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In summer of this year when did this photo remember this moment, she and I stayed sitting on a bench

talking, and Tatiana said laugh! We saw her and smile, and took this photo. As we are posing, this photo is very natural, beautiful and happy. Natural because didnt do any special for take this photo only smiling beautiful because transmits what we love or that see I, and happy because we smile is very big as didnt spontaneous we felt in this moment. Also is expressive because we see eyes that express illusion and joy probably because is summer but above all because stay together this smile didnt delete, is colorful because see different colors and tons. And as are a lot of adjective that describe, if I had describe this one, would realistic because we didnt imitate nobody and nothing, its that feeling in this moment and what we did do and stay so in this photo because as photo is only of the face, we stay caught for shoulders.

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