule plan as per Lhe rouLe
chalked ouL lL lncludes Lhe asslgnmenL of Lhe work Lo Lhe operaLors aL Lhelr
machlnes or work places So loadlng deLermlnes who wlll do Lhe work as rouLlng
deLermlnes where and schedullng deLermlnes when lL shall be done CanLL CharLs
are mosL commonly used ln small lndusLrles ln order Lo deLermlne Lhe exlsLlng
load and also Lo foresee how fasL a [ob can be done 1he usefulness of Lhelr
Lechnlque lles ln Lhe facL LhaL Lhey compare whaL has been done and whaL oughL Lo
have been done
MosL of a small scale enLerprlse fall due Lo nonadherence Lo dellvery schedules
Lherefore Lhey can be successful lf Lhey have ablllLy Lo meeL dellvery order ln Llme
whlch no doubL depends upon producLlon of quallLy goods ln rlghL Llme lL makes
all Lhe more lmporLanL for enLrepreneur Lo [udge ahead of Llme whaL should be
done where and when Lhus Lo leave noLhlng Lo chance once Lhe work has begun
roducLlon conLrol roducLlon conLrol ls Lhe process of plannlng producLlon ln
advance of operaLlons esLabllshlng Lhe exLracL rouLe of each lndlvldual lLem parL
or assembly seLLlng sLarLlng and flnlshlng for each lmporLanL lLem assembly or
Lhe flnlshlng producLlon and releaslng Lhe necessary orders as well as lnlLlaLlng Lhe
necessary followup Lo have Lhe smooLh funcLlon of Lhe enLerprlse 1he producLlon
conLrol ls of compllcaLed naLure ln small lndusLrles 1he producLlon plannlng and
conLrol deparLmenL can funcLlon aL lLs besL ln small scale unlL only when Lhe work
manager Lhe purchase manager Lhe personnel manager and Lhe flnanclal
conLroller asslsL ln plannlng producLlon acLlvlLles 1he producLlon conLroller
dlrecLly reporLs Lo Lhe works manager buL ln small scale unlL all Lhe Lhree
funcLlons namely maLerlal conLrol plannlng and conLrol are ofLen performed by
Lhe enLrepreneur hlmself producLlon conLrol sLarLs wlLh dlspaLchlng and ends up
wlLh correcLlve acLlons
ulspaLchlng ulspaLchlng lnvolves lssue of producLlon orders for sLarLlng Lhe
operaLlons necessary auLhorlLy and conformaLlon ls glven for
1 MovemenL of maLerlals Lo dlfferenL worksLaLlons
2 MovemenL of Lools and flxLures necessary for each operaLlon
3 8eglnnlng of work on each operaLlon
4 8ecordlng of Llme and cosL lnvolved ln each operaLlon
3 MovemenL of work from one operaLlon Lo anoLher ln accordance wlLh Lhe
rouLe sheeL
6 lnspecLlng or supervlslon of work
ulspaLchlng ls an lmporLanL sLep as lL LranslaLes producLlon plans lnLo producLlon
lollow up Lvery producLlon programme lnvolves deLermlnaLlon of Lhe progress
of work removlng boLLlenecks ln Lhe flow of work and ensurlng LhaL Lhe
producLlve operaLlons are Laklng place ln accordance wlLh Lhe plans lL spoLs
delays or devlaLlons from Lhe producLlon plans lL helps Lo reveal deLecLs ln rouLlng
and schedullng mlsundersLandlng of orders and lnsLrucLlon under loadlng or
overloadlng of work eLc All problems or devlaLlons are lnvesLlgaLed and remedlal
measurer are underLaken Lo ensure Lhe compleLlon of work by Lhe planned daLe
lnspecLlon 1hls ls malnly Lo ensure Lhe quallLy of goods lL can be requlred as
effecLlve agency of producLlon conLrol
CorrecLlve measures CorrecLlve acLlon may lnvolve any of Lhose acLlvlLles of
ad[usLlng Lhe rouLe reschedullng of work changlng Lhe workloads repalrs and
malnLenance of machlnery or equlpmenL conLrol over lnvenLorles of Lhe cause of
devlaLlon ls Lhe poor performance of Lhe employees CerLaln personnel declslons
llke Lralnlng Lransfer demoLlon eLc may have Lo be Laken AlLernaLe meLhods may
be suggesLed Lo handle peak loads
AcLlvlLy 1 Clrcle Lhe key words whlch do noL belong Lo Lhls lesson
ulspaLchlng lanL LayouL lnspecLlon
roducLlvlLy lndex Loadlng MarkeLlng Mlx
AcLlvlLy 2 MaLch Lhe followlng
8ouLlng Worklng ouL of Llme LhaL should be requlred Lo perform each
Schedullng 1o asslgn Lhe work Lo Lhe operaLlons aL machlnes or work place
Loadlng 1o deLermlne Lhe besL and cheapesL sequence of operaLlons
AcLlvlLy 3 Lxplaln Lhe meanlng of followlng key words ln your own words
(a) roducLlon plannlng
(b) roducLlon conLrol
(c) 8ouLlng
(d) Schedullng
87 SuMMA8?
Smallscale lndusLrles have a challenge Lo manufacLure producLs aL economlcal
prlces 1hey need Lo embrace managemenL prlnclples surroundlng producLlon
processes whlch are effecLlve for Lhe producLs manufacLured by Lhem An upfronL
plannlng and sLudy of Lhe crlLlcal facLors of Lhe manufacLurlng processes wlll noL
only help Lhe small scale enLrepreneurs Lo undersLand Lhe sLeps Lhey need Lo Lake
ln selecLlng Lhe mosL approprlaLe manufacLurlng process buL also help Lhem
ldenLlfy areas of rlsk so LhaL necessary conLrol procedures are puL ln place 1hls
wlll evenLually help Lhe small enLrepreneur Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe wasLages and lncrease
Lhe producLlon producLlvlLy and proflLs
lnvenLory SLock of raw maLerlal Wl or flnlshed goods
Lead Llme 1lme lag beLween placlng an order or geLLlng dellverles
ersonnel 1eam of persons who work for organlzaLlon
1 ulscuss wlLh examples varlous manufacLurlng processes?
2 WhaL facLors affecL Lhe cholce of manufacLurlng process?
3 WrlLe shorL noLes on
a roducLlon plannlng
b 8elaLlonshlp beLween producLlon plannlng and conLrol
4 WhaL do you undersLand by producLlon plannlng and conLrol? ulscuss lLs
elemenLs ln brlef
3 SLaLe Lhe requlremenLs for an effecLlve sysLem of producLlon plannlng and
6 WhaL beneflLs can small scale enLerprlses can derlve by lnsLalllng an effecLlve
sysLem of producLlon plannlng and conLrol?
810 lu81PL8 8LAulnCS Anu SCu8CLS
1 Adam LvereLLe L !r and 8onald ! LberL (2003) roducLlon and
CperaLlons ManagemenL ConcepLs Models and 8ehavlour earson
LducaLlon new uelhl
2 8uffa LS Modern roducLlon ManagemenL new uelhl Wlly 1988
3 CharanLlmaLh oornlma (2003) 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL earson
LducaLlon new uelhl
4 uesal vasanL ur (2004) ManagemenL of Small Scale LnLerprlses new
uelhl Plmalaya ubllshlng Pouse
3 ullworLh !ames 8 (1989) roducLlon and CperaLlons ManagemenL 4Lh
ed McCrawPlll ubllshlng Company new ?ork
6 Lllon Samuel LlemenLs of roducLlon lannlng and ConLrol 8ombay
unlversal 8ook Co 1983
7 CalLher norman (1996) roducLlon and CperaLlons ManagemenL 4Lh ed
1he uryden ress oland
8 CupLa C8 Modern 8uslness CrganlzaLlon Mayur aper 8acks
9 Landy 1M roducLlon lannlng and ConLrol new ?ork McCraw Plll
10 Lundy !L LffecLlve lndusLrlal ManagemenL new uelhl Lurasla
ubllshlng Pouse 1986
11 Samuel Lllson (1994) LlemenLs of roducLlon lannlng and ConLrol
unlversal ubllshlng CorporaLlon 8ombay
12 1ane[a CupLa LnLrepreneur uevelopmenL new venLure CreaLlon 2nd ed
CalgoLla ubllshlng Company

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